silentscream Search

Monday, February 23, 2004

Scarface ... fear me ....

I got scratched by my beloved on Saturday. So right at this exact point in time, I am running around with a 15 centimetres healing epidermis, beginning from the centre of my forehead right up to the edge of the lid of my right eye. Cutting through my right eyebrow of course. The scratch was not that deep but the agony of sensitive nerve endings caused me unwarranted pain. So I was screaming in pain, complaining to my mother. She took a cursory glance at it, and declared it, "Not major, what ...". I went to the mirror to check. Saw specks of congealed blood in between and below my brow and went to complain to my sister. And my dad. Both were more sympathetic than Mother was. I declared myself unfit to go out. Then I continued reading my book.

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