silentscream Search

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 I glad to be back in the prep room or what...!

Yeah, I'm delighted, elated, totally psyched to be back in at the promised place. So much so, I even agreed to meet up with Sam, May, Daniel, Hanyu, Doanna and Aina (!!!). Tonight at Parkway. Hey Jer, you wanna come along??? Oh, well, by the time you read this and give me a reply, the night would have been over. Alisa's been writing in the Comments page...hehe...sorry, have not been updating the page cause of my work...(excuses...!). A bit on the plain side, huh? Not much of a web whiz...Well, you should check out Jer's page. Although it looks simple, it takes a lot of work to make it look simple. Not like mine, bbbbbooooorrrriiinnnngggg.....!!!!

Anyway, as usual, I'm typing away with frozen fingers. Okay, that was just an exaggeration but imagine, sitting quietly at the terminal, aircon blasted to the extreme low, no other movements except for the fingers on the keyboard, wrists rotating slightly once in a while, shoulders locked (ouch!). Of course you'd be frigging cold!!!

Okay, I think I'm not making sense anymore (brain freeze comes to mind) so to stop me from looking stupid in front of every breathing person (who bothers to read until now), I'm saying, "Selamat tinggal..!"

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