silentscream Search

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greetings and Salutations

My dear, kind readers,

I must regret to inform you that updates on Silentscream will be done sporadically. The owner of the blog page is undergoing some major insufficient time in a day. I will probably be able to provide more updates on this page if given an additional 6 hours in a day. Perhaps, the best option if for me to be on Mars where the days are longer with double the Earth years.

I am hoping for your kind understanding and patience while I work through so many things for clearance and exit. Let me then say thank you for your time and comments throughout the years the blog is in existence. It's a pity that I lost so many comments because I was using an external comment page before blogger came up with this current comment links. I appreciate all the words of encouragement, jokes and "dates" posted before.

If I should not live to see tomorrow, remember that you are loved today.

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