silentscream Search

Friday, February 13, 2004

Valentine's Day.

What a crock ! What a freaking waste of time, date and money. Who cares anyway ? Ultimately, we all die alone. No one's gonna exchange their lives for someone else to live longer than that other person. Undying love, my gluteals ! If love is a many splendored thing, why is there so many freakin' love songs of hearts being broken ? People being dumped, spouses were cuckolded, death come a grabbin'. Tell me, why is it that people revel in love? So that they can be heart broken later in the relationship ? Or is it that people are dumb enough to put their precious things called ego and pride on the line just so they can have someone else they can possess. Come on. If you want possession, go get a good vibrator. Stick up the happy stick and just change the speed. No mess, no complications. If you get tired or bored, just chuck it in the closet until you crave it again.

Emotions hold you back. I must admit, I am very much prone to the odd outbursts and squealing. I wish I am more in control of my feelings. Why is it you love only to be let down later on ? You give all you can but for some selfish reason, you thought that, that someone you love so dearly will never love you back as much as you thought you deserve. Why do you put yourselves in harm's way every freakin' time ? Yeah, well .... I know that everyday that you are still breathing you are in constant danger, but consider this point. It's danger you know not you put yourself in. But falling in love, well, you know the consequences. So don't bitch to all those sundry how that bastard found someone new. Too freakin' bad, babez, you know what you got yourself into when you chose to throw caution to the wind and devote all your attention to that butthead.

So live your lives as you will, and I shall live mine.

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