silentscream Search

Saturday, December 15, 2007

~Dark - Deanna Yusoff~

We haven't even met
I don't know your name
I saw you last night you're not so far away
Ever since I have been longing for you

You were with someone else
And barely spoke to me
I read it in your eyes the test you had for me
Ever since I have been yearning for you

Come to me
I know the answer to our fantasy
We shouldn't wait much longer you will see
It's no illusion
Trust in me
Come with me
The secret lies beyond monotony
Just innocent attraction rise to me
There is no doubt about it
Give in to me

Until we meet again I will not change my mind
And like the other night you will not say goodbye
Ever since I have been wishing for you

Repeat Chorus

Come to me
We shouldn't wait much longer you will see
It's no illusion trust in me
Come with me
Beyond monotony
Just innocent attraction rise to me
There is no doubt about it

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hectic Monday

Had a most hectic Monday. First up was Mother's follow-up appointment a week after her op. The appointment was in the afternoon. So we left the house about 2-ish and brought Ayu and Yayah along. With the Younger Sis in tow, of course. Took a full day leave just to bring her down.

It was horrid ! We waited 2 hours plus after the appointed time to see the doctor. And their excuse ? Oh, it's always like that at SGH. Well, then ? Shouldn't they address the situation and rectify it ? It was horrid, horrid, horrid ! And I had a wedding dinner to attend in the evening. Plus a birthday celebration for Abi. She turned 2 years old. Ah ... the terrible twos have descended !

So anyways, because of the delayed appointment, we were late for the birthday celebration. Poor kid, dad's out of the country and fav granny, aunts and sisters are not home in time to celebrate her 2 years on earth !

I almost didn't make it to the wedding dinner. I was super late, took a cab down to the hotel. Thankfully, I arrived before the food was served.

So here you go. My postmortem of Monday. Hectic but good. :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wedding Dinner

I've just come back from EH's wedding dinner.

Congratulations to the newly-weds !

Lovely affair.

Nice food.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Another Birthday Wish

To the baby girl of the family.

Loads of love from your aunt, sweetness !

Happy Birthday, Baby (Abi) !

Thursday, December 06, 2007


I've done it. I transferred the money Dad offered. Mom encouraged me to the decision as she said he will spent it all sooner rather than later.

Thanks, Dad.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


So the mother's out of the hospital. Took her home a couple of days ago. Perhaps she will learn her lesson. It's not a joke to lose a limb. No matter how small.

Dad had been pestering me to take part of his insurance payout. I don't want his money. I just want him to be happy. But if it makes him happy that I take his money, then I will.


Moral decisions. Taking money from an unemployed old man. On the other hand, his argument is to provide a bit extra after all the expenses I'd paid throughout the time he got laid off. Hey. I don't mind. It's my responsibilities. I have to. :)

On the other hand. This might just be something I can keep for my future plans. Investments ? Shares ? Haha. As if. I barely have an insurance policy. :D

Birthday wish

A shout out to my favourite nephew !

Happy THIRD Birthday, boy !

Be happy.

Be smart.

Be brave and healthy always !

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Schedule so busy ...

Everyday, I pop over to visit Mom. Everyday, a little piece of my heart hardens. The fact that I can no longer understand or believe the transformation happening right before my eyes. I thought you would be understanding one.

Can we have a bit of peace and quiet here ? Please ?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Last day of the month

The problem solving course I was sent to with JS finally ended.

Freaking assignment to complete and submitted. Oh, mans. This so just feels like I'm back completing my degree course. Do I have the time ? What with the busy period of the end of the month ? What with my mom in hospital still ? I will not think that far ahead. As if.

Right now, I just need to crash. Exhausted beyond the realms of imagination. Way beyond.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

One less

So the op was a success. I hope they managed to get rid of all the infected, affected tissues.

We've just arrived home from the hospital. Exhausted, we all are. My dad and sisters and the nieces and nephew had been staking Mother's room the whole day. Thank you all. Wak Long and Cik Toleh popped by to visit. Thank you for taking the time to see the stubborn one. AKA Mother.

