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Friday, May 30, 2003

This, I believe would be the perfect song for Trinity and Neo

~Laura Pausini SURRENDER~

I can't pretend anymore
That I am not affected, I'm not moved
I can't lie to myself that I'm not always thinking of you
You make me strong
You show me I'm not weak to fall in love
When I thought I'd never need now I can't get enough

I always made it on my own
I always thought that I would keep control
You changed everything I believe in
And now I just can't fight this feeling baby

I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without your tender arms around me
I raise my hands and I surrender
I don't wanna resist 'cause your touch and your kiss
Have shattered my defenses
I surrender

I have to admit that I
Never thought I'd need someone this way
cause You opened my eyes so that I I can see so much more

I always made it on my own
I always thought that I would keep control
You changed everything I believe in
And now I just can't fight this feeling baby

Repeat Chorus

I surrender to this feeling in my heart
I surrender to the safety of your arms
To the touch of your lips
To the taste of your kisses

I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without your tender arms around me

I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without you..........

I surrender
I raise my hands and I surrender
'Cause your love is too strong and I can't go on
Without your tender arms around me

I surrender
I can't pretend anymore
I can't lie to myself that I'm not always thinking of you

Visit Laura Pausini's website or click this link to see the video clip of this song.
~Beverley Craven Promise Me~

You light up another cigarette
and I pour the wine
It's four o'clock in the morning
and it's starting to get light
now I'm right where I want to be
losing track of time
but I wish that it was still last night
You look like you're in another world
but I can read your mind
how can you be so far away
lying by my side
when I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cos I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon

When I go away I'll miss you
and I will be thinking of you
every night and day just ...

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cos I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon

Promise me you'll wait for me
'cos I'll be saving all my love for you
and I will be home soon
Promise me you'll wait for me
I need to know you feel the same way too
and I'll be home, I'll be home soon

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Comments like this gets my panties in knots.

It's high time something like this is done. Stray cats are a nuisance to the public. The issue should have been brought up a long time ago, I'm not an animal hater. But human lives take priority. - Mr Loh Jin Wei, 33, architect

Yeah, right Mr Loh, you're not an animal hater BUT a cat hater.

Whereas this addresses the situation correctly.

Cats are not a problem. If you kill them, then there will just be more rats around, and rats can spread the plague, you know. Cats are clean creatures, you are more likely to get SARS from humans who spit everywhere. - Ms Wilna Chu, 54, housewife

You tell 'em Ms Chu...!

Comments taken from The New Paper, print edition

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

My feet are like, so dead....!!!!

I am still at work. Last practical of the day. The City Harvest students are having their Mid-Year Practical exams. As such, today and Friday I will have go off late. What to do, that is the story of my life. Although, I do get to go off earlier to compensate for these 2 days that I stay in late. Normally, Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't have such a heavy practical schedule, hence I can go off early.

Was actually planning to meet up with Sam later after work but it's like wayyyyyyy.....too late. I am so tempted to go watch a movie when I go off early tomorrow. What shall that movie be ???

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Dear Helena...

YOU PLAYED US OUT!... Poor Daniel... but anyway. did the Matrix Persona thingy... and guess who I am??? Morpheus....... the deluded creature.

Anyway... should be arranging for another outing soon... make sure you make it by Hook or by Crook, by Neo or by Trinity

BTW, it was a great movie.... very philosophical.

An email from someone I'd bailed out last Saturday.

Monday, May 26, 2003


I am still hooked on the theories and plots of The Matrix and its sequel. I know it must have sounded too boring and tiring, but I promise it will come to an end. Soon. How soon ? I'm not too sure. Probably I just need to get the initial stages of awe out of my head. Maybe, The Matrix is messing with my head. But for whatever it is, I will come up with something new to write on.

Friday, May 23, 2003

Nice... ? Came across this while searching for something on Amazon.
I must admit this is definitely one of those quizzes with conflicting answers. The choices for each question were such that I am almost always partial to. I don't know which one to choose. I guess the results were my 'best fit' answers.

So there.

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am still nuts over the movie I saw 3 nights ago. So I have been trawling the cyberspace to get my fix. Imagine my surprise to find a gem from the blogger main page. The Matrix Essays is chockful of thoughts on the current and previous movies. Really cool for someone (me !) who has that intense need to fill the missing pieces. It's also a discussion board where people get to expound their thoughts on the movies. What instances were picked up. Characters to be discussed. The plot and what's to come in the third installation of the movie.

