silentscream Search

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Song: Bent by Don Richmond

Update : Centre of Disease Control aka Helena's temple aka Helena's body

The "poor" bugger has been taking her antiviral tablets regularly. Obviously she understands that main control require extra help to get rid of these infidels ! Already signs of attack are minimising. Ulcerations in the oral cavity are shrinking and slowly vanishing. Oracort E has been helpful in helping us fight the terrorists. Although it makes bugger gag when she applied the protection. Swallowing without any pain elicited would resume within the next 2 days. A necessary evil in our quest to overcome the enemies.
No broken skin detected on all 4 limbs. Bugger has T-H-E determination to NOT scratch where it itches the most. For that, we will have a victory party soon. Yeap, guards would still be on high alert then. No signs of increased temperature. Headquarters were notified to NOT up the temperature because it would be futile. Might even kill more of our brothers and sisters fighting the good fight.

We have won the fight. Battlefield will be surrendered back to us soon.

Next update in 24 hours.

Over and out.

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