You kind thoughts and prayers and love will forever be a source of strength to Mother.

Sis, if you are reading this, you must remember to take care of your health. Please don't over exert yourself and end up sick.

Call or text me anytime, yeah ?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mom's not home

It's official.

My mom's been warded. Her infected wound had not healed at all. In fact, it got so bad that she might have to amputate the little toe on her right foot. A small thing became such a huge mess. As of now, when we left the hospital, she's just been placed in a room.

The day started when she went to the GP for consultation after much nagging from yours truly last night. After a few minutes of serious talking to by the doc, she was referred to SGH. Thank goodness my younger sis had decided to pop by. She's been holding the fort, with my dad at the A & E.


From then on, it's just the waiting part. To get her blood sugar level tested. To get her X-Rays done. To get the opinion of the orthopaedic surgeon. The question of to operate or to run an intensive course of antibiotics. All this basically took the whole day. From the minute they registered at the A & E at midday today until about 9.30 pm to be placed in a room. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Horrible, ain't it ?

And here we are trying hard to be a medical hub. Medical hub, my backside, I'll tell you. From consultations at the clinics at SGH to being warded, people basically lose precious hours waiting for that "precious" doc's words. No sense of urgency at all by these people in the white coats and stethoscope around their necks. Horrible, horrible experience. I hope I'll die first before I even get a chance to be hospitalised. Like, seriously, mans.

Well then. As you and I both know. It was a goner the minute the flesh started to rot.

Parents. You can't live with them, you can't live without them. Really stubborn creatures, both of them. I mean seriously. What's the harm of listening to us kids once in a while ? Sometimes, you must know that your way isn't always the best.

And so.

I've just reached home to rest after popping by the hospital right after work. Worried, fear, abject horror. A lesson learnt, too painful for words. I hope Mother realised the seriousness of her condition.

Mother, I may lose you one day. I know that. I don't fear it. No one lives forever. But I really, really hope that day is later than sooner. Please spare a thought for us. Yes, us kids, the selfish creatures that we are.

I hope you know this. I hope you will remember this. No matter what;

I Love You.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Smell that ...

I am worried. Like seriously worried for Mother.

She's still sick. I thought she would have gotten better over the weekend but seems like her "cold" is worse than ever.

If I were to guess ?

It's that wound on her right sole. Blood poisoning ? Systemic infection ? Depressed immune system ? All caused by festering wounds on the limbs of diabetics. I have told her to see the GP tomorrow morning.

Actually, I had been saying that since I detected that "rotting flesh" scent. Listen to me ? Yeah, I bloody well wished she did.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

It's pay day !!!

Need I say more ?

Am so getting pissed (plastered) today !!!

Need I say more ?

A big, fat egg

We lost. Man Utd lost.

Idiots !

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Books, books, books

I am such a nerd.

I totally maxed out my borrowals on my library card.

My sis was like saying that I am such an "L" for going to the library on a glorious Saturday evening. I retorted that it's much more beneficial to spend time with the books.


What she didn't know is that I am so gone tomorrow. The best high, there is.

You tell me. *winks*

Thursday, November 22, 2007

High, high, bye-bye

Whoa .. !

My head feels really light. I am writing this with one eye shut as I am experienceing double vision. Definitely not double the fun !

I was helping Mr G earlier but I guess I might have reached the maximum inhalation of thinner. Goes to show that solvents and I can never be pals. I puked a couple of times and eyes were as heavy as lead. However, my head feels lighter than cotton.

Seriously, is this the high drug abusers are chasing ? I can do without it. I swear !

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Flushed ...

I was broke beginning of this week. I came in to work with only 7 bucks yesterday.
Then before the day ends, I got back my claims. Not much but enough.
And today ?
Dad gave me "pocket money".
Something he hasn't done since I graduated from poly. More than 6 years ago.
A good day ?
You bet.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Another Birthday Wish

My elder sis turned another year older today. No celebrations as the school holidays had started and the kids were not around today. Apparently my sis's bro-in-law had taken the 3 kids out for a carousel (?). The youngest was left with my sis and when she came to pick up extra food, the poor kid crashed out in the living room. Exhausted beyond belief.


