silentscream Search

Monday, October 27, 2003

Wow, hey. Just had a really long weekend. Only really, and extra day that's all. Deepavali was over on Friday and I just hope I am not that late in wishing all my Hindu readers a Happy Deepavali !!! Planned a really good week but that didn't materialise. Why ? Hmm ...

Friday - Made plans to meet up with Sha and Fie for movie and general catch up and exchanging of news (goss) session. So much things had happened since we last met (ermm ... umm ... just last Sunday ...). Sad to say, Sha had to accompany her ma to Geylang Serai for umm ... grocery shopping ?? Fie asked if I wanted to just go out and meet anyway. By that time I was still curled up in bed with a really good book (romance, if you must know). And 'sides there is this Hindi film that I promised myself I have to catch. So Fie was left hung and dry ? (umm ... pardon the expression ...) And yeah, the movie was really good and I finished my book to boot !

Saturday - Made plans to meet Azleen for a shopping session after my Study Skills Seminar at Hartford. Unfortunately, I had to run an errand for my ma so I told Az if we could push it to maybe around 4-ish, 5-ish. She said it is too late and that she'd go alone. Yeech ... Sorry Az ! Oh, btw, Ayu came over the night before and after everything is said and done, I'm just a glorified babysitter masquarading as her aunt. Sad, but true. *shrugs*

Sunday - Made plans to meet up with Jer and Belle. We have not seen each other for many, many moons !!! But as usual, I had to cancel because by the time Jer finished her lessons, it'd be almost close to 4 pm. So the meeting time was set to 5 pm. Really late because I had expected to be home by 6-ish. Had to help out Ma because Ramadan is like, umm ... tomorrow (today, in case you guys had lost me somewhere up there). Sorry guys, hoped you really had a really good time. I mean really.

On the flipside, due to these unscheduled cancellations, I managed to finish 4 books over the weekend. Each book is roughly about 400 pages, so that translates to about 1,600 pages that I'd covered over those 3 days.


No social life but a record breaking feat even for my mundane existence !

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