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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not another backlash

I am still trying to get used to viewing my page with this baby. Feedback, please.


I was just reading Sam's Zorpia page. Plans change, people change. At the very least, your outlook of life change as the years pass. One thing certain is the feelings you harbour. Sam's being his usual ranting self of extolling his strong feelings of dislike for his country of birth.


How many of us residing here are that vocal ? It's those silent, unheard voices that shows the staunchest support. Support for the apathetic way of life. We have no say whatsoever, just get on with our daily grind.

There are numerous weblogs out there, ridiculing the way Singapore is run. Everyone with their own conspiracy theories.

Then there are the ones who supports our idea of democracy. They are the ones who believe in the well-run public transport (even though the prices keep going up, and never down), health care services, the availability of work (and I still don't understand why expatriates are those who hailed from Western countries, whereas foreign workers are usually labels for Asians) and the good mix of Western (mainly American) idealogies firmly attached to our Eastern roots (like we have any say in it).

One thing is for certain. This country in its setting works. Maybe Sam will have a say in this post of mine. Who am I to compare the "greatness" of this city when well, the furthest I'd been is just across the causeway. Travelling the world opens up your perspective of the way of life of the other six point something billion people on earth. It's supposed to be an enriching experience, not for criticisms. Some may say I may not have known better, having never left Singapore for extended period of stay to wherever (like the proverbial frog stuck at the bottom of a well).

Yes, I agree. Limited in travel experience does not equate limited in knowledge. I for one do not want to go out to the big unknown just to tell myself, Sinagpore sucks. It's like cutting my nose to spite my face. Am I happy here ? Some days. Will I be better off in someplace else ? I don't know. Will I take the chance to find out ? Perhaps someday. Until then, let's just say I have roots here and other people (and cats) depending on me. For the time being, I am content.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Oh, yer of little fun !

I am sure feeling frisky tonight. He's still out of town and will only be back the week of National Day. He's always good fun to get those pesky hormones in check. Ah, how I miss him so.

And so here I am banging away on my keyboards. Bored to death. Nothing worth watching on the gogglebox. Too brain dead to read anything. I am just staring at the small, small monitor of my old PC.

Yeap, it's still going strong. Unbelievable what a little sprucing up of the innards can do to an almost 7 year old comp.

The plan was to go back to the office today. But then when you are not supposed to be on duty, the very chance of you (me) turning up is well, unlikely. To be honest, I'd rather spent my off weekends lolling about and having a bit of naff with him. I did the lolling bit. But he's not online now. Oh wells. I guess I'd probably see him online later.

Right then. I am done banging the keys. Crappy rendition of "Memories" on the radio. I can't believe how daft the station manager is. Playing other versions of the old classics. It almost made me want to switch over to the next station. And I just might if the station decides to change any of the lineup of deejays.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Don't sleep in the subway, darling

I am so sleepy !

I can't believe that when I left the office early yesterday it was just for a cozy night with the double bed. My intentions were pure. I wanted to actually attempt to try to complete my outstanding editing job. Sad to say, the call of the wide mattress and cool breeze won.

I spent 3 hours blitzing through an old book by Jill Mansell. Old as in, it was published in 1998. If I didn't have to wake up and work today, I'd stayed up until I'd finished the entire book.

I just cannot resist it. It's a futile effort. It's almost like trying to hold your breath in. No matter how much you can hold it in, you eventually have to exhale and then inhale.

Scary thought, eh ?


Monday, July 24, 2006

Bellyful of D-U-R-I-A-N-S !

My sisters came over today. My eldest with her brood of four and the youngest by her lonesome self. And yes, both are married. However, try as you might, you won't ever be able to catch the "guys" of the family together too often. Well, with the exception of my nephew, the only other male presence are the cats.

I guess, it's true then. A family of girls will always be comfy with an all girls situation. And the males ? They banished themselves to the outer reaches of the family unit. Case in point, my dad.

I guess if I want to make a change, I have to start with me. So, does that mean my guy must never, ever be a no-show ?


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Purging - I need you

I was inspired.

Yesterday, at the lunch @ R's I realised, not everyone lives as slovenly as I do. Appearances are deceiving. Preconceived notions are not always advantageous.

And so I got to work.

Rearranging, vaccuming, washing and dusting of my room. There now, doesn't that look lovely ?

But then again, wanna bet how long this state of cleanliness will last ?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

And ooh when we kiss, we could not stop

Tons of work to be completed. I know, I know I've been harping about my unfinished work every single post. I can't help it, though. I have to bring work home and that's where the fun ends. I wish I could be more magnanimous and share my workload. Not as fun as it may sound.

No one in the office wants my load. I sometimes think I should unload. Sadly, there are no takers. Fortunately (or rather, unfortunately) my social life has gone down the drain. Zilch. Zip. Zero. Nada. Nil. None.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ole devil called work !

I am the last one to leave the office today. Telling myself that I can continue tomorrow is pointless.

It's true that work will never finish, and that I need to prioritise the important and the urgent stuff. But then, every single piece that lands on my table are of the utmost importance and urgency. Tell me then what's a girl to do ?

Overtime like mad lah !

Okay, I am prioritising now, I need to pack up and leave. Well. Take care all. Talk soon.

Monday, July 17, 2006

And then they called me a B*tch

Many times I’ve stated that self-pity just does not become me. I am one woman who doesn’t do pity nor regrets. Most of the times, this statement fail me. I am too emotional by far.

