silentscream Search

Friday, February 27, 2004

I am in a weekend mood. Seriously. I have plenty of books to read, so my biggest movement would be when shall I go for my meals. Other than that, I'm booked solid by my mattress. Bliss !

Which [Rainbow Colours] are you?

Thursday, February 26, 2004

The folks celebrated their 26th Anniversary. And what a quiet affair it was. I bought fruit cake on my way home and had my sister and nieces over. Dad was not on any shift yesterday so almost everyone that mattered were present. Almost. Set up the candles, lit it up and before we even got to wish the parents well, Ayu had blown off the flames. Hurhur ... Major clue/hint to hold a 3rd Birthday bash for the dearest. Aaliyah was all smiley and cheerful yesterday. Turning out to be quite a happy babe. So far so good. I am thankful for that.
See .... bad karmic intervention. Manchester United FC lost yet another game. Change of fortunes, some might say. Bollocks ! More like instilling a false sense of lull that Man U is down and out. Watch the serpent strike !

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Bad karma

Karmically speaking, I am going through a bad patch. Well, not me specifically but more for my family and close friends. And me being right smack in the middle of it are feeling the bad vibes. Take for instance, my sisters, without rattling too many skeletons in the closet, both are not doing well. Not in top form at least. And friends wise, well, a few colleagues were laid off and I am visibly upset. Affected. But as they say, when one door closes, another one will open (thinking of The Others), so I hope all goes well for everybody. Eventually.

On a lighter note. I am seriously contemplating a Big Ben visit this coming June. The only drawback would be my annual leave availability after factoring the exams equation. HELP !

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What's your usual [mood]?

Umm .... I rock ?!?

Which [Movie Genres] are you?

Who am I to resist Ewan McGregor ? He rocks !!!

Which [Smallville] Characters are you?

Again I like the photo. Smallville rocks !

Which [Mona Lisa Smile] characters are you?

I posted this just because I liked the photo. Julia Stiles rocks !!!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Okay, I've gotten rid of the pink and now left with clean, clear, virginal white. Just to depict the mental state I'm currently in. Comments people ?

Scarface ... fear me ....

I got scratched by my beloved on Saturday. So right at this exact point in time, I am running around with a 15 centimetres healing epidermis, beginning from the centre of my forehead right up to the edge of the lid of my right eye. Cutting through my right eyebrow of course. The scratch was not that deep but the agony of sensitive nerve endings caused me unwarranted pain. So I was screaming in pain, complaining to my mother. She took a cursory glance at it, and declared it, "Not major, what ...". I went to the mirror to check. Saw specks of congealed blood in between and below my brow and went to complain to my sister. And my dad. Both were more sympathetic than Mother was. I declared myself unfit to go out. Then I continued reading my book.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Okay I'm back to ranting.

I have a cousin's wedding do to attend to this weekend. Loads of free food and great company. Will be out these two days. Updates on Monday !

Friday, February 20, 2004

I spent $13.20 for lunch today. After the paper, Kavitha, Michelle and I decided to indulge a little and we decided on lunch at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf outlet in Centrepoint. I had the Spicy Tuna Linguine and a small Ice Blended Pure Chocolate, with no whipped cream (please). I thought my food was good but Kav and Michelle were a little dissatisfied with theirs. Good company they made though. I hoped I was a good company too, but I was basically shoving the pasta in my gob whilst they were conversing. This from someone who initially didn't "feel" like lunch. Anyway, now, I am stoning, like really badly. I just want to fall asleep. I can count the actual number of hours I'd slept in the past two days with both hands. Exams always did this to me. Highly caffeinated Helena = highly strung Helena. Oh, and not to forget the weird phrases that were actually let out of my mouth. I can smell the lavender intermingling with the nice aromatic coffee. I am in heaven. Or maybe just in a vivid and lucid dream. *yawns*
Finally it's done with. All I can say (wanna say) is that I am so relieved that I went through this hurdle. It was nice in a weird sort of way. One month from now, hear me moan and groan over the results. But, I will always remember today's post and always be glad that I did not chicken out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

So, okay. What is the outcome of yesterday's disaster ?

Well, I made the decision to go through with my exams. Why should I hold back a semester just because my boss "hates" me ? So I am studying dutifully, doing all I could to make the exam date tomorrow morning. I'll just use my 7 miserable time off hours and go for my papers for the next 2 days. What other choice was I given ? Oh, well. Shall not dwell further in this, need the precious minutes to read more on Intro !

P/S: Hey people, thanks for the sympathy and listening ears (or reading eyes ?). Wish me luck !

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Ahhhh ...... The pain of my perforated bubble.

*pffffttt* The sound of the air wheezing out.

My leave for this Thursday wasn't approved. I can't sit for my exams !!! Just one freaking day and approval still hasn't come in. Being the good worker that I am, I gave ample notice. I told the teachers involved first week of Feb, officially applied for the leave last Tuesday, and waited like a fool for the approval. Yes, I know my boss is a very busy man, but just approving takes a week.

