silentscream Search

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Another lift story

So my work place has been fitted with a new lift. And still as a school rule, students are not allowed to use the lift from 8 am to 4 pm. This doesn't deter them because most students try to atempt the new lift anyway. Earlier, I was waiting for the lift and it was making its descent gracefully. Reached level 1, the lift door opened a smidgen, then closed again and then on the lift panel, 2 dashes appear, instead of the floor of the where the carriage is at. A second later, the lift emergency button went off. I'm like thinking, "Uh-oh ... Someone's trapped ..." And if I'm not mistaken, there were a bunch of students inside because I heard laughter when the door opened that nanosecond.

So another morning of climbing 4 flights of stairs to reach my lab. *pants*

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