silentscream Search

Monday, January 12, 2004

Hey people.

Dearest friends.

I am on a self imposed hermitism. I have tons of things to do and I keep procrastinating. For instance, instead of trying to complete my review questions, here I am updating my blog for the second time today. Anyone of you kind enough to scare me into doing my coursework ? I would really appreciate the horror stories. Like ...... ummmmm ...... I am still gonna be stuck cleaning test tubes and making copper (II) sulphate solution for the next 10 years of my life if I don't get serious over my assignments. *gasps*

Yeap. I'm scared now. Scared enough to wrap up this post. However, if you guess and feel like you should give it a shot to scare me silly, my screams are still silent. Go ahead. Give me the scare of my life.

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