It's official. It's damn hard being an almost 2-year old kid. :)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I just fall in love again

In the business of flirting with the opposite gender, one can't help but try to see if there is any chemistry between two persons. You know, like the stuff from romance novels. The "zing" of the electricity between the flirter and flirtee. The exchange of words to check for compatibility, humour and wit. Once in a while, a touch on the arms or a friendly punch to the shoulders. And when one of the party walks away, the one left standing (or sitting) in the spot wonders if the feelings are similar.

Will there be another moment for another exchange like that ? Was the behaviour too forward ? Was it a mutual thing ? You know questions that boggle the mind and put a smile on your lips for a moment. Then you shake your head and realised how silly you're being. Of course, people flirt all the time, sometimes unconsciously. Unaware that they are "giving off" sexual vibes. So you turn back to continue your work, glad for that few moments of social interaction.

Thank you, kind sir. You are looking extremely spiffy today. By the way, nice pair of footwear. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

End of term BBQ

I've just came back from the BBQ at Jo's. Nice food, much food. Nice company, excellent company. Good laughs in trying times. So let's not forget to celebrate life. There is no need to bear grudges. Peace and love to all.

(P/S: I'm pissed. Although I can still type well. High on sugar ... All those soft drinks and fruit cocktail. Man, I need to glug down a couple of bottles of plain water before I crash later !)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back me up

I guess what I should start looking. Seriously looking for something new. A few ideas were discarded. The most recent one I was seriously considering joining the Duke-NUS Medical School. The major drawback for me was the cost of the school fees and the loss of income for at least 5 years.

Sometimes I really wish I was born with money. Or have suddenly come into money. I would love to spend it on my major interests. Then again, doesn't everyone wish they have the money to burn ? If wishes were pennies, then the poor would be very rich indeed.

Until then. I hope I can exit gracefully and transition smoothly to my stage in life.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Checkup and such

Took Mom to SGH for a checkup. Together with the younger Sis, we trudged away nicely to the Clinic. After which, we went over to SNEC for Mom's eye appointment. Sis and I had a nice chat in the semi-darkened waiting room of the eye checkup area. It even made me want to fall asleep (early morning today !) !

Not a long wait as before but, suffice to say, it's hell being ill in this country. Everything is so expensive, even with the government subsidies. Especially so if it's a chronic disease like Type II diabetes. You know, the constant monitoring of food intake and the popping of pills to regulate the insulin levels. Seriously, no jokes.

Maybe that is why I am pretty optimistic about not living beyond a certain age. With my genes, who can survive adulthood ?

After the doctor's visit, we stop by Wak's place. You know for Hari Raya visiting and such. It was a good day, overall. It was basically food and more food day today. *rubs tummy happily*

We might do this again next week for another followup appointment. Hopefully my leave application is granted !

Friday, October 19, 2007

What Baby Are You ?

------------------APRIL BABY -------------------
Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous. Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive. Positive attitude. Thinking. Generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and others. Understanding. Fun to be around. Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality. Secretive. Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling. Systematic. Hot but has brains.

If you repost this in 5 mins, a Cutie that's caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize that you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya !

To all my Muslim friends; celebrate !

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A week long break

3 days before Hari Raya and already I am stoning at home. I can't finish my chores, well, at least the ones I was planning to do. Clean up my room, change my bedsheet, wipe down my windows and grills, clear up my bookshelf. All good intentions lead to the road to hell. So instead off ticking off those items as "Done", I am instead stuck here on my keyboard, having the time of my life updating my blog.

Next to do on my list, complete the unfinished library books. Then I can pop by BECL to borrow more. Ain't life a bliss ?

Monday, October 08, 2007

Blessings ... ?

I've just received a call. Quite unexpected, the call is. Should I say more or should I just savour the secrecy of it all ?

