silentscream Search

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


People are so bloody rude !

I was caught in a massive traffic jam on the way to work today. The tailback started just before the Stevens Road exit on the Pan Island Expressway right up to the Bukit Timah Expressway. Apparently there was an accident just after Chantek Flyover (according to the radio traffic watch) but on the electronic signboard along the PIE, it said vehicle breakdown. I'm like, jeez .... I'm late for work, just get the f**king vehicle outta the way !!!

And to add to the bloody jam, other vehicles were cutting left, right and centre. I mean, for goodness sakes ... We are all caught in the bloody jam courtesy of some bloody rude drivers and these idiotic buggers are adding fuel to the fire !

Jeez ...

So I'd finally reached work at 8.15 am. 15 mins late. Not that I will get a reprimand from my boss (the traffic is out of my hands, dude ...), but still my punctuality record has been tarnished so early in the 4th term ! Yeah, so I waited for almost an hour hoping to subside my rage and yeah, it cooled down a notch.

Oh, btw, just so you know. I wasn't driving. But I do feel the frustration of the school bus driver. He's such a sweet guy. Even volunteered to call my office to explain (at least that was what I perceived when he spoke to me. I was listening to the radio on my receiver, so the message came sort of distorted.).

Monday, September 29, 2003

Since you took your love away

I am fresh out of ideas. Nothing to write. Nothing of imporatnce at least.


I have this in mind and will type it up.

a rat-tat-tat
a rat-tat-tat
a rat-tat-tat
a rat-tat-tat

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Nothing at all

OMG ....

You cannot believe the stupidity of human beings. Actually stupid is too nice a word to use on those dumb f**ks !!!

You go on and surfed to my colleague's page. And no, my grouch is not with her. More so for the characters being played out in her post. I can't believe these things happen in real life. The lengths people go through just to avoid detection. But, it's darn stupid. James Bond and the Bond girl, they are most definitely NOT.



Saturday, September 27, 2003

You're everything that matters to me

Today my mom stepped out of the house. Further than the East side. Yeah, she's been out before since her surgery. But those times were for the routine visits to the doctor's. Today, we went shopping. And when I say "we", it means Mom and I. Yeap. With me.

Actually I was planning to get speakers for my VCD player. I was actually thinking of getting one from the shops nearby but Mom said that I could get one easily and way cheaper at People's Park Complex. So I waited. At least until Mom is so much better to drag her with me. However, she decided that we should go today. So off we went to get my coveted speakers. I bought it, connected it to my player and realised that there was something missing. A kinda "ooommmppness". That turn out to be bassless. Yeap, no base and treble pitch so all the songs played fell flat.

Then my ingenuity (is that the correct word to use ?) took over and I decided to switch my PC speakers with the ones I bought. And yeah, I fixed my speakers alright. Sweet, sweet muzak .....

Friday, September 26, 2003

I think it's love

The first entry for today.

Alright I promise not to bombard peeps there with too much entries. I know much too difficult to read. So I will not be a pain in the ass and torture my good readers. Like the saying goes, "Too much of a good thing can be bad". Yeap. I'm shameless.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Learn to love again

Okay this is the complete opposite of the earlier link.

My bad and good karmic inflections are done for the day.

(HUH !?! What the f**k ?)

This heart will love again

I think the rain is not going to let up. It started at around 10 this morning. Almost non stop drizzle outside. I stared outside my window pane and I can see the grey skies, streams of water down the glass panel and an occasional "plops" on my window sill. Life is bliss. I wish I could be outside at this moment. Arms outstretched to my left and right, twirling in the drizzle. Hair plastered to my head and face upturned to the sky. Life is indeed bliss !

Stay with me

And here I thought my life bites.

Reading this blog made me realise that all is not a lost cause for me. At least I still have my faith in a positive life. If you have the time to spare, don't forget to visit the above link.

You'll be sorry

So apparently I'd shot my mouth yesterday. Well, if I had and what was posted yesterday wasn't true then, I apologise to the Management for bad mouthing them. But if it's otherwise, then I am entitled to my rant. Wait a minute ... I AM entitled to rant. This is my damn bloody blog page ! So I won't take back my words. And yeah, if they still wanna fire me, I don't bloody care anymore. I need money but who doesn't, right ? But I won't be a slave for it if it means I have to compromise my principles (Umm ... what are they anyway ?) ! So yeah ... That's it ... Umm ...

P/S : I was high on caffeine and hence a little incoherent but I do my work damn well, dammit !

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Too close to tears

Oh, just heard this during lunch.

All the teachers will get incentive in the form of monetary bonuses. New, old, part time, full time, all the teachers will get subject to pro-ration. I repeat ALL the TEACHERS will get it.

Crap, right ?

