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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Post Lunar New Year

Hullo life. Or non life. Or virtual life. Yeah, virtual life is just about right.


Hullo, virtual life. Getting through to making something worth reading is really tough. To be bitten by the writing bug is like making me crack my pretty little head. So take heed and take care, sweetness.

It's my tenth month anni with the Dear one today. I have been spending the two days of the public holidays with him. Kinda like an old married couple. Bliss on most occasions with a little "disagreements" added in. It's a long and hard journey we've been through. Me with my temper tantrums tendencies. Him with his "disapproving" family. Honestly though, we've been good for each other.

Yes, I do nag him. Yes, he did "force" me to not skip meals. True, that we both behave like babies sometimes and no arguments there when we agree on most subjects. We are good for each other.

So there.

When my virtual life goes out of action, my real life takes precedence. I don't begrudge the loss. Rather, I'll celebrate the new found freedom of life.

Take care and take heed, fellas. For life is transient and fortune does not usually fall on your lap even with the extra effort put in. Love and live and then we will die later.

Cheers, 'mate ...

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