silentscream Search

Monday, October 13, 2003

People laughed when I told them the reason my doctor gave me 3 days medical leave. Even my doctor laughed when he diagnosed my ailment. Get ready .....

I've got Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

Yup, you didn't read wrong. HF&MD, something that only kids are susceptible to. I'm a big kid, I told my doc. He laughed again. Damn ... He looked really cute when he laughs. The skin near his eyes crinkles and that's attractive. So anyway, I digressed. The only kids I've been around with are my two nieces and both seemed fine to me.

My throat started acting up and giving me grief early Saturday morning. I thought I was just getting a short visit from the flu nasties so I just shrugged it off. I even managed to squeeze in a movie, American Pie: The Wedding, that day. It was hilarious. The movie that is. A bit disgusting and grossy at certain points in the movie, but overall, a barrel of laughs. I personally think, I have the hots for big sized gay men. So anyway, I even stayed for our usual goss session with Eve, Mahesha and Raji at Olio Dome. The day was great except for my irritating throat.

Sunday morning, my throat was still irritating the hell out of me. Swallowing was a bitch, still is btw. And then I saw the red spots. That got me worried for a minute. I told my mother that myabe I've got HF&MD and she told me not to spout nonsense. I thought yeah, true .... And *bam*, this morning I was "officially" diagnosed !

So here I am ... writing this in the midst of counting the spots that had started appearing since the visit to the doc's. Sad but true. Who else but M-E, who gets kids' diseases ???

So, send your sympathy over to me, yeah ?

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