silentscream Search

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Hello lovelies ....

Just what have you guys been up to ? Ain't life grand ?

Oh, btw, did I mention that I passed my Advanced Theory. Now all I got to do is get my PDL and an instructor. Anybody out there want to recommend your driving instructor ? I promise to make it strictly business.

So drop me a line .....

Cheerio !

Monday, November 24, 2003

A quickie.

Final day of Ramadan. First day of Syawal tomorrow.

My leave for second to fourth Syawal was approved. *Yay !!!*

Although I need to catch up on my assignments. :((((

Friday, November 21, 2003

Tickets going, going .... gone !!!

Gave them to Siti. She's gonna pull an all-nighter with her current squeeze. Will get her to comment on this event soon.

Thanks Roz. Wouldn't mind giving them to you. Let's see if my luck favours me to win anymore free tix, huh ?

Thanks for your support, people !

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Hey guys, one more day to the movie marathon.

So far no takers.

Somebody ? Anyone ? Anybody ?

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Hey guys, public announcement. Listen up.

I've got a pair of tickets to a movie marathon (3 movies in a row) for this Friday. The marathon is at Cathay Cineleisure and the first movie starts at midnight. Movies being screened are Fanfan La Tulipe, Last Life In The Universe and Love Actually.

Any interested parties, can leave me a message or email. No charge. No joke.

Please do so by 6 pm Friday so that we have ample time to meet and I can handover the tickets.

Some details of movies :
Fanfan la Tulipe (PG)
(French Dialogue with English Subtitles)

Director: Gerard Krawczyk
Cast: Penélope Cruz, Vincent Perez

In the reign of Louis XV, Fanfan la Tulipe, soldier of fortune and a tireless womanizer, is destined, according to the predictions of a seductive Gypsy girl, to marry the King's daughter. But Fanfan is pursued by men who want to force him to marry his latest conquest. To avoid being forced into marriage, Fanfan enrolls in the army and will experience the most incredible and outrageous adventures that link his destiny forever to that of his country, France, and its courtesans.

Last Life In The Universe

In a secret hideout, two accidental killers spend the most awkward three days together hoping to find love, life and redemption.

Love Actually (TBA)
Genre: Comedy

Director: Richard Curtis
Cast: Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Laura Linney, Colin Firth

This ensemble comedy tells ten separate (but intertwining) stories of love in London (with a small portion set in France), leading up to a big climax on Christmas Eve. One of the threads follows the brand new (unmarried) Prime Minister (Grant) of the United Kingdom, who on his first day in 10 Downing Street falls in love with the girl (McCutcheon) who brings him his tea (Thompson plays his sister; Rickman plays her husband). Another story follows the relationship between a stepfather (Neeson) and his young stepson.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I was so knackered out yesterday. Can you believe it that the moment I lay my head on my pillow, I was out cold ? I didn't even need to read a paragraph of the most boring book in the universe ! And when I woke up this morning, I was so rested that I didn't even have a shut eye after my morning meal. Man, exhaustion is damn good, once in a while.

So anyway, someone has been bugging me to write about my class. I told that someone that I had already done so. But, that someone was saying that whatever was written was not what that someone wanted. That someone was thinking I should write more along the lines of my "gratitude" to that certain someone's nagging and pushing me to not waste anymore time "preparing solutions" (making copper sulphate solutions, was the exact phrase that somebody used). I told that someone, all in good time considering last Wednesday was my very first lesson ! All in due time. Today, I dedicated a whole paragraph to this matter and hope that somebody would quieten down until the time comes for the next course entry. Without naming names, I'm sure half of you would have guessed who that someone is.

Friday, November 14, 2003

The way you think about things makes you a Visual Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have many diverse talents. You have especially strong linguistic talents and are very good at interpreting visual information. You've got your feet on the ground, but your mind is capable of very complex, abstract thought. Compared to others, you are easily able to see situations from many different angles. You also understand how things work in a very practical way.

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of a Visual Linguist? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Visual Linguist. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.

That sure makes me feel good ! What are you ? Try here

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Oh . My . GOD .

My first class was like that. The room was crowded, I think there were like 20 - 25 people. Nearly two thirds of them were from the previous semester. So they were basically in their small groups, chattering away, just another session for them to meet up. I walked in, saw where Kavitha was sitting and headed her direction. I sat in front of her, right at the corner, feeling like such a dork. We exchanged hellos but she had another friend beside her and obviously waiting for another person. I had just broken my fast then, so I just sat quietly, browsing the new materials I'd been given and wondering if I was gonna flunk my assignments to high heavens. Sipping my peach Ribena, I was surreptitiously looking at my watch, wanting the 7 o'clock hour to be over, so that we can move on to the 8 o'clock hour and before you know it, it's 9.15 pm and class's dismissed.

But of course, the hands inched slowly. Taking their own sweet time to reach quarter past 7. In my head, I started having doubts of my decision and then without much warning, I saw a 2.7K note flying pass, waving goodbye. "Great, " I thought. "That was the sign, man." 2 mins later, I was joined by a newcomer, Kim. We exchanged pleasantries and soon the lecturer came in. Kim called me over to sit in the empty chair beside her. I moved and that was the beginning of my 2 excrutiating hours.

The population of the class was a mixed bunch. On one end of the scale, we have people who basically have NO knowledge with anything related to biology, anatomy and physiology. Aside from the usual biologic references thrown out by the newspapers. And on the other end of the scale, we have people who are working in the research and service labs and who basically know (or so they think) everything. I am sitting in the middle. At times, the whole session was going far too slowly to sustain interest and there were times when I caught myself going, "HUH ?!? I didn't know that !?!"

