silentscream Search

Friday, February 20, 2004

I spent $13.20 for lunch today. After the paper, Kavitha, Michelle and I decided to indulge a little and we decided on lunch at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf outlet in Centrepoint. I had the Spicy Tuna Linguine and a small Ice Blended Pure Chocolate, with no whipped cream (please). I thought my food was good but Kav and Michelle were a little dissatisfied with theirs. Good company they made though. I hoped I was a good company too, but I was basically shoving the pasta in my gob whilst they were conversing. This from someone who initially didn't "feel" like lunch. Anyway, now, I am stoning, like really badly. I just want to fall asleep. I can count the actual number of hours I'd slept in the past two days with both hands. Exams always did this to me. Highly caffeinated Helena = highly strung Helena. Oh, and not to forget the weird phrases that were actually let out of my mouth. I can smell the lavender intermingling with the nice aromatic coffee. I am in heaven. Or maybe just in a vivid and lucid dream. *yawns*

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