Reason for giving this incentive, to cushion the 3% cut of the CPF starting next month. What a load of BS ! As if NON TEACHERS do NOT receive CPF cuts. Work bites. My employer bites. I don't care who reads this anyway. Wanna fire me, go right ahead. I can't put up with this kind of BS anymore.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Centre of my heart

So here I am. Sitting in front of my workstation. Sipping coffee in my faithful Mac's styrofoam cup. I've just finished having breakfast. Feeling so darned sleepy. Listening to some woman warbling, "Just call me angel of the morning angel. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, darling...." on the radio. Just been reading the other peeps blog pages. Catching up with what's new/exciting/interesting/notorious things in a space of a day. So there.

Oh, met up with Sha and Fie. As usual I am always the first one to arrive. Not that I mind, cause I got to see the trailer of "My Boss's Daughter" and "The Italian Job" on the large screen in front of Shaw House. MBD was pretty funny but in the typical slapstick comedy, I will stay far, far away. TIJ is a must watch for me. Mark Wahlberg is like so delicious !

Passed the evening sitting in Starbucks after dinner. Earth shattering conversations. Like the hot factors of Jude Law and Rupert Everett (both equally hot, btw), fact that Aisha and Shikin got rejected from NIE (it's like so blardy funny, but I dare not laugh, for fear they might get a chance to say, "Backacha, L"), discussing my niece's name (come on, guys. It's not that cheesy once you get used to it) and that we can get really good bargains at Cash Converters. For a start, getting tennis racquets and roller blades for under 20 bucks. *winks*

So anyway, we left Starbucks after sitting for almost 2 hours with just 2 drinks to our table (Sha had the Caramel Frap. The one she was "raving" for, for quite sometime and Fie had the Hot Cocoa. I skipped drinks cause 1) I didn't want to stay up the whole night and 2) I was still so blardy full from dinner !). My observation, we were a bit reluctant to cut short the night but considering we had to get up for work in 8 hours, we had better move our asses to the nearest ride home.

We still plan to meet up soon. For one thing, we (Fie and I) need to get Sha's birthday present. And another thing, we wanted to play tennis together. It would all be in a good day's fun. Soon, very soon, I hope.

Oh Has, found out from Sha you have been reading my (crappy!) blog and I want to thank you for the support (!?!). Give a shout out if you have the time, wokay ?

Until later.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Lay all your love on me

So today after work I'm gonna be meeting Sha and Fie.

Gonna be giving Fie her gift.

I am still stuck on what to get Sha. I am so bloody unimaginative. Can't even give the present on time. Gosh.

My head is spinning now. It's been such a boring day today. I'd taken the remainder time off if only I wasn't meeting those 2. It's amazing that we are still in contact. My colleagues and other friends are amazed that we managed to keep in touch even after years and years of leaving secondary school. I have yet to tell them that I still keep in touch with a handful of my primary school mates !

Just called Mother at home. Checked up on her. Earlier she had to go to Changi General for her checkup. I just wanna know what her doctor had said. I was a bit worried yesterday when I changed her dressing. She had gotten her foot wet and the skin of her whole left foot started peeling off. Her skin was super dry whenever we bandaged up the wound. Yesterday was even more depressing because you would never know when a broken skin occur and infection sets in. So anyway, last night after cleaning and washing her wound, I did not bandage up the foot. Just to air and dry the area surrounding the wound.

This morning, when I checked her foot, all seemed well and I bandaged up the foot to prevent the cotton gauze from falling off and exposing her open wound. It's amazing to note the progress of growing flesh. At first, just after the amputation, the gaping hole was big enough to put in 5 fifty cents coins. Now the "pocket" can barely take in a one cent coin !

So yeah, Mother's healing pretty well. I can't wait to see how the flesh stopped growing and for the skin to grow and encompass the wound, thus closing it. Hmm ... Wonder how Mother would feel when all the bandages come off and for her to see her left foot. Gosh.

If it'd happened to me, I don't know if I can be as strong as Mother was/is.

C'est la vie.

Saturday, September 20, 2003


Rain has always caused me to sit down and cry. I don't know why my dam always burst like there is no tomorrow whenever the sky opens up. I like to see rivulets of water running down the windows. It's so calming and makes my throat swell. I had to fight down the tears about to brim in my eyes. I am not a crybaby but rain always makes me cry.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Never say never again

Today, 2 years ago, was my first day at St Francis Methodist School. I was the newbie on the block. Feeling around like a blind person. There wasn't any specific instructions given as to what I should or should not do. Aside from the solution preparation manual and the practical sheets of the upcoming experiments. The labs were totally new and there were plenty of things to be done. Putting away all the new glassware, wiping the tables, placing stools per bench, inserting the bunsen burners to the gas taps, arranging the chemicals into the cupboards and drawers and removing old labels from glass bottles. Believe me, you, that was the most interesting part of my stint here. Nobody came to disturb me. I was totally on my own from the minute I logged in to the time I left. Back then, I would come in at around 8 am and take off home by 4.30 pm. That was way back when I was smart. It lasted the whole of the 4th term. After which the school holidays came and I end my work day at 5 pm. And remained so until now. Unless I'd decided to take time off.

