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Friday, October 31, 2003

The aircon generator decided to die on us this Halloween's Day. Either that or the security guard forgot to switch it on.

This sucks.

I hate the feeling of dead air. Imagine all the windows are closed and there is no sound of any kinda movement. Yeah, the radio and the fan are switched on. Still. Aircon, man. Where are you ?

These few days I can really empathise with a scratching post. Man, the battle scars ranges from my upper arms to my hands and my calves. Oh, 2 fresh tracks on my ring finger and pinkie of my left hand. One piece of advice, never ever antoganise a sleeping or pissed off cat. You WILL pay !

Thursday, October 30, 2003

In case there are some people who have been living under a rock for the past few months and needs a little direction, here's the movie to catch .....

Images are from Official Matrix Website

Capisce ?

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

We are experiencing the most awesome thunderstorm.

I love it !

I wanna be outdoors and feel the rain pounding down hard on my head. Only then would I be awaken and face my reality.

One more week until the worldwide opening of The Matrix : Revolutions. I C - A - N - N - O - T wait !
My tummy's killing me. I have this unsettled feeling. A maelstrom of upset tummy, crampy tummy and hungry tummy. I feel pain !!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Know what I need to do ?

Aside from studying for my Final Theory test. And psyching myself that everything is going to be alright when I start my course.

I need to develop a poker face.

I think that is the most important aspect of my life here. At this point in time. I must be able to be blasé with the words bouncing around me. No reaction, just remember that I am not affected by those things.

I am feeling guilty.

Damn my conscience !

Monday, October 27, 2003

Wow, hey. Just had a really long weekend. Only really, and extra day that's all. Deepavali was over on Friday and I just hope I am not that late in wishing all my Hindu readers a Happy Deepavali !!! Planned a really good week but that didn't materialise. Why ? Hmm ...

Friday - Made plans to meet up with Sha and Fie for movie and general catch up and exchanging of news (goss) session. So much things had happened since we last met (ermm ... umm ... just last Sunday ...). Sad to say, Sha had to accompany her ma to Geylang Serai for umm ... grocery shopping ?? Fie asked if I wanted to just go out and meet anyway. By that time I was still curled up in bed with a really good book (romance, if you must know). And 'sides there is this Hindi film that I promised myself I have to catch. So Fie was left hung and dry ? (umm ... pardon the expression ...) And yeah, the movie was really good and I finished my book to boot !

Saturday - Made plans to meet Azleen for a shopping session after my Study Skills Seminar at Hartford. Unfortunately, I had to run an errand for my ma so I told Az if we could push it to maybe around 4-ish, 5-ish. She said it is too late and that she'd go alone. Yeech ... Sorry Az ! Oh, btw, Ayu came over the night before and after everything is said and done, I'm just a glorified babysitter masquarading as her aunt. Sad, but true. *shrugs*

Sunday - Made plans to meet up with Jer and Belle. We have not seen each other for many, many moons !!! But as usual, I had to cancel because by the time Jer finished her lessons, it'd be almost close to 4 pm. So the meeting time was set to 5 pm. Really late because I had expected to be home by 6-ish. Had to help out Ma because Ramadan is like, umm ... tomorrow (today, in case you guys had lost me somewhere up there). Sorry guys, hoped you really had a really good time. I mean really.

On the flipside, due to these unscheduled cancellations, I managed to finish 4 books over the weekend. Each book is roughly about 400 pages, so that translates to about 1,600 pages that I'd covered over those 3 days.


No social life but a record breaking feat even for my mundane existence !

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Know what ?

I realised that I'm being given the cold shoulder by some of my "hang-out" colleagues. Just because I'd changed my mind about going out with them after work. I know I'd told them I would be happy to have dinner or drinks or even go pubbing with them. But now I'd decided not to and guess I'd been given the necessary "punishment".

And guess what ?

I don't give a rat's ass.

As long as I'm being left alone.

I'm fine.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Reasons for my absence.

Can't think of any.

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Well, well, well ..... Whaddya know ..... I'm back at work.

People has been asking me if it's wise to be back and I said yes dammit ! The doc's gave me only 3 days not 5 not 7 not even 14 days, so of course I'd be back. I'd finished my medication (antiviral) and am waiting for that one or two errant ulcers to heal and the red spotting to completely vanished. Of course I'm better.

Infectious stage is over.

Or is it ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Song: Bent by Don Richmond

Update : Centre of Disease Control aka Helena's temple aka Helena's body

The "poor" bugger has been taking her antiviral tablets regularly. Obviously she understands that main control require extra help to get rid of these infidels ! Already signs of attack are minimising. Ulcerations in the oral cavity are shrinking and slowly vanishing. Oracort E has been helpful in helping us fight the terrorists. Although it makes bugger gag when she applied the protection. Swallowing without any pain elicited would resume within the next 2 days. A necessary evil in our quest to overcome the enemies.
No broken skin detected on all 4 limbs. Bugger has T-H-E determination to NOT scratch where it itches the most. For that, we will have a victory party soon. Yeap, guards would still be on high alert then. No signs of increased temperature. Headquarters were notified to NOT up the temperature because it would be futile. Might even kill more of our brothers and sisters fighting the good fight.

We have won the fight. Battlefield will be surrendered back to us soon.

Next update in 24 hours.

Over and out.

Monday, October 13, 2003

People laughed when I told them the reason my doctor gave me 3 days medical leave. Even my doctor laughed when he diagnosed my ailment. Get ready .....

I've got Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

Yup, you didn't read wrong. HF&MD, something that only kids are susceptible to. I'm a big kid, I told my doc. He laughed again. Damn ... He looked really cute when he laughs. The skin near his eyes crinkles and that's attractive. So anyway, I digressed. The only kids I've been around with are my two nieces and both seemed fine to me.