So, tired of waiting and of not knowing why status of leave is still pending, I went to his office. Asked him nicely about my leave and his reply, "Not approved." Waah.... I just wanna up and cry there and then in his office. He asked what was the leave for, I said exam. He asked what exam, I told him for my part time course. So I asked him why no approval yet and he said he was concerned about the labs and practs and stuff. So I told him, I'd already informed the teachers and that I told them that whatever they need for Thursday, I can prepare before I go off on Wednesday, provided they gave me ample time to do it. He said, "I'd look into it and see what I can do." Look into what ? It would seemed that he doesn't trust me at all. Well, hello if I wanna escape work, I'd gotten an MC, but I am not that nasty, okay ! And I would think he'd had ample time to look into my leave application. Check with the Head of Science (I'd informed him too) and come to a decision. Or even ask to see me. Not to make me sweat for one whole week, not knowing if I can sit for the exams or not. There are procedures to defering the exams too !

So how now ? The question is to wait further or defer my exams ? Major question now, to carry on my revision or not to ?

Monday, February 16, 2004

This revelation came as I was watching the 2004 MTV Asia Awards last night. When the nominees for the Favourite Artist, Singapore was read out, I suddenly realised how much I H - A - T - E - D Stefanie Sun ! More than I hate Sun Ho, more than any other useless artists in the recording world. For her loyal fans (I guess, my main detractors of this post), let me state my case in point. Sun can't sing, dance (remember her Magical performance for the same award show last year ?), skinny as a whip. She's got no looks, talent or that X-factor, at all ! So what's to like ? She S - U - C - K - S !!! In not so many words.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Valentine's Day.

What a crock ! What a freaking waste of time, date and money. Who cares anyway ? Ultimately, we all die alone. No one's gonna exchange their lives for someone else to live longer than that other person. Undying love, my gluteals ! If love is a many splendored thing, why is there so many freakin' love songs of hearts being broken ? People being dumped, spouses were cuckolded, death come a grabbin'. Tell me, why is it that people revel in love? So that they can be heart broken later in the relationship ? Or is it that people are dumb enough to put their precious things called ego and pride on the line just so they can have someone else they can possess. Come on. If you want possession, go get a good vibrator. Stick up the happy stick and just change the speed. No mess, no complications. If you get tired or bored, just chuck it in the closet until you crave it again.

Emotions hold you back. I must admit, I am very much prone to the odd outbursts and squealing. I wish I am more in control of my feelings. Why is it you love only to be let down later on ? You give all you can but for some selfish reason, you thought that, that someone you love so dearly will never love you back as much as you thought you deserve. Why do you put yourselves in harm's way every freakin' time ? Yeah, well .... I know that everyday that you are still breathing you are in constant danger, but consider this point. It's danger you know not you put yourself in. But falling in love, well, you know the consequences. So don't bitch to all those sundry how that bastard found someone new. Too freakin' bad, babez, you know what you got yourself into when you chose to throw caution to the wind and devote all your attention to that butthead.

So live your lives as you will, and I shall live mine.

Feelin' the luuuuuuurveeeeeee, baybeh .......

What an excellent Friday !

The day started out great for me. I woke up on time. I wasn't rubbing my sleep laden eyes with frust. The water was at a great temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. The feeder service came 5 minutes earlier than usual. There weren't any major accidents along the way. I had a nice chocolate layered cake for breakfast and my coffee was good. I'm having a blast at work ! I am thankful for the fact that the canteen's selling Laksa.

What a good Friday indeed. I love my pink top and Eileen said I looked great, but I bet you my last dollar, some other freaks out there would be sniggering at my choice of topwear. Pre-Valentine's Day is turning out excellently for me.

I'm in love !
I am wearing a pale coral top today. For the uninitiated, pale coral looks like this. For those of you still lost in space, it's freaking pink ! Baby pink !

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Hey people, take a look at this penguin (?). Really funny !

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams. I am studying for my exams.

I am so N O T studying !
Sick of my incessant quizzes ? I am too.
Peace. You Truly Desire Peace. Just relaxing
somewhere calm with a light breeze against your
cheeks is your idea of perfection. You don't like
to start fights, but instead, end them without
using violence.

What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla

Peace, over and out !
Just hang on. I'm gonna be doing my last quiz. Hang in there.
Slippers- happy, sweet, and adorable, you are well
loved by everyone. People cannot help but like
you. You love to be surrounded by people that
love you, who- in your case- is anyone.

