silentscream Search

Thursday, January 22, 2009


We went to watch this movie on Dear's SFS membership card thingy. The idea of the movie was lovely. Action, adventure, romance, song and a dance. Afterall, Mr Baz Luhrmann directed the film and as you remember Moulin Rouge and Strictly Ballroom, singing and dancing will always be incorporated in his films.

Liked it ? Loved it ? A mix feeling at the end of the film. Feel good movies do that to me. A cast of mainly unknowns in our film context plus a wicked accent and naked hot bod of Hugh Jackman kinda gave a little rah-rah at times. And the ever so ethereal and regal Nicole Kidman was a delight to watch. Added that va-voom to the already beautiful scenery.

The coming of age story of a half breed aborignal boy at a time when racism was at its highest plucked a chord in my heart strings. If we do get married and have kids, our kids will be half breeds. Will they still face the same biasness and inequality as those kids from more than half a century ago ? Or will this worry be a moot point because who knows if the Dear one and I will be together before this year ends ?

Hahaha. Morbid. Dear, please don't be sad or angry or even cheesed off. I am just thinking and wondering. Someone's gotta to put a dirty sock in the laundry, yes ? Well. Talking about laundry, tonight could be laundry night !

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