silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Noooooooooo .....

I am on another medical leave.

So soon ? Yeah, well. Tell that to the stupid flu bug I was infected with. And I was barely back less than a week since my last medical leave. All those work to catch up. On the plus side, since I took Friday off, a super loooooong weekend is looming ahead. Jealous yet ?

But seriously. April is such a jinxed month for me. I bet you my last dollar that somewhere, someone is sticking pins on the very likeness of me. Haha ... As if I believe in that stupid sh!t !

Ahh, well ... I guess, it's about time I have a long break. Even though through kids' infections like chicken pox. Maybe, I will not fall sick later in the year, no ?


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