What Kind of Shoe Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I wanna be sneakers !!! But slippers are okay, though.
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

Say what ???
Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Freaking POWER RANGERS !!!!! Why can't I get the cool movies like, Fight Club or Moulin Rouge or even The Matrix ?? *sighs*
You represent... happiness.
You represent... happiness.
Boy, are you full of cheer or what...? You have a
sunny disposition and enjoy trying to spread
your happiness. You have a tendency to be a
little hyper, but you have the ability to make
your own fun no matter what.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not feeling particularly happy now. So how ?
Inspiration failed me. I'm just gonna sit down and hum yesterday's song.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

~ Shakin' Stevens ~ Love worth waiting for ~

If you should ever want to be set free

If you're not certain your future lies with me

I'll let you go
until your heart is sure

It's a love worth waiting for.
Now I won't stop you from leaving 'cos I know

The way to keep you would be to let you go.
And I'm prepared to wait a thousand years or more

It's a love worth waiting for.
If you should leave me
oh please
remember in my heart there's a fire

A flame of desire for your charms.
I will keep you alive
this glowing ember.
A love that will burn until you're back in my arms.
You know
my darling
I need you here with me

But only to stay because it's where you ought to be.
'Cos I'm prepared to wait a thousand years or more

It's a love worth waiting for.
In my heart there's a fire

A flame of desire for your charms.
A love that will burn until
You're back in my arms.
You know
my darling

I need you here with me
. . .
It's a love worth waiting for.
I am so sleepy. Slept close to 1.30 am this morning. I was up reading. And in case you are wondering, I am not reading my notes. My exams' less than a week away and I am still doing pleasure reading. It sucks but I can't help myself. I must read 'em. They were calling out my name. Another 10 minutes and I am off. Decided to give the library a miss tonight. Laundry day ! And I absolutely must catch up on my shut eye. Until tomorrow, people. Good evening and have fun.
I cannot believe this. The new Chemistry teacher just up and left after only half a day's teaching. And he was supposed to be teaching the Pre-U levels and Pure Chem. Up and left, just like that. Before he left, he gave me the material's list for the Pre-U 2 level. As I was reading through, I saw one compound which is unavailable, so messaged him, no response. This morning, I went looking for him to ask for alternative for the lab and found out that he had already left ! After passing me the material's list yesterday ! Oh mans ..... What a screw up !

Anyone of you interested in teaching the above mentioned Chemistry levels ? Write in to my HR department.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Met up with Jerian and Isabelle yesterday. Can you believe Belle has 8 cats !!! Kittens and cats !!! 6 male and 2 females. All of them are so adorable. Didi, her first, is so gorgeous ! He's a mixed breed of Persian with the local stray, so he's got the stripey look of the local cat plus the gorgeous fur of Persians ! He's so gorgeous ! And Belle has another mixed breed. A siamese with the local cat, another gorgeous fella ! He's white, short haired, with greyish round patterns on his coat. And he's got the most crystal clear blue eyes ! Name's Kirby ! I want a white kitty too !!!!

Saturday, February 07, 2004

You're mine ..... aiiiiiii ....
You're my favourite waste of time ......

Thursday, February 05, 2004

I have class tonight. My final class for this semester. Feeling kinda sad. Oh how will I spend my Wednesday and Thursday nights from now on ? How can I kill that 3 hours before I reach home, tired, hungry and sleepy ? How ? How ? No more late nights for me. I'd be home by 7 and where will I go from then on ? Oh, wait .... I am jumping from pure joy and that disconnects my rational thoughts from the crazy ones. Hell .... ! I can't wait to finish classes !

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Okay people. I'm not getting the luuuurrrrrvvvveeee here. In line with Valentine's Day, pink is the order of the month. Where is the love, people ??? Show me 'da lovey-dovey bits !!! Oh, btw, Roz said that the R(A) version of Love Actually will be out in selected cinemas on V Day. Anyone up for seconds ????

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So I was watching the Golden Globes Awards (yeah I know.....very sllllooowwww.....) and when it came to the part where Nicole Kidman (last year's best actress winner) had to give away the award for the best actor in the drama category, my mind was in motion. Yeah, I know there was a report somewhere that Tom Cruise was grinning really widely when she called his name. I wondered what his expression was like when she called, "Mr Jude Law," while the rest of the nominees were like called by their given names including the ex-husband's. And it got me to thinking, let's just say Tom Cruise had won that category instead of Sean Penn, when he receives the the award, will he snatch it away ? Will she like basically shoved it in his face (short fella....), thus minimising contact ? Will there be the typical cheeks kissing ? Will she hug him and say, "Congratulations, baybeh .." ? Will he thank her ? Will he blurt, "Baybeh ....... Come back to me ? I'll ditch that b**** ..."

Scenarios, weird scenarios, that some people wished had happened instead of Clint Eastwood coming up on the stage receiving the best drama actor award on behalf of the winner. On the flipside, he didn't bring that witch to the awards. Instead, mommy dearest came along..... *awwww.....*

Well, there's always the Academy Awards to look forward to ....
The beginning of the work week. What else can I say ?