For now, I think I will keep my trap shut until the day of reckoning arrives.

Wish me luck !

Sunday, September 09, 2007

~We Used To Be Friends - The Dandy Warhols~

A long time ago
We used to be friends
But I haven't thought of you lately at all
If ever again a greeting is sent to you
Short and sweet to the soul I intent

Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ...

Come now honey
Bring it on, bring it on yeah
Just remember me when you're good to go
Come now sugar
Bring it on, bring it on yeah
Just remember me when

Is something I said or someone I know
Or you call me up maybe I wasn't home
Now everybody needs sometime and everybody knows
The rest of us is fine and everybody knows that

Come now sugar
Bring it on, bring it on yeah
Just remember me when you're good to go
Come now honey
Bring it on, bring it on yeah
Just remember me when

*We used to be friends
A long time ago (Repeat)

Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ... Aa-aah ...

A long time ago
We used to be friends
But I haven't thought of you lately at all
If ever again a greeting is sent to you
Short and sweet to the soul I intent

Repeat *

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Aaliyah turns 4 !

Happy Birthday, dearest !!!

I wish you health.
I wish you happiness.
I wish you all the good times that a person may enjoy.

Happy 4th Birthday (A-A-A-Y-A-A)!!!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The day after

I am at home now with the nieces and nephew for company in the room while typing this. Took the day off after feeling the effects of the last couple of days.

The good news is that again, we managed to clear the audit albeit a minor NC found.

Th bad news ? I guess, I am stuck with this until someone new takes over. Sometimes, I think it's better to fail. Then and only then, the people up there will realise that sometimes you just have too much on your plate to do the best that you can.

Overall, I am just happy to get through another nerve-wrecking audit. :D

Monday, August 20, 2007

Result most foul !!

Frankly my dear, I do give a damn !
Of the 2 Manchester teams, one would expect United to have the winning edge. Unfortunately, City is the one aiming for top flight. Early days yet ?
So this means that there isn't a need to push the 'Panic' button, yet. Right ?
I will believe it when we win the next 10 games on a trot.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am feeling extremely sad.
The death of an animal, though fiction, do get me down.
I am feeling extremely abandoned.
Being the first one in the office on a normal work day is no joke.
I am feeling extremely grateful.
To D for dropping a cuppa by my table fifteen minutes ago.
I am feeling extremely ecstatic.
It's Friday after all, the end of the work week !
Have a great weekend !!! :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Main Entry: 1rage
Pronunciation: 'rAj
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin rabia, from Latin rabies rage, madness, from rabere to be mad; akin to Sanskrit rabhas violence
1 a : violent and uncontrolled anger b : a fit of violent wrath c archaic : INSANITY
2 : violent action (as of wind or sea)
3 : an intense feeling : PASSION
4 : a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm <was all the rage>
synonym see

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's the eve of the Pub Hol !!

Make today a good day and you will enjoy a better past and the best future.
A question was posed to me recently. If I have the power to change anything, what would it be ?
The second I heard the question mark, a few thoughts and other questions came to mind. The loudest voice was asking, something that's for me alone or for the general population ? I pondered and thought about it. I slept and wondered on how best to answer the question without sounding too materialistic nor too mercenary.
Then it hit me.
Decisions. Time management. Common courtesy. Rules of society.
Change that and you can change the world.

Monday, August 06, 2007

A compliment, no ?

. : V : . . : 300 : . . : Transformers : . says:

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day

Thou art more lovely and more temperate.

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer's lease hath all too short a date.

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;

And every fair from fair some time declines,

By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd;

. : V : . . : 300 : . . : Transformers : . says:

But thy eternal summer shall not fade

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;

Nor shall Death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,

When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Lull, a, by ...

A little bit of a lull period for me in the office right now. So I am just catching up on a bit of blogging.
Had my lunch, check.
Caffeine dosage, check.
Just one last thing to follow up on.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Procrastination, thy name is Hel !

