silentscream Search

Thursday, March 20, 2003

And so my night schedule (and early morning) was shat (past tense for s***). I fell asleep promptly at 10.30pm. From 9pm all the way up to 10.29pm, everything was up to schedule, then I fell asleep. Woke up at 3.30am though. Missed the game because I knew Valencia would do the job. And they did.

Had a very fruitful day today. Was already up and about by 7am. More so to charge my phone batt. Dead as a doornail. Hmmm...even deader. Anyway, got up proper at around 8-ish cause the sun was shining into my eyes. Stumble around the room like a drunken sailor before finally sitting in front of the pc. Comtemplating what to do next. Filled up a form for a writing school (was thinking of making my ramblings into a so many other people...). Mother finally said that the Coko's and Mekmac's appointment is at 9.30am. Jumped into the shower at 9, was out by 9.15. Took the 2 crazy cats for vaccinations and neutering (Coko only). Mekmac was screaming (more like mewing) her head off in the cab. Was a wonder why the driver didn't drive us off. After the trip to the vet, took Mekmac home (cause vaccination only), then we decided (no...I did) to collect my WKRZ goodie bag. Nice, free cds, that is.

We then decided on our lunch venue. Went over to Brickworks hawker centre and had the most heavenly prepared nasi ayam *yumz*. After which, we "hanged" out at Ikea. All those furniture just make me itch for a totally new room (or house). I settle for a total makeover of my room though. A new house/room is so expensive. Anyway, after which, Mother and I took an hour plus bus ride to pick up Coko from the vet.

A very fruitful day indeed. Oh, I forgot to say. The air nenas in Brickworks hawker centre was to die for. The juice was sweet and so was the cut pineapples. I'm in love with that drink all over again!

Okay, tomorrow...planning to watch "Maid in Manhattan" with Eve and Mahesha.

Ralph Fiennes, wait for me....!

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

My week ends early this week. I took leave for tomorrow and Friday. I am sick and tired of working. The last time I had my leave was for the Hari Raya holidays. I want to wake up late and not travel all the way to work. Can you believe it takes me an hour and a half (on a good day) just to get to work ? That is if I missed the school bus or during school holidays. *sian*

So tomorrow, I've already planned my day.

Actually I'd already planned my night too, tonight.
9pm : Reach home
9.15pm : Take a shower
9.45pm : Change into comfy night clothes
9.48pm : Have a quick dinner
10.30pm : Rest, read paper
11pm : Start tape for 'Smallville'
11.01pm : Go into room
11.02pm : Turn on the computer
11.05pm : Connect to the internet

There might be some slight changes to the times.

20 March 2003

2am : Log off from internet
2.01am : Play Solitaire on the computer
2.45am : Turn off computer
2.46am : Go to living room
2.47am : Turn off vcr and turn on tv
2.48am : Switch to Ch 5, wait for Champs League match
3.30am : Watch Valencia trash Arsenal
3.31am : Fall asleep...!

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

I've done it.

I've signed up with Singnet Broadband 512K.

I don't know if that was a good move. I didn't do it under duress. In fact if I hadn't, I would feel guilty. Damn my conscience.

Monday, March 17, 2003

You know what they say about having a good weekend.

It's when you sit down, reflect and focus. Sitting down as opposed to standing up, can actually be good when you are in the "I-hate-myself-and-the-world-hates-me-too" mode. You need to sit down. Because when you sit, the most damage you can do is to your heel, like smashing it for example. That is if you're sitting on anywhere other than the floor. If you sit on the floor, the most painful (relative) self-inflicted wound would be having cramps in your calves. If you had sat cross-legged for a long, long, long, long, long time. Technically, it's not even a wound. But it hurts like hell. Especially if you have excess weight to bog you down.

Reflection. That's good because then you can analyse and come up with reasons why you behaved like such a cow the other day. And find ways to be even more of a cow to people you dislike.

Focus. You need to focus all your energies to become said cow. That is unless if you're male. Then you can't be a cow, can you ? You'd be an a**hole or jerk or b****** !

So enjoy your week ahead.

Friday, March 14, 2003

Hello, back again.

To post a retraction. To Anthony. When he commented on one of my posts, I realised he's got a new link to his blog. Just click his name. It will take you to his new site. Errmm...Anthony, sorry for the faux pas. I promise, I won't do it again.