My only gripe is that there weren't many who picked up Trinity and Neo saga. Oh, there was also a mention that The Matrix was a love story. The writer also picked up further instances in The Matrix to support this claim. This article also helps to emphasise the fact. If you have the time to spare, go through the movies again and come to your own conclusion. As I've said before, The Matrix series is not a purely sci-fi, action film. It's more than just that.

After reading the theories expounded by the writers of the Matrix Essays and the Matrix Theories, I want to go watch TMReloaded another time. Does anyone else wants to come along ? Also to watch The Matrix another time. You know pick up the oft mentioned bits to understand the whole pix better. Luckily Ch 5 is playing TM this coming Sunday. I'll be sure to tape it to run over certains parts again and again.

Oh, btw, does any one here knows whether the love scene near the earth's core is making its rounds here ? If you do, you know who to notify....

Wednesday, May 21, 2003


I am so gonna tribute today's entry on the movie I watched last night.


It was so f***ing unbelievable. I was blown away when I watched The Matrix. But after watching The Matrix Reloaded.......

Oh, wow...!

I love this movie so damn much !!!!
I even overlooked the instances when there were way too much talking. During any of the talking scenes, I was like...blah...blah...fight now....blah...blah...
The action sequences..... OMG............ They were so f***ing amazing....! I guess the talking scenes were to let the audience appreciate the action scenes. Dirty trick but it worked.

And it's true. This movie focussed more on the romance between Neo and Trinity. There were times when you think they just can't get enough of each other. And yes, the love scene.... I think it was beautifully done except for the fact there were way too many snippets to it. Unfair but in order to allow a PG rating, certain scenes have to go under the scissors. Personally, I'd prefer if they had stuck the NC-16 rating.
You know, there were times when I thought the reason Trin and Neo have sex a lot more (not as much as other films but when you compare to the first one where everything was chaste and there weren't more than one lingering look, this installment sees them as sex machines, who can't get enough of each other) in this movie is because they are trying to get pregnant. Can you imagine the genes that will be passed on to their kid ???

Anyway, maybe that wasn't the clear cut intention of the directors. Maybe it's just to release pent up sexual energy that had been supressed for years when they were hooked up on The Matrix. And also to ease the tension in between going in and out of the virtual world. Still I get that sneaky feeling that they are trying to populate the world (at least Zion). There are some scenes which will appeal to those romantic at heart (aside from the kissing and the love scenes). There is the ultimate sacrifice for the man you love. And then there is the agony of losing someone you love. It all plays out nicely. So this movie is definitely not a purely sci-fi, action movie. It has the elements of other genres.

The bit on flying Neo was awesome. More so towards the end when it became a do or die mission for him. And they throw up a few surprising nuggets on how the whole series would end. As everyone know, The Matrix story is a complicated affair. What with the 3 movies plot and The Animatrix plus Enter The Matrix. Full picture of the convoluted storyline will only be comprehended once you've seen or played the rest of the franchise. I am two fifths down. And anticipating the rest to understand the world of The Matrix.

After the teasing trailer of The Matrix Revolutions, I am starting a saving fund. The fund towards getting the XBox gaming machine, Enter The Matrix game, the DVDs for The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolutions and The Animatrix. Then I would really need to take the red pill.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I am watching The Matrix Reloaded today....

I am watching The Matrix Reloaded today, after work....

*squealing* I am watching The Matrix Reloaded TODAY......!!!!!

I saw the trailers on TV. I love the trailers I saw. I read the movie reviews online and on print. Love all the good comments of the movie. Hate all the reviewers who said anything negative about the movie.

I drool... Waiting for the day to watch The Matrix Reloaded.....

Man, I can't wait for 15 30 hrs to roll in.....

Then I leave work and be gone on my way to get the so coveted tix to.....

Courtesy of The Matrix Reloaded official website.


Monday, May 19, 2003

Hey, just realised something. I guess I never saw the irony of this (don't know if I'm using the context correctly, though..).

I could change my blog's name to.......... *drum rolls*


No one would be the wiser.

Goes to show what *non*sense you can pull up when you are bored.
Just to show the www that I am not a mindless, bimbo-ish airhead (, that's the way to debunk this theory. That I am indeed a mindless, bimbo-ish airhead), I have linked 2 articles from the New York Times online.

Read this and this. Oh, yeah, you need to sign up with the paper first before you get to view the articles.

