silentscream Search

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I don't know what subject/title to put this post under.

I came in to work, pretty happy and content with the buses timings. I was not late, enough time to switch on the computer and be on time for a Web Seminar.

Less than 5 minutes after the seminar started, I received a call from my Boss' official number. Something to update me about. Then he asked if I had received his text. I looked at my phone, and yes, there was an unread message icon. I said I received it but had yet to read it.

So he had to update me. How there was an emergency earlier this morning. What happened to the kid and where he is right now. I was in shock.

Poor kid. She's a fantastic swimmer and yet she had just lost consciousness while she was trying to get a drink of water. Bumped her head and so right now, she's probably awaiting a whole list of tests and scans to be done.

And I thought today might be a quiet day.

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