"A pity though, the writer has not updated the blog page since Feb 7." I take back this sentence.
I forgo lunch today.

Life's a b****, and then we die.

Actually I don't care. A good excuse to start living my life in moderation. I have definitely been living in excesses. Food excess, drink excess...If I was still smoking, then I would have developed throat cancer by now. S*** ! I wonder why I stopped. Right about now, I feel like lighting up. I'm clicking my lighter but there is no fag to light. Hell... ! Aside from that fag, I need another F. Yeah, I need a good f***. A f*** so senseless that I get over this melancholy. S***... ! My mother will skin me alive if she ever reads this entry. I am nothing but her sweet daughter. Sometimes I am so tired of this label. Goody two shoes. Never daring to talk back, stay out all night, hell, I NEVER fail to call home to inform Mother of my whereabouts. S***...
This image s***s. Big time.

So now.

I want to know what the f*** am I here for. Balance out my sisters' misdemeanors ? Am I all just for that ?

We choose the path we want to go through. Then we have to be happy with that road. And if you are not, tough.

The masks we have are for show. But when we hurt nobody wants to know. Nobody even cares. Cast aside like some broken ragdoll which had outlive its use. Tough.

Our hearts are target practice for the blind. The emotionally handicapped have no use for feelings, sentiments and love. Everyone is fair game. Shoots and scores. Well...f*** 'em. Everyone of those f***ing b******s and b****es. They can have the world cause I'm tired of fighting. Fighting for the same space to survive without all these splattered s***.

Thursday, March 13, 2003

I was reading through some good blogs today. Witty and engaging. If you don't believe, go to Toast and Tea. A pity though, the writer has not updated the blog page since Feb 7. But trust me, I spent the better part of the morning reading through his past entries and the comments that go with them. Especially from this one bugger, "Concerned", who keeps correcting the writer's spelling mistakes and usage of certain words. Kinda hit nerve cause I used to do that on my friends' blogs. I don't anymore except for the most glaring mistakes. Like how to spell "weird" properly because most people tend to spell it as "wierd". Weird, huh ?

Anyway, yesterday I was caught by surprise. It's not often that I stare into the oncoming headlights of a vehicle. In this instance, the vehicle is Fie (sorry, dear.. !). She had like a total makeover. Groovy, baby (Mr Powers speak..) ! She is one hot mama. One delicious chick. One babelicious working lady (in the nicest sense of the word).. ! *sizzles*

She had her hair rebonded and dressed up real good-looking. Corporate look...sweet on her. Totally matured looking. I felt like a dump walking beside her. No, make that a rubbish bin. incinerator plant... ! Get the picture ? I can't believe the girl who professes to loving casual wear could like be so totally comfy in proper work wear. I'm like so taken aback and after recovering from it (what 'it' was, was totally beyond me), I'm like this chick is dateable...If (a very big IF) I'm a dude and if (another BIG if) she's not attached at the moment, she would be like my b**** ! Not that I'm gay or anything. It's just that once in a while, it's pretty appropriate to have crushes on your buddies. Excusable as long as they remain that...
C R U S H E S. Innocent and non long lasting.

Fie dear, hope you are not uncomfy with this entry. If you are just say it and I will remove it. Cheers... !

Sha was hot too...Long printed skirt...Cool...

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

"The morning has broken...lalala....lalala..."

Sorry, I forgot the lyrics but the song is now playing hard in my head. Probably because of this book I've just read. Olivia Goldsmith's Pen Pals. The song was mentioned in one of the pages and now, I'm sorta like humming the parts I don't know. Pathetic, huh ?