Although after clicking to the above links, I believe people are still unconvinced that I am anything but (yeah, will say it one more time...) a mindless, bimbo-ish airhead.


Goes to show you can't please everybody.

Saturday, May 17, 2003

More news to report.

Met Samuel and Wah Ying on MSN this afternoon. Told them about the existence of this weblog. Samuel commented loads about the mediocrity of this particular page. Typical comments from someone who created his own webbie from scratch (HTML coding & stuff like that). Let it be known to all, I am but an amateur. Never claimed to be otherwise. I can only show my mettle in this type of ready made sites. Sorta like cooking instant noodles. You have to gauge how much water to add in so that your soup does become too tasteless.

I know, there were some entries in here earlier which were not meant for these readers. But at that point in time, I was feeling just that. Had no choice but to vocalize it. So if that is the case, why tell them, right ? I mean, you are definitely gonna induce some kinda resentment, right ? Well, I just gave them te URL, it's up to them to read my blog in all its entirety. No collateral damage to me if they don't.

Comments ?
News to report.

Obviously people are not clamouring for my company. What an eye opener. I thought I was popular. Not as popular as I would like myself to be. There were no takers to my offer of companionship. Sad... But I'll bounce back.... *roll* *roll* Oooppss.... ! Wrong sound effects..... *boing* *boing*

Anyway, life goes on. I'm online at the mo, so gonna play me some online games until people come in to chat.

Oh, my mother dated me but she cancelled at the last min. Errmm... Maybe cause I leave work at 15 45hrs ??? Oh, also to Ping from MSN. Told you I would meet you online tonight (which is like, now...). Still waiting. If you'd gone in earlier and I wasn't in, it was cause I was watching The Matrix.

That's all folks..... !!!
You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am not a type of music
You're nothing, really. But you're nice.

What type of music are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your ideal mate is Cyclops. He's handsome, has
nice hair, and has a cute smile. But he is
also a tad bit annoying, overprotective, and
jumps to conclusions ("We were just
talking!!"). Though his shortcomings may
be a bit much, don't let that throw you off.
He knows how a lady is to be treated and is one
you can grow old with.

Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Beast!

You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, May 16, 2003

The opening day of The Matrix Reloaded.....

I am free and available tomorrow... Does anybody want to date me ??? To the movie ??? Virtually ??? Just name me the time and place. Drop me a comment or just email me...
Please be quick because I will have to finalise my plans before 14 00 hrs tomorrow. I sound desperate because I am. Don't worry about paying for my tix and meals, all taken care of. If you want to meet me virtually, I will be logged on to MSN and ICQ. Just add my email addie or my ICQ number. If we plan to chat or meet online, I am available until the following day (Sunday). If you want to meet in Yahoo or MSN chat, tell me the room or the time or your nick. Will be in, I promise. For those using IRC, sorry, won't chat there because my PC is prone to interferences if I logged on to IRC chat. Otherwise, I am game for anything. Just remember to drop me a line before 14 00 hrs. As soon as I have finalise my date(s), I will write in the blog to break some hearts.


Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Fun is when you get to mess with people's mind.
When they doubt their decisions.
When they second guess their actions.
You get to stand in a corner.
Watching them struggle with their inner demons.
That is fun.
Then you decide to distance yourself.
Make sure that they mean little to you.
Their opinions.
Basically, their physical being.
You speak with a condescending tone.
Giving one word answers or sometimes none at all.
The cold war has begun.
That is fun.

What is NOT fun is when you reap what you sow.
What goes around, comes around.
I did a number of quizzes on Quizilla this morning. I lumped everything together and tried to publish, error message came up. So what the heck. No quizzes results for now.

Monday, May 12, 2003


Oh God, I can barely keep my eyes open right now. I think if I just put my head on the table I would be so gone into dreamland. I only had about 4 hours plus, plus of sleeping time. Not nearly enough. Anyway, no one's to be blame, just myself. Gosh...I can't make my fingers and mind co-ordinate. *yawns*

3 more days to the opening day of The Matrix Reloaded.

Sunday, May 11, 2003


Mak, I love you so much...

Guess you won't be able to see this but hopefully someday you might be able to understand why sometimes I do the things I did. Love ya loads, and loads....

Saturday, May 10, 2003

I am going off in 15 mins so this will have to be a quick entry.

Another work day for me, remember last week's incessant ramblings ? I am NOT gonna do the same thing now.
So what to write, then?