My throat started acting up and giving me grief early Saturday morning. I thought I was just getting a short visit from the flu nasties so I just shrugged it off. I even managed to squeeze in a movie, American Pie: The Wedding, that day. It was hilarious. The movie that is. A bit disgusting and grossy at certain points in the movie, but overall, a barrel of laughs. I personally think, I have the hots for big sized gay men. So anyway, I even stayed for our usual goss session with Eve, Mahesha and Raji at Olio Dome. The day was great except for my irritating throat.

Sunday morning, my throat was still irritating the hell out of me. Swallowing was a bitch, still is btw. And then I saw the red spots. That got me worried for a minute. I told my mother that myabe I've got HF&MD and she told me not to spout nonsense. I thought yeah, true .... And *bam*, this morning I was "officially" diagnosed !

So here I am ... writing this in the midst of counting the spots that had started appearing since the visit to the doc's. Sad but true. Who else but M-E, who gets kids' diseases ???

So, send your sympathy over to me, yeah ?

Friday, October 10, 2003

I am feeling low. Like alone and nobody understands the pain inside.

Maybe my brain is low on glucose. I skipped dinner and breakfast. I feel like I have to be in physical pain so that they would know. I wish I am brave enough to inflict pain physically to dull the pain inside. Exactly what pain inside is something I might not be able to put it in words. I feel like I am such an eyesore. A plague that people avoid. But I chose to not gallivant around town. And now, I feel like such a social outcast.

This and that.

Culminating in one big, huge, gigantic, fuckass day !

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I didn't write yesterday !!!

My world IS ruined !!!

Yup, overkill. Like they say around here, "drama-mama".

Okay on a serious note.

Why are my archives list missing some months ??? Can somebody help me figure it out ?

Thank you in advance !

Monday, October 06, 2003

Can't help staying away. And no I didn't cheat !

You are Trinity-
You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate

What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Matrix Revolutions will open in about a month's time ! I can't wait ! I've seen the trailer after the credits of Reloaded ended and couldn't get enough of it. If you guys are also suffering from the same symptoms as I am (excitable as October inches towards the end, frequent visits to messageboards to give your 2 cents worth of Matrix insights, even though the MBs are totally unrelated to the subject of discussion, searching the entire WWW for the most recent updates of The Matrix Trilogy, can't stop playing whatever Matrix paraphernalia you'd hoarded (game, DVDs, soundtracks), downloading Matrix wallpapers and/or screensavers and wearing those cool trenchcoats and shades), it is time to make a visit to the official The Matrix website.

But if you are really suffering form the above symptoms, there isn't a need for me to advertise this because I bet you your last penny that that page is set as your homepage. Like I did mine.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

You're a love song

I just came back from visiting my mother in KKH.

Yeap, she's in the hospital again. Nope, not over her foot. It's her womb this time. Dued for cleaning and washing. Yeap, I'm grossing out half of my readers. But ....

I believe I should tell it as it is. Where's the point in the red tape and cover ups ?

Oh, btw, I've finished reading "The Black Echo".

I lovit, I lovit, I lovit ....... !!!!

Saturday, October 04, 2003

No turning back

In the mailbox yesterday.

1st October 2003

Ms A, Helena S
Blk (Censored)
Singapore (Censored)

Dear Ms A,

RE: Central Queensland University - Bachelor of Biomedical Science

I am pleased to be informed by Central Queensland University that you have been granted entry into Bachelor of Biomedical Science.

The programme will commence in November 2003, please submit the first instalment
S$2700.00 in either cash or cheque before 8th October 2003 to confirm your acceptance. All cheques are to be made payable to "Central Queensland University"

Please do contact us when you receive this letter, so that our programme consultants could go through in detail about your acceptance into the programme.

The following will be our operating hours:

Mon - Fri : 9:00 AM - 8:30 PM
Saturday : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday/Public Holiday : Closed

There would be an orientation session to welcome you to the programme :
Date : 28th October 2003, Tuesday
Time : 7.00pm
Venue : 176 Orchard Road Centrepoint #06-06 Singapore 238843

Should you have further queries, please do feel free to contact us. We welcome you into the programme and we look forward to serving you in the future.

Thank you and Best Wishes in your studies.

Yours Sincerely

Alice Prasetyo
Tel: 6235 xxxx ext 111
Email: (Censored)

Friday, October 03, 2003

Say you'll be mine

I have to thank this current book I'm reading, "The Black Echo" by Michael Connelly for upping my art knowledge. From this book, I got to know 2 fantastic artists/painters. Hieronymus Bosch and Edward Hopper. And so I spent the better part of this morning 'researching' on both and the author of the mentioned book. Edward Hopper is a realist whilst Hieronymus Bosch is a surrealist. The differences between their styles are like black and white (no pun intended).

H.B. was a 15th century painter with a really dark vision of the world. I think his most famous painting has got to be The Garden of Earthly Delights. I would say he specialised in panelled paintings because most of his major works can be 'opened and closed'. His main theme is based on religion (Christianity) and how perverse he saw the world. His works are very detailed to the point of the littlest creature/event/colour/figures. I was awestruck by how stunning each and every single piece is.

E.H. 's Nighthawks was mentioned in the book and I was curious to see whether the description of the painting was what I had imagined it to be. I wasn't disappointed. Loneliness is the theme. Everyone is alone seemed to be the message depicted in almost all of his works.

Edward Hopper, Nighthawks
Oil on canvas, 1942; 84.1 x 152.4 cm
Friends of American Art Collection, 1942.51

© 1999. The Art Institute of Chicago. All text and images on this site are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Back to you

Taking time off today. Meeting Eeda at Tampines to get her pressie ....

Yeah, yeah still hung up on that ....

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Love you more

Happy Children's Day 2003 !!!!