silentscream Search

Friday, January 23, 2004

Monkey year, not so good ..... yet ......

I'm having a very difficult time.

Well, it's with regards to me acquiring a "new" desktop. One camp advised me to just go ahead and get a new one, DELL. Another camp suggested I might as well "build" a desktop to my specifications. It's cheaper and well .... cheaper. This camp is divided into two. One side said, I might as well add on from what my current PC has and the other side said, I should go out and get my specs to a professional who can quote me a good price. I am in a dilemma. I can't make up my mind. Can someone please just point me in the "right" direction ?

I'll tell you what I need in my new machine.

1) Pentium higher than my current one (P2, yeah pathetic !)
2) Works fast enough since I am using broadband
3) Does not hang on me every 10 minutes
4) Something with a fairly large disk space
5) Something with a CD rewritable / DVD drive


All I need are just the basic needs. Why is it so difficult for me to come to a decision ? Okay. I'll tell you my budget. Maximum = 2000 Sing buckaroos. If I can get for less, better because my next semester course fee is due Feb 7.


Help !

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