silentscream Search

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shoe shopping !

As we all know, I am not a shopping kinda girl. I just get what I need and zip out of the shops. Not so for today.

I was on duty today and so after work decided to meet the younger sis for a little makan. I have not seen her since the blow up with OM. I am stressed out and I need some kinda relief. Well, it helps that my performance bonus had been credited. For crying out loud I got more than a month's salary. I must have been doing something good at work.

So anyways, my shoes are what you call in a terrible state. My everyday pair, a pair of track shoes are torn at the sides and the soles are without anymore markings. So let's just say on rainy days, I have such a bitch time walking to get to the office.

The plan was not to exactly go shoe shopping. Just window shopping, thinking on how to spend the bonus. After disbursing to the parents and thinking of giving some to the kids, I figured, hey, get something nice for my lil' ol' sis. If not for her, then for the nephew about to be out in a few months time. Oh by the way, did I mention that my younger sis is preggers ? With a boy ! Yay ! Another nephew ! But I digress.

Initially, we went to Tampines Mall. This is after dinner, at least my dinner at Century Square. I missed lunch today. So decided to have something light and soupy. Mmmm.... Mee sua soup ... Light and refreshing. I truly recommend but the portion's kinda small for a starving mad woman (me.). So anyways, after the window shopping at Kiddy Palace, I suggested Swensen's for dessert cum ice cream. Then I got side tracked by Bata. Spending about 15/20 minutes and I'm ready for my dessert. The shop's so crowded ! No one to get assistance from. So the younger sis recommended White Sands for Swensen's.

So off we go, hopping on a train, a stop away. Excited beyond belief. Reached there, withdrew cash and hey, what do you know ? Another Bata shop ! So we skipped and hop (I did that, I admit. Pardon to the rest of the shoppers who thought they saw a mad woman in a shopping mall, skipping and hopping. Well. Mad is the word but I digress) to Bata. And four pairs of shoes later, I am one smiling, skipping, hopping mad woman !

Swensen's here we come. Uh-oh. What do we see there ? A line. A major line outside Swensen's. Why am I not surprised ? Ah, screw it. I want my cake and I want it now. So we popped by Mac Cafe for cake and overpriced coffee (chocolate for the sis). Well, we both ended up with choc drinks. Yummy ... *slurps*

And when the mom called, we decided to call it a day. A long day for me but a happy one nonetheless. And I have new shoes ! Four pairs !!!

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