2 years here have flown by so fast. I remember some of the teachers who were pretty friendly and tried to make my day as sociable as it possibly could. Mrs Bhavani, yeah was just asking about her from Jayashree (Chem teacher). She's on sick leave (Bhavani) and would only be back next year. Also Eve, one of the nicest person here. NO, make that friendliest colleague. Stephanie, another person who tried to make the new person feel at ease. When I first saw her, I thought she was a Malay. And I was happy for a while, until I saw her chain. So that was that. Hey Steph, I've never thanked you for the heads up on you-know-who (currently the "princess" here.) ..... Oh, definitely not forgetting Neo Lin Chen (Mr Neo). The quiet, dependent officer I have to report to in the General Office. And Mr Thomas George aka Chow's 1st Boss. Mrs Montero aka my 1st boss too.

Gosh .....

Just the people I will miss if I do decide to quit my job. The current "in-group" members; Eileen, Chow, Mahesha, Heman, Nicki, Malek included.


I blame the weather.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

There you were

Gonna be meeting Shaheeda after work today. I am gonna pass her the 2 taped episodes of Alias. Later, we are gonna be getting Fie's and her birthday presents. I figured, why be a Scrooge when you have 2 great friends at your side. So, we are gonna go shopping. Hmm .....

Thing is I'm not too sure what to get her. Sha and I decided we should share. And we decided to get her a voucher from Borders. I know, I know, very special (sarcasm) and full of effort (more sarcasm). But what are we to do ?

Fie, I know you have been MIA (again !?!) for sometime, but please if you are reading this, anytime today (before 5 pm, that is), point us in the right direction, okay ? Just text me. Or Sha.

Okay ?

Monday, September 15, 2003

Wouldn't hurt so bad

Samuel is leaving for UCL tomorrow. Yeah well, some people's got money to spend on a UK education. I'm definitely gonna miss him. The irksome, calculative bugger. Although ..... He's been good to me ..... That is just him being himself. I bet he himself will not deny the fact he's all that and more.

Sheeesh .....

I'd come to terms that there won't be a Samuel around to bug me to consider taking a part time course in this institution or any other. No Samuel to go to the movies with. To drag me to Carrefour at Suntec (his favourite shopping mall !). Make me give him a treat whenever we go to a sushi restaurant.

Sheeesh .....

Helena, snap out of it. It's not as if he's not ever coming back or that we would totally lose contact. There is always MSN, the all powerful chatting tool. Well, this is sounding way too awkward. So ..... Samuel, I blame you !

Oh, just to let you know, I've applied to Hartford to do the part time degree course in Biomed. I'm not sure if this is the best option for me. However, if it doesn't turn out right, I'm blaming you. Yeap. My scapegoat.

So enjoy yourself there. And keep me updated on your exploits. Who knows when our paths will cross again. So with that, I end this post.

Night, Dear.

Make it easy on me

couldnt find the comment box

but aaliyah shakira? realli? yeh..sweet..very sweet..but..u noe..aaliyah ("if at first you don't succeed...get yourself up and try again..") and shakira ("underneath your cloootthhheesss")


Email from Roz received on Tue, 9 Sep 2003 00:04:28 +1200

Only in my dreams

Hey peeeeeepssss.....

Helena's back !!!!

Okay, speaking of myself in the third person is like... hmm... cuckoo ???

Decision making time.

I have decided to do a part time degree course. I know, I know, I'd said before I would either study full time or not at all but well, it's tough you see. The situations and circumstances thrust upon me is making me change my mind. Har, a weak person, indeed I am.

Got interrupted.

So anyway, I am determine not to be in this "place" for the next two years. Come Wednesday, I would have been with my present employer for 2 years. I came in here like this and so far there hasn't been much improvement change since I first started. No sense in being hard headed. So my next challenge has been planned. Execution is deemed necessary.

And I am feeling nauseated.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

To be your hero(ine)

Been playing with Iyah this morning. Everytime she hears my voice, she would flutter her eyelids, trying to prise her eyes open.


Just to tell me to shut the effing up and let her sleep in peace.

My elder niece, well, she has been bugging me non stop since the minute she woke up. Now, she just asked for a piece of bread. Gave one earlier but she didn't finished it. Now she asked for another one. She even chose the type of bread and spread ! I bathed with her just so now she is all clean smelling. Before long, there will be chocolate streaks on her cheeks. Gonna go do a bit of grocery shopping and bringing dear Nazeera along.

I can handle it.

I am sure I can handle it.

No I can't.

Monday, September 08, 2003

Just like the first time

Had finally decided on a new name for baby number 2.

It's Aaliyah Shakira.

Sweet name for a sweet babe !

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Human touch

My sister has finally given birth !!!!

I'm an aunt the 2nd time round !!!!

Baby's a girl !!!!

Yaaaaay !!!!

I can't stop the exclamation marks !!!!!