Noxious and toxic thoughts bombard me once a day. Then I am crippled. I need time out. Time to sit quietly and try to suppress my demons. The ones who are always telling me the pitfalls of my life. Hah. I then have to sneak out like an evil-doer and sequester myself away from the rest. For I know hurt them I shall through my thoughtless words and careless ways.

Self-pity and/or regrets be damned. I seemed to be excellent in making foes than friends. But then again, what are friends anyway ?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hubby is away

Wifey wants to play.

Spam. What can you say, they're everywhere. They are worse than TV Mobile. Eeks !

I wish as much I could play. De-stress these weary bones. He's gone for another trip out. Wonders never cease. He deign it fit to update me. Hah. Well, I'm glad he did. Otherwise, if I do call and he's MIA, I might just blast. But then again, what right do I have ? We are no more. :(

For the record, I did NOT open that email. I am not as dumbass as I may sometimes sound.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Junk the Dunk

I was mad today. I can feel my anger rising, about to blow at an unsuspecting fella. Factors contributing to this are numerous to mention. I hope never to have this feeling, at least at this high a level today.

As I was mentioning to R earlier, I've been putting out a number of little fires today. What with the SAT claims screw-up and the delay in obtaining approval letters, I was so overwhelmed that I felt like taking off and have a good venting out session.

I honestly do not seek to be irritated each work day but somehow, I didn't breathe in fast enough to clear out the negativity. So thank you guys for staying away from me. I don't mean to be a bitch but somedays I feel like one.

I will remember: Tomorrow will be a better day. :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Make me sad, not mad

Oh boy.

I am shaking in my cute pair of Power shoes.

Well, I did try to be less antagonistic. I am still trying.

Pardon me for my language skills. At the very least, I am not physically violent.

So there.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Zizou ... What were you thinking ?

And so we all know which blue emerged the world champions of football (soccer to all you Americans !). Hey, can't say I am surprised. From the minute Brazil was discarded by the Le Bleus, I know the Azzuris stand an incredible chance of becoming the winner.

Well, such is the world of football.

Losers and winners. Sinners and saints.

So. I need to crash. Barely could keep the eyes wide open. Loads of stuff to clear at work. Once a upon a time I was sitting quietly in the labs. Now, I have to make some major decisions. Like, when can we have the ISO 9001:2000 renewal audit.

Attended a really, hmmm ... How should I put it nicely ? Boring, time wasting, nonsensical meeting today. Maybe it was just me. Maybe it was the hormonal period again. But all the speakers were just pompous asses trying to state that they do the most important work. Half the time I was wishing I was clearing my work then to be stuck there. Two bloddy hours burnt just like that.

Ah wells. I hope we can achieve what we planned in the meeting. Hahah. I guess I hoped that it was not a complete waste of time and resources ... Okay.

I'd better end now before I get a letter from my company's lawyers. Have a safe evening y'all.

Oh. It's more like Hel, what were you thinking ?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This mumbo-jumbo sayings

I went a little crazy today and read like mad. Like there is no tomorrow. Oh wells, a least before tomorrow which will be the due dates for a couple of books. I so did not want to have to pay the fines for late returns.

Although I must admit that it was kind of fun blitzing through the books. From Sandra Brown's Chill Factor to Julie Garwood's Murder List. Both dealing with serial killers. Well, I have a sick fascination with all things CSI-y and forensics-y.

Anyways, after Las Vegas tonight, I am gonna crash. Only to wake up a quarter to 2 am to catch the World Cup Final match.

Italy or France. Which blue is the fanciest of them all ??

Well, stay tune ...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I am so gone

I OD-ed on caffeine today. I can't believe I have 2 major cuppa. I was hoping that I can leave work on time and snooze a little while before tomorrow morning's match.

Wishful thinking.

I am still at work. I am waiting for him to come and pick me up. I know. I should not be too dependent on others but considering the late hour and also how much he's "dying" to see me, so what choice do I have ? He suggested a nightcap at his place, I have to beg off because I still have to work tomorrow.

Which reminds me, I need to apply for leave ! Hah.

Oh, that's him calling. He will be here in 5 minutes. Let me just go wash my mug and then off I go ! Wish me luck, you !

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ohhh ... A little street in Singapore

I was walking towards the lift landing when I had this thought. The fact is that I'm always gonna be the last person to arrive home, no matter the time.

It also made me think that now I have to be the one who shuts the main door should I be the last one to leave the living room. Weird, that with those thoughts, I am not the least bit feeling the loss. I can say for sure that I will definitely miss my sis. It's so unlike when my eldest got married. For one, she was stayng with us for about a year plus before she moved to her new place. With my younger sis, she just up and left. I never even got to say "Goodbye" and "Good Luck".

Yeech. I did promise so many posts ago to not wallow. I guess I did have to try really hard not to do that. Ah wells.

Life still goes on for those who got left behind. I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on the table, the clothes on my back and my rock. My parents.

I'd be absolutely insane if I didn't say I am thankful for them. You can choose your friends or your other half, but you never have any choice in your parents. I hope they do realise that I cherish them even though I may act quite the opposite sometimes. If there is more I can do to make them happier or less worried, I'd do it.

Shall be a quickie

Hey people.

Welcome to July ! Before you know it, a new year will begin. New day, week, month & year. New beginnings !