silentscream Search

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Forms !

I have graduated from an ignorant of Google Forms to creating two online forms in a week ! I know the forms are simple to complete and even simpler to create but the idea behind it is so clever ! All thanks to my Boss !

A Gift for him

I went about town yesterday to get a gift for the Dear one for our anniversary on Thursday. Got home, left it and went out to West Mall to return my library books before meeting him for dinner. We had junk food again ! But the junk food was nice. I went French and he had Italian. Hahaha .. If you hadn't guess it, yes, we went to BK. I love the French chicken sandwich ! Gimme, gimme more. Writing about it is causing me to produce additional saliva. Hahaha ... It is breakfast time, anyways. :-)

On the way back, I asked Dear if he wanted his gift now or on the day itself. He said now so I had to make him "work for it". Gave him clues as to where the item was. He had a bit of a hard time looking for it in plain sight !

When he unwrapped it finally, I am just glad he liked them ! Thanks, Babe ! I love you, mostest !

Friday, October 21, 2011

End of the first week

What a week this has been ! All the trauma of going back for class and exams albeit a short one is something you will never forget. You go to school, you try to learn what was being taught. You deal with friends and non-friends. Hahaha. Kinda like now. Life lessons, never leaving you until the day you die. If you learn.

Moving on, I met the Boyfriend last night at VivoCity. Finally a dinner out after a long while of packing food from home ! It was a quite frustrating wait because I spent more than 1.5 hrs journeying to the meet up place and then to have the Boyfriend saying that he's "leaving work now" at half past six ! So as usual, I went on a mini tantrum while waiting for him to arrive.

All is well after getting what we needed to get and walked over to HarbourFront Centre for dinner. Went on a mini shopping spree at The BodyShop before heading home. Whoever can resist a bottle of Moroccan Rose eau de toilette ? Not me, apparently...

The Boyfriend had gotten a new mobile in the day and he was "not playing" with it when we got home. A HTC Sensation, which he had wanted to get prior if not for the cost. And now, he's eyeing the HTC Sensation XE. If not for the initial price, he would had gotten it. Anyways, he is using his new mobile today since all his contacts had been "magically" imported from his HTC Magic to his HTC Sensation. Hahaha ... HTC Magic-Sensation !

As for me ? I'm waiting to get the Galaxy Nexus. Ice cream sandwich, wait for me ! :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am at a better place

When I think of where I was last year at this time, I didn't think I could have a great work place and a supportive Boss. Where I was last year at this time, I had just settled down after a painful couple of months starting over at a new place. Ian was on hand. Elin had come on board and I had friends. I had people who can commiserate and understand how things work there.

Now. I am settling down again. I have friends who are only a phone call away. I have colleagues whom I had finally allowed to see some of the real me. I have a boss whom I can work for without having to question my conscience and morality every day.

What a difference a whole year make !

I really, really enjoy my work and the kids. I didn't even mind that much the lapses in service and grief the IT department had given me earlier. I am also so darn glad that I do not have some know-it-all trying to micromanage the way I work.

Thank you for giving me the strength to move forward. Thank you for giving me a chance to face the fear  of change.

Peace, out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Passed !!!

Full score for the theory paper and I didn't screw up too much on the practical component !

Woo-hoo !!! First Aid, trained ! :-D

First Aid Training Course

I'm onto my third and final day of the course.

As advised, it will end with an assessment, practical and theory. Currently, I am panicking because I think my practical is kinda sucky. I can't tie a proper reef knot. I always lose count when I do the CPR on the mannequin. I can't figure out the correct side to start an elevation sling !

The trainer had said that it will be so difficult to fail but I think I may be the first candidate to do so ! Hahaha... Hopefully, HR doesn't make me pay for the course when I flunk it ! :-P

Anyways, gotta go through the text again. AT least I can try to pass the theory portion of it. But what are the 3Ps, 4Cs & RICE ???


Monday, October 17, 2011

He who say the untruths

I am sad and disappointed. I had hoped things between us would be back to normal. I would be able to spend more time with him and just be in his company. Doing things or not doing things together. As long as we are together.