As with any normal classes, there were the buggers who asked all the inane questions and others who are Mr/Ms-Know-It-All. The lecturer, well ... okay, she was alright I think. Although her (mis)pronounciations of certain words did raise a little suspicion of me actually making the grades. Anyway, it was only the first session so I hope things will more or less improve my disposition as I get my groove on.

On that note, I still have another new class next Thurs to critique.

Oh, guys, wish me luck. I am re-taking my Advanced Theory test later today. *chorus* "GOOD LUCK !!!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

My first class starts tonight. Oh man, what exciting times ! Although I am feeling slightly sleepy at the moment. Need caffeine. Will load after break fast.

So anyway, Pathophysiology is on tonight. I read through the course guide, WAH ! Damn interesting, sia ! Why didn't anyone warn me about this earlier ???

Hey, sorry, short entry today. I need to go back to the customer service area. Break time is almost over !

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Discussion of the day.

Should I or should I not go to Geylang Serai.

1) They are selling lobsters
2) There is a Turkish Kebabs stall
3) Dendeng is damn sweeeetttt
4) Good bargains for clothing and furnishings
5) Soak up the atmosphere of Ramadan/Syawal


Monday, November 10, 2003

My day began good today.

When I woke up for sahur, I was not grumpy. Went to the kitchen, Mother didn't cook this morning. She made sardine sandwiches and heated up the dish of the day the day before. Assam Pedas, I had that Sunday morning so I didn't want to eat it again this morning. So I decided to load up on milk and the sandwiches. Taking my food into my room, I switched on the tv. Was glued to CNA to find out last night's results. After a few minutes of waiting, finally I found out. Man Utd 2 Liverpool 1. Giggsy was the scorer for both Man U's goals. Yeah ! So no reason to be grumpy. After finding out the good news, I switched channels. Channel 5, STEPS !!!! How to be grumpy, even though I'd missed out the first half hour of the programme ?? Then Mother came out of her room and asked me if I wanted anything else. I said I wanted an omelete. She fried it and took it to my room, I told her to leave it in the kitchen because I wanted to eat a bit of rice with the egg. So I went to get rice, put egg on it and sprinkle a little be of soya sauce. *Yumz !* For the record, I only had 2 pieces of bread (sandwich, lah ...) and two mugs of milk. And the rice of course. That was good.

So I hope my day will end good too.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Friday, November 07, 2003

"Life as you know it, is without its sense of irony." ~ Morpheus

And so it seems to the group of people who managed to be one of the first people to catch The Matrix Revolutions to have to deal with the screening glitch. Poor buggers. I can just imagine the frustration they must have felt when Trinity's voice came on in the middle of the fight between Neo and Agent Smith ! You should read yesterday's print edition of The New Paper regarding this bungle. Really cracked me up.

Seems like everyone who's someone is linked on Friendster. What's the fascination ? I am still in contact with my primary school friends without any help of that program. So what's the big deal ?

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Image taken from Official Matrix Website

So anyways, today is T-H-E big day. And it's only F-A-I-R that I keep harping over it. For those of you who are new to my blog page and are just reading this first dose of my laughable, pathetic, gawddamn, boring piece of crap, let me clear the air. It's not crap. It's my style of writing. But then again who's to say my style isn't crap, right ???

Let me move on ....

What I was referring to was *drumrolls* ......

The opening day of The Matrix Revolutions !!!!


Okay, some of you will definitely give this movie a wide berth, but indulge me anyway (since, you are on my page and have to read whatever "crap" I dish out. Unless of course, you are just about ready to look/move on to another page. And I must say I can't applaud you for that decision of yours ...) ...

If you must know, I am definitely not going to watch the first show tonight (10 pm across the island, approx 140 minutes; length of film, need to wake up early tomorrow). So I will be keeping my ears open to all sorts of conclusions to the movie. I've read the reviews both good and bad and I am still eager to watch the movie. Given the fact that none of my buddies want to watch the movie with me, I will go alone. On a weekend. Quite possibly for a double bill. On the other hand, The Matrix Movie Marathon sounds good too. I wanna go !!!!

Hehe.... Today is definitely a good day for me. I am in high spirits because of the above mentioned and also because of Manchester United's win over Glasgow Rangers. So feeling high is definitely on my list !

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Guess where I am ? Not exactly in the office. Yupz. Have been assigned to the customer service area. So right at this moment I am sitting at the lift lobby, typing up my fresh blog facing the lifts. Once in a while when the phone rings I'd pick it up and answer. So my train of thoughts might be interrupted anytime. If I sound incoherent, my apologies.

One more day to the official opening of The Matrix Revolutions. People, I am not booked yet. So, if you need company, just give me a ring !!! And I won't be over-booked. Trust me, I would not say "NO" to a Matrix movie. Never had and never will.

So what do you guys think of yesterday's entry ? Doesn't look exactly like me but does it sound like me ???

Gonna get back to work now. If you guys are dying to watch the movie mentioned, please call me. Ummm ... Pretty please ???

Monday, November 03, 2003

You are the mystery woman

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, November 01, 2003

It's Saturday ! My, my, how has the work week flown by ! Any plans for the day ?

I was thinking of doing a little clothes shopping but then I just can't be bothered. Will ring Mother later to see if she's made any plans to go out. Then I can tag along and steer her to my true purpose. *evil laugh* To get her a set of new Hari Raya clothes ! *rubs hands gleefully* My master plan will work this time !

So anyway. 2 items I am eyeing. My precious XBox and Motorola E380. The second one is depending on the availability of any other NEW Motorola flip phones. Don't ask me why, but I really, really adore flip phones. And not just from any brands. It has to be a Motorola. So these 2 items would be in my possession (hopefully) by the end of this year. If I do decide to go ahead with my evil ways ! *winks* *lol*