You know I still cannot get over the idea that Steps have disbanded. It's weird because everyone is like saying that pop is so teenager-ish. And I am anything but a teen. Even teens don't like Steps. Steps are like so 12 years old. Har...but they are making millions of pounds from these 12-year-olds. And from one particular 22-year-old. So there.
Right now, there is just one Steps album I'm lacking. Gonna go get it soon. It is all the B-sides singles they've released over the past few years. Okay, so I'm like a total fanatic. Not regret I did have is that when they just started and were promoting themselves, they came to TP for a mini-show. I was either too stupid or too stoned not to realise the showcase until on the day itself. By then it was a little too late to get in....*sighs* If I'm not mistaken, that's the one and only time they came down to Singapore. For the rest of the time, they spent touring the UK but there was one stint in the US of A, with I mean Britney. I do feel short changed, I'm sure the other Singaporean fans feel the same way too. If only they had come over at least one more time before the disbanding. Oh, I've seen how they are on their live shows (music vid of "Better The Devil You Know"). All those screaming fans... ! Man, I would gladly scream alongside them. Then there are the charity shows, where they performed one or two songs. The pandemonium, oh wow...when you'd been would bask in it ! It is no wonder they were voted Best British Live Act twice in a row !
It's funny when I read reports of people saying the co-ordinated dance moves are cheesy. Well...hello...have they ever seen Hindi or Tamil movies ??? Then tell me about cheesy dance steps (no pun intended). Okay...okay...I confessed...I did learn some of the dance moves...(*grins*) It was great fun trying to get the moves right. And there are so many songs with catchy choruses. Even my niece have learned the how tos for "Tragedy" ! Okay the bottom line to this whole piece is that, for every 1 non Steps fan, there are 3 in the making (no scientific basis, just intuition) !

Oh, there is another hidden message to this post. I desperately want all the Steps video ever released !!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

'allo...juz wanna say...'

Monday, March 10, 2003

Okay, now it seems everything is almost working properly. I even manage to add in the blog description on the right hand side (archives). I was thinking of adding another table below archives, just a short description of me, but I need to figure out the tables alignments and stuff like that. So, how guys? Amateur work...
Okay, I won't jinx it by saying more. 10 minutes to knock off time.
Have a great evening ahead!

p/s: sorry for the many, many entries of those days!
My archives seemed okay now. I'm still having problems making the blogger button appear.

H E L P !
And now my blogger button has gone missing...Triple whammy, huh?
I am still having problems with the font size of the archives. Shit...! And I'm also having problems with the archives' dates. Double shit...! Anyone knows how to clear the first and last items on the archives list? So other than these 2 glaring problems, any thing else that seems to be out of sorts? Drop me a comment or an email. Thanks!

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Oh gosh...

I am still not satisfied as to how this new face turned out! Needs more tweaking, I know but I am so tired. Been online the whole day. First to look for an appropriate template. Then when I finally found the one I could live with... This shit happens!

Maybe I should sleep on it and continue tomorrow? Well, I got to. I have to work! *sighs*
Outta here fellas!

Friday, March 07, 2003

I'm changing my blog face


Thursday, March 06, 2003

This is one of those haunting songs that leaves you open and breakable at the end of the last note. It makes you believe that love conquers all. To the songwriter, thank you for inflicting this passion to us who don't believe in the good of the world. If you get a chance to ever listen to this song, remember the moment when you are the most in love.

Collin Raye Love Me

I read a note my grandma wrote back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat and he showed it once to me
He said," Boy you might not understand, but a long long time ago
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I loved your grandma so
We had this crazy plan to meet, and run away together
Get married in the first town we come to and live forever
But nailed to the tree where we supposed to meet instead
I found this letter and this is what it said

*If you get there before I do, don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through, I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down, Darling wait and see
But between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving me

I read those words just hours before my grandma passed away
In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to pray
I know I've never seen him cry in all my fifteen years
But as he said those words to her
His eyes filled up with tears
And between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving you... love me


Wednesday, March 05, 2003

You wanna talk about dramatics? I've got plenty of it. Hysteria, bring it on, baby...

Just filling in a short entry while waiting for my lunch hour to arrive.

Irrational thoughts fill my mind.
My heart says something sweet.
I clamour for the glory.
Alas none will understand.

Words non-wisdom.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

I took a leap of faith. Jumped right into the mouth of the ocean without testing the waters. It swallowed me whole and I'm drenched. I don't know what I'm feeling now. Cold, oh so cold. Shivering until the goosebumps appeared. Wet, clothes sticking to my back. Teary, getting rid of excess salt. Deafened by the roar of the great thunder above. I'm now sobbing uncontrollably. "Mummy..!" I want my mother now. No one to help me, no one to advise me. Please don't let all this go to waste.

I applied to NTU/NUS yesterday.