And yet. He has to work. Mondays to Saturdays. And sometimes the temptation to work on Sundays.

He said, "Give me two weeks. I'm sure after the move, I will be home on time. More or less. Please Darling. Just give me these two weeks."

And I tried to give him his two weeks. Begrudgingly, I did. In actuality, it was probably less than two weeks before I flew off the handle again. Spending time by myself in the empty house. Waiting for him to arrive so we can have dinner together. Sleeping later than my usual time because I am waiting up for him. Having only 4 hours of sleep everyday just so I can spend a bit more time with him.

It's been two weeks. And yet.

I am still alone now at home by myself. Having come from my place with dinner as Ma is always nice and generous enough to pack for us. And yet.

He is still at work.

I am sad and disappointed. I am fed up with him saying, "I'll try to be early today." And yet.

I do not see him at all still at this time.

Maybe I should pack my stuff and go off. Since I am not understanding nor tolerant of his late evenings, I should go and spend my time with the people who would want me around.

I am sad and disappointed. And yet.

I just need to vent.


Saturday, October 08, 2011

Something I did to pass time

This was what I did last weekend during the invigilation to pass time. Finding as many words as possible from these words, which was basically candy on the table. I really, really had a bad cough and I was invigilating an exam for pharmacists ! Hahaha...

pepper, mint, pep, pet, met, meet, term, prep, mere, tin, perm, enter, per, peer, preen, pint, pen, rent, rep, rim, print, temp, tip, pit, pent, ten, net, men, pimp, imp, pip, pipe, piper, pin, nit, nip, mire, remit, emit, permit, time, tipper, minter, prim, primp, pert, prime, tripe, ripe, rip, ripen.

straw, berry, warts, wart, raw, war, star, bray, brays, ray, rays, say, trays. tray, rats, rat, eats, seat, eat, ate, sate, rate, rates, years, year, ears, ear, wears, wear, bears, bear, bares, bare, are, rare, rest, starry, wrest, best, yes, yeast, beast, sat, set, sew, saw, was, wars, sweat, wet, wets, stew, stab, bays, bay, waste, stay, baste, brats, brat, breast, sty, sear, web, webs, brews, brew, tab, tabs, bats, bat, way, sway, ways, tar, tars, weary, tarry, bet, bets, era, rears, rear, tears, tear, tea, yet, west, east, art, arts, teary, tare, wares, satyr, try, wry, beats, beat, sweat, swab, stray, arty.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Exam Saturday

As usual, I had succumbed to my favourite weekend duty. Exam invigilation !

This time, it's on for the whole day and it was just CM, me and Eric, the main guy.

After which CM and I went to the Salvation Army next door to check out for any thing worth checking out for ! CM managed to get a couple of things and then we went home to change before going out to get pressies and meeting up with CM's friends for dinner and birthday celebrations for a couple of them.

We went to Kino and Dear got a couple of books and coupled with the cards we bought earlier at Salvation Army, we made our way to the Turkish restaurant in the outskirts of town. Received a call from Elin and we planned to meet later after dinner because she sounded really distressed.

Dinner was good, at least food wise. Service, however was horrendous. Really lacking in attentiveness and promptness. Well, I understand that it was a Saturday night and the crowds do come in hoardes, it doesn't give them the excuse to be brusque with the other patrons. Really, the restaurant just lost my business as even though the food was excellent in taste, texture and presentation, the service staff just left a very bad, lasting after taste.

Initial plan was to just stay for a little while as we were out and about since morning but we ended up staying until the closing time, just chatting and making merry. Eventually, we made our way to meet Elin and decided for coffee and dessert. Chatted for a while and Dear got a bit heated up by some thoughtless youths.

We got into a little tiff, but Dear must be seething inside. Guess, tiredness really had overcame him. Finally we call it a night and made our way home, exhausted. There goes our weekend ! Today, we shall not do anything but rest. Keyword: rest !
