silentscream Search

Thursday, January 29, 2004

What a shite start to this cool, cool morning. First up, I was awoken at 2.30 am (2 bloody A - M !!!) because my mother was super irate wth my sister ! The shite really hit the fan, man. Really, really bad. Went to have a leak and back to bed. Next conscious moment, 6.26 am (f***, I'm Late !!!), rushed through my morning abulations and quickly tried to get a cab to get to the bus pick up point. I had 10 minutes to spare.

Cut to 7.05 am

Still waiting for a bloody taxi to pick me up. Really shite, mans. Then decided to go all the way to work. Went to the ATM to get money and the screen said, "Transaction temporarily out of service". I so, don't f***ing believe this ! The elements are conspiring to make my day a living hell today ! As if that is not enough, I had to wait another 20 *bloody* minutes before I got into a cab. And that's not even the light at the end of the tunnel. Driver was a bit reluctant to go where my work destination is because there was a major accident earlier on, along the route. Flaming, hell ! He was giving me grieve in the cab, saying things like, he was trying to hard to avoid the area. But he picked me, no, I flagged his cab and he was obligated to send me anywhere. Shite ! What am I today ? F***ing bull's eye ? Pick on Helena day ??? Damnation & Hell !!!!


Human beings ! Can't live without 'em, can't live with 'em.

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