silentscream Search

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Guess where I am ? Not exactly in the office. Yupz. Have been assigned to the customer service area. So right at this moment I am sitting at the lift lobby, typing up my fresh blog facing the lifts. Once in a while when the phone rings I'd pick it up and answer. So my train of thoughts might be interrupted anytime. If I sound incoherent, my apologies.

One more day to the official opening of The Matrix Revolutions. People, I am not booked yet. So, if you need company, just give me a ring !!! And I won't be over-booked. Trust me, I would not say "NO" to a Matrix movie. Never had and never will.

So what do you guys think of yesterday's entry ? Doesn't look exactly like me but does it sound like me ???

Gonna get back to work now. If you guys are dying to watch the movie mentioned, please call me. Ummm ... Pretty please ???

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