Oh, I know...Right after work, I'm heading down town. Collecting free The Matrix Reloaded tix. There was this contest on Class 95. An online contest. What you need to do is crack the code and you will be able to find out how to get your free tix. It's pretty simple, so I'm positively sure a lot of people will turn up. So I'm just crossing my fingers I will not be too late to get them.

Oh, Eve just asked if I'd wanted to watch Anger Management with Mahesha and her now. I won't be able to since class is still ongoing in the Bio Lab. *sighs* She laughed when I told her of my plans to collect the tix. Does it sound silly ??? Anyways, shan't let that bother me. If I do get to see the movie (if I can get hold of the tix) before everybody else her, then I can return the sentiment. Toodles.

Friday, May 09, 2003

Fie is so funny. Last night she texted me to say she did it again. I read her message only this morning (went to bed at 20 00hrs last night. Missed the American Idol episode where Josh got booted out. Shame, could have been the highlight of the day..) and replied by asking her what she did. She said she forgot my birthday (sorry to keep harping on this fact but today's entry is based on the Fie's funniness (not funny weird but funny har-har), read the first line....Fie is so funny.). I told her it's alright. She insisted that she wants to get me something, perhaps treat me to a movie this Sunday. I informed her I can't cause I will be celebrating Mother's Day at home (ordered cake from Coffee Bean yesterday. My first online purchase...*yay*). She said she forgot all about it...So we decided to meet next weekend. Hehe...and to think 3 days ago I was whining about not seeing her again. Hehe...Sometimes, I think I might be psychic !

Now moving along to something depressing....*grins*

Naah....Won't subject you to the mundaness of my existence.

So will definitely write back if something more interesting crops up here on this side of my world !


Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Okay I wasn't fair yesterday. The people on the honour roll yesterday were my secondary school mates. They still are my mates. There is another bunch of people whom I didn't mention but miss, oh so dearly. They are Jerian, Isabelle, Hidayah, Pei Yun and yes, Wah Ying. These people are mates from poly. I spent three good years there. My social life was supposedly great but as you can see the this group ain't too big. Alright, I don't know what makes me reminisce those times. Like I mentioned in the previous entry, sometimes when I feel blue, everything just cocks up and my conscience nearly kill me. So to these people, if you happened to find my blog page, I miss y'all.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Can I just, like not write today ?
I really am stumped.

I miss Fie and Sha. I missed hanging out with them. Just discussing tv plots and characters and new movies to watch. Making plans to have another get together. Going to places we can't agree on for dinner. It was nice just being out in the company of these people. These days I feel like there isn't much time left for me. I get the feeling that I have to make amends and spend the coming times with joy. You know just enjoy the sights, as I am passing through to another destination. It's weird because sometimes when I sit quietly, I can feel a great sadness coming over me. I just want to bawl out and cocoon myself in the corner of my room. I know I don't have much time to say my thank yous and goodbyes. And that makes me really sad. People whom I've acquainted myself with. People who knows my good and bad sides. People who truly enjoyed my company.

Love makes the world a better place. Are abandoned babies feeling better ?

Monday, May 05, 2003

So many days I've kept still,
Waiting for the hours to come.
Day after day the count winds down,
Until the day arrived.
Hour by hour then the countdown begins,
When the final hour came,
You sit expectantly.
Faces aglow with the neon lights.
In awe with the spectacle for show.
When the clock strikes half past nine,
You sit back and analyze.
All the waiting was in vain,
Nothing will ever be the same.
They have shattered your hopes,
Dreams and expectations.
They have butchered your favourite forever.
And you will never view the same again,
The X-Men Series!

My thoughts on the movie series based on the famous cartoon and comic series of The X-Men. I saw the second installation. Yes, there were definitely more fighting sequences. And yes, Wolverine is still the featured character. To the extent the rest gets the backseat. So very disappointing. Although Logan's muscles are bigger and firmer in the second one.

Saturday, May 03, 2003

As you can see I am writing on a Saturday. Which means I am at work. Which means I am now officially working every Saturday this month instead of every other Saturday. Which means I am sadly underpaid and slogging way too many hours. Which means that if I had "conveniently" forgotten your birthday, I have no moolah to splurge on the people I love. Which means I am in deep shit as I "forgot" Mother's birthday is tomorrow. Which means I have to make up to her somehow. Which means I have to blow my dates with you guys on short notice (sorry!). Which means this entry has finally come to an end.

P/S: Jer is no longer blogging and she wanted to say goodbye to the blogging world. We will miss you, gurl!