As always, all my good intentions fled down the dark entryway as soon as I am connected. The minute the PC is switched on, I am stuck on the gameplay mode. Ahhhh ... ! I've just wasted 48 hours ! Through sleep, reading, mealtimes, shower times, stoning, game playing, travelling (to JB and back ! Under six hours ! *grins*) and some other stuff. Stoning and stoning !

And now, I am still hesitating in the start of my audit planning and questions ! I am so doomed. Oh why, oh why !

*bangs head on the keyboard*

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Decide now

Make me an offer I can't refuse. I will gladly take it up with a spring in my step and a joy in my heart. Ask me not of the consequences. For then, I will not be able to say, "I do."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just heard

E told me that this is the year where yellow would be the lucky for all roosters ! And I'm a rooster ! And I wore yellow today ! I feel so lucky, already.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth, Evil Us ?

What is the main objective of this vision ? According to the parties involved, it is to raise awareness of the dangers we inflict to Earth.

Mass propaganda, mass hysteria, or just massive work ?

So what do I pledge ?

Less time on the PC. And to not leave my radio on overnight. Like, seriously.

Peace, out.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Feel so fine

Can we believe it ? The end of the June holidays are coming to an end. Just 3 weeks of downtime at work. Too short, everyone cried out.

Too freaking bad, yoz. We are an exam centre, so, tough. Live with it and so the evil hit wit.

(Background: Enough with the mind-numbing un-rhymes. No connection ! Connection lost !)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Another day off

Just another day off. Mans, the possibilities. Do the stuff I never did get to do while I'm stuck in my cubicle. Well, not exactly a cubicle, cubicle. I am nothing but another office worker working the 8 to 5 hours.

So anyways, am I glad that I have a steady, decent income. Be thankful, says the Mom.

Aye, I am. Just don't leave me with a mountain of debts is all I ask each day. The housing loan will just about done me in. SO.

No other loans. Being in debt is such a waste of breathing time. :p

Friday, June 08, 2007

Days off and summer loving

Except there is no summer in Singapore. Just one season to fit all. Rain and rainless. And guess what ? It's neither !

So I'm just clearing my leave after using up almost all of my medical. It's the annual that drags me down. My leave, of course. Again, I must remind myself that I am not that indispensable. Oh, the ego trip ! :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Oh, tacky !

The fifth day of the sixth month of the seventh year of the new millenium. It's a good thing I can't exactly manage the second hour, third minute and fourth second of the day ! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2007


In another lifetime, I am perfectly happy. But as we approach the next month and the next, I am reminded how nice it was to not be Solo.

Do I regret my decision ? All the time.

Will I regret the choices I made when I made this decision ? In all honesty, I cannot say I can.

You and I both know that I am not ready. Emotionally and mentally not ready to take the next step. And you and I know what the next step was supposed to be.

But you are happy now. As do I. So in light of this, I know for sure, we did make the right decision.

A plethora of choices had opened up.

We are friends. And we are good to each other that way.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Third one this month !

I went searching high and low.

To get a perfect gift for her.

Came back late but everyone' waiting.

Oh, the sparkle in her eyes.

To receive not one, but two gifts !

Happy 6th Birthday, love !

Kisses, from your "favourite" aunt ! xx:Dxx

Monday, May 07, 2007


D - eeply

A - ffectionate

D - ad !

Happy Birthday !

(P/S: Sorry no cake. Too many cakes in the past week ! :D)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Mommy dearest

Mommy ....

Birthday greetings from your middle daughter.

May you be blessed with more years. And better health. And patience. With these daughters of yours.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Happy days

Oh wells, I'm just another 14 years short of my demise. Real, optimistic hopes ? I can only wish it'd be.

So what shall I do on my free day today ? What else ? Vegetate the brain cells, that's how !

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Noooooooooo .....

I am on another medical leave.

So soon ? Yeah, well. Tell that to the stupid flu bug I was infected with. And I was barely back less than a week since my last medical leave. All those work to catch up. On the plus side, since I took Friday off, a super loooooong weekend is looming ahead. Jealous yet ?

