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Friday, January 30, 2009

That's not right ...

Give me a chance to rant. Give me another opportunity to say things I don't agree with. Then prove to me that what I said is not of importance. I will bow my head in your greatness. I will shit my pants to make sure you are comfortable. I will do anything in my power to preserve the sanctity of your precious good opinions.

I want out.

After the meet up with my old poly mates I realised that my life don't mean shit to anyone else's. True, I have the love of a good and kind man. Is that enough when compared to another person who has the love of a good and kind family with plenty of career opportunities as bragging rights !

So now. I really want an out from my dead end job. It's a thankless and fruitless labour. Maybe I am just a case of misplaced loyalty. *sighs*

Dear God, grant me the strength to see through these trying times. I am forever in your debt for the life I've been given. Thank you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shut it ... Shut it, NOW !

It's been a long and tiring day for me today. I had to do a little running around to get some cat biccies. It was all my fault because I should have done the running around a few days ago. But nooooo ... What did I do ? Just vegetate at home, rotting my mind and my teeth.

Hahahah ...

Anyways I have to do a fair bit of running around in the next week, both to ICA and the medical clinic because I "have" to cover for a colleague who's on leave for two freaking weeks. It's not enough that I have to do the application of Student's Passes online, monitor the validity of the Visit Passes, updating of the personal data of the students on the school database system (covering for the imbeciles who didn't complete their simple tasks), updating the class records, on top of the routine re-printing of timetable and assisting all those who appear at the counter, I also have to do the running around for medical appointments for the newly approved Student's Passes for the kids and the completion of formalities which requires me to "pop by" ICA. Which is an understatement because no one "pops by" ICA. They go there and waste hours and hours of their precious time ! Freak !

I have to use my own money to cover mine and the kids transport to and fro school. I have to use my own funds to pay for the cost of the Student's Pass. Freak and double freak !!!

Okay, I am seriously feeling the unjustness of the division of work in the office. Good thing my knight in shining armour had volunteered to help me. Thanks, Dearie ! *muacks*

If say that I need to go on a few days leave, I will be subjected to the Spanish Inquisition from "my Boss". But not for this colleague. It's like claims for Time Off and Annual Leave for some "colleagues" are given by the "Boss" without batting his eyelids. The freak, right ?

So anyways, just heard from the "Boss" that there will be a wage freeze until further notice. It could last until July or even to the end of the year. Ah, freak ! And they called me the slacker. Freak, double and triple freak, yes ?


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Six Feet Under

Well, that would be me. Needing to claw the earth to breathe. Spitting out the cotton wool placed in my mouth when the last rites were performed. Having to untie the knots at the top of my head and at the places that kept my limbs in place. Finally climbing out of the grave covered in nothing but clay, earth and a white shroud gone brown.

That would be me once my Ma is done with me.

Guilt, sadness, fear, deep seated everything is inherent in my being. I am NOT a good person. Not as good as everyone wants me to be. Ah.

Manic depressive, thy name is Hel.

Unearthed another tv programme. A few seasons and Emmys too late. Loved the pilot. Enjoyed the second episode. Missed the third. Ah wells.

Such is life, no ?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Post Lunar New Year

Hullo life. Or non life. Or virtual life. Yeah, virtual life is just about right.


Hullo, virtual life. Getting through to making something worth reading is really tough. To be bitten by the writing bug is like making me crack my pretty little head. So take heed and take care, sweetness.

It's my tenth month anni with the Dear one today. I have been spending the two days of the public holidays with him. Kinda like an old married couple. Bliss on most occasions with a little "disagreements" added in. It's a long and hard journey we've been through. Me with my temper tantrums tendencies. Him with his "disapproving" family. Honestly though, we've been good for each other.

Yes, I do nag him. Yes, he did "force" me to not skip meals. True, that we both behave like babies sometimes and no arguments there when we agree on most subjects. We are good for each other.

So there.

When my virtual life goes out of action, my real life takes precedence. I don't begrudge the loss. Rather, I'll celebrate the new found freedom of life.

Take care and take heed, fellas. For life is transient and fortune does not usually fall on your lap even with the extra effort put in. Love and live and then we will die later.

Cheers, 'mate ...

Thursday, January 22, 2009


We went to watch this movie on Dear's SFS membership card thingy. The idea of the movie was lovely. Action, adventure, romance, song and a dance. Afterall, Mr Baz Luhrmann directed the film and as you remember Moulin Rouge and Strictly Ballroom, singing and dancing will always be incorporated in his films.

Liked it ? Loved it ? A mix feeling at the end of the film. Feel good movies do that to me. A cast of mainly unknowns in our film context plus a wicked accent and naked hot bod of Hugh Jackman kinda gave a little rah-rah at times. And the ever so ethereal and regal Nicole Kidman was a delight to watch. Added that va-voom to the already beautiful scenery.

The coming of age story of a half breed aborignal boy at a time when racism was at its highest plucked a chord in my heart strings. If we do get married and have kids, our kids will be half breeds. Will they still face the same biasness and inequality as those kids from more than half a century ago ? Or will this worry be a moot point because who knows if the Dear one and I will be together before this year ends ?

Hahaha. Morbid. Dear, please don't be sad or angry or even cheesed off. I am just thinking and wondering. Someone's gotta to put a dirty sock in the laundry, yes ? Well. Talking about laundry, tonight could be laundry night !

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Greetings and Salutations

My dear, kind readers,

I must regret to inform you that updates on Silentscream will be done sporadically. The owner of the blog page is undergoing some major insufficient time in a day. I will probably be able to provide more updates on this page if given an additional 6 hours in a day. Perhaps, the best option if for me to be on Mars where the days are longer with double the Earth years.

I am hoping for your kind understanding and patience while I work through so many things for clearance and exit. Let me then say thank you for your time and comments throughout the years the blog is in existence. It's a pity that I lost so many comments because I was using an external comment page before blogger came up with this current comment links. I appreciate all the words of encouragement, jokes and "dates" posted before.

If I should not live to see tomorrow, remember that you are loved today.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Pocket Adventures

"The road to wealth is either a daring adventure or nothing."

Adventure or nothing, eh ?

How about a pocketful of adventures ?


Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year 2009

The year past was 2008.
The year future will be 2010.
The year present is 2009.

Good year, better luck, tough choices, still.
