silentscream Search

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Ahhhh ...... The pain of my perforated bubble.

*pffffttt* The sound of the air wheezing out.

My leave for this Thursday wasn't approved. I can't sit for my exams !!! Just one freaking day and approval still hasn't come in. Being the good worker that I am, I gave ample notice. I told the teachers involved first week of Feb, officially applied for the leave last Tuesday, and waited like a fool for the approval. Yes, I know my boss is a very busy man, but just approving takes a week.

So, tired of waiting and of not knowing why status of leave is still pending, I went to his office. Asked him nicely about my leave and his reply, "Not approved." Waah.... I just wanna up and cry there and then in his office. He asked what was the leave for, I said exam. He asked what exam, I told him for my part time course. So I asked him why no approval yet and he said he was concerned about the labs and practs and stuff. So I told him, I'd already informed the teachers and that I told them that whatever they need for Thursday, I can prepare before I go off on Wednesday, provided they gave me ample time to do it. He said, "I'd look into it and see what I can do." Look into what ? It would seemed that he doesn't trust me at all. Well, hello if I wanna escape work, I'd gotten an MC, but I am not that nasty, okay ! And I would think he'd had ample time to look into my leave application. Check with the Head of Science (I'd informed him too) and come to a decision. Or even ask to see me. Not to make me sweat for one whole week, not knowing if I can sit for the exams or not. There are procedures to defering the exams too !

So how now ? The question is to wait further or defer my exams ? Major question now, to carry on my revision or not to ?

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