But seriously. April is such a jinxed month for me. I bet you my last dollar that somewhere, someone is sticking pins on the very likeness of me. Haha ... As if I believe in that stupid sh!t !

Ahh, well ... I guess, it's about time I have a long break. Even though through kids' infections like chicken pox. Maybe, I will not fall sick later in the year, no ?


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Open House

Ahhh ... How I love this month. Where all my possibilities may be realised. I am only three days away from officially re-joining the work force. Nicely done, me ! :D

I am well. As well as I can be. Minimal scarring, is always a good thing. Haha ... Anybody want some chicken from me ? :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Birthday !

My sistah !

Another year older. Happy, happy always ... :P

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Cocka-doodle-doo !

Well, guess what the diagnosis was ?

Poxy lady, so fine. Red spots and all.

Chicken, said the brave boy.

Arrrgghhh ....

The good doctor's diagnosis ?

Chicken pox, ya'll !

I'm off. 2 weeks of enforced "holiday".

WHY ME ?????

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Insect bite

I've been bitten !

Zee blud suzkingz insectz damnzed bitz me ! Iam coverz wiz manyz, manyz splotzez. Onz my faze, my scalpz, my toez, everywherez !

H-E-L-P !!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Say, what ?

Day off to be spent catching up on sleep. I wish !

Monday, March 26, 2007

Weird sh!t ...

I have been exercising my freedom of speech. That being said, b!tchy comments have been directed my way.

Glad to be of service. I don't blame the mouthies. We all have our crosses to bear, right ?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Wedding Belle

No, there was no typo error in the subject heading. It is indeed the day when Belle and her Beau tied the knot. The matrimonial knot.

My heartiest and deepest congratulations and wishes to the happy couple. May they lived together in wedded bliss for no and forever.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cookie bits

"Love will always find a way into your life."

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kor ... Happy (Belated) Birthday, you !

And so, it was indeed a wonderful day out for us. We (as in DD, TT, Mr G and R) went on our merry way across the causeway. We had wanted to take a day trip out together for the longest time and finally managed it today.

We had a fabulous time pounding the streets of JB after the DVD purchases. Man, the hard work to get some nice seafood dishes. TT's birthday treat. Communal dining had never seemed so good at a hawker centre. We had crabs, prawns, mussels, stingray and even oyster (omelette, that is) !

All these food made us realise we needed a bit more walking and just to keep up with the birthday gal, we bought pressies ! Nice, useful (hopefully) ones ! A great time was had by all. Famous last phrase.

With that, I am closing the curtains for more fun day outs. Next stop, the Chinese New Year steamboat....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I've made plans

How to spend your off day

1) Sleep really late the night before. Preferably a couple of hours before dawn of the off day.

2) Wake up at midday. Preferably by yourself and not because someone is banging on your bedroom door, thinking you might be dead.

3) Brush your teeth and have your breakfast cum lunch. Preferably both and stuff your self silly.

4) Pick a book to read. Any book. Preferably one that can put you to sleep after the first line.

5) Go back to sleep. Do not hesitate especially since Saturday is your off weekend.

6) Wake up after 10 pm. Have your supper. Get connected.

7) See 1).

(Perfect day, or what ?)

Note: Tips 6 and 7 will only work if a) the off days are Thursday & Friday or b) Friday only. Do not follow tips 6 and 7 if, like me, you only take Thursday off.

Author is not responsible for any hot soup landed by anyone from their bosses who follows these tips.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Nadia Knows Best

Remember I did borrow this book some time back. However, due to some missing pages, I had returned the book without ever finishing it. Knowing full well that there are a few copies of this floating around.

And so, I managed to loan out an intact book. Don't you just hate it when you have started reading a book you have been saving your time for and then you realised as you get to the good parts, missing pages ! Some people are just plain horrid !

I am just glad it as only the beginning of the book that the missing pages came from. Not after two hours and voila ! Not that it had never happened before. I am still waiting to find out the ending of "City of Bones" from Michael Connelly. Someone help me find that book, please !

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Wishing one and all a most wonderful twenty oh seven.