silentscream Search

Monday, April 30, 2012


One of my cats just passed away. Ma called and her voice was breaking. She was in tears. And with the first words she uttered, I knew it was a disaster. The first thing that came to my  mind was that the powers that be had enforced the rule of no cats in HDB and all my cats were to be sent away.

Close, enough.

She said Rambo just died. I asked her the usual questions. Not been sick for the past few days. No loss of appetite except for this morning. No problems urinating or pooping. What happened, then?

Ma and OM were getting ready to bring him to the vet but he didn't make it. According to Ma, shortly after the end of the afternoon prayers were heard on the radio, he breathed his last.

Ma is devastated.

She wrapped him in a batik cloth and OM has gone to find a burial spot for him to be laid to rest.

Rambo. You were loved and you will be missed.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Celebrating the Good Times

Had tea-ish with Sam, Kav & Hubby and with Dear. The five of us had decided that yesterday was a good time as any to meet up after many, many months (almost two years !) since the last meet up.

Dear and I were the last ones to arrive. We set out on a road trip. From where we were, we took a bus up north to Woodlands. Changed a bus to cut through the highway. Stopped at a bus stop on Piccadilly Circus (yes, there is such a road name in SGP. Courtesy of the Dear) and took another bus all the way to Changi Airport Terminal 3. So we were from one airport to another. It was fun albeit a little later than the agreed meet up time.

We spent six hours there and in those hours, we visited 3 different food establishments. Had different types of food and drinks and good conversations. A couple of birthday treats and brownies as presents. But most of all, it was really the ties that binds. Catching up with old pals and sharing ideas and stories.

At the end of the meet up, we all agreed we should this more often. Dear had it in his mind to organise some kinda party for his birthday. Sounds like a good plan ? You, bet. Keep checking back here or his LJ site for more updates.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Me, My BurfDay and I

Well, hello to all my dearest readers. Yes, to all 5 of you (myself included). Yesterday, the mistress of the post had completed the first year of her third decade. I am determined to stay chipper today as I move on to the second year of the third decade. Happy, happy as a lark !

The first present on the first day of my second year of the third decade came from the Dear. A nice little surprise in the wardrobe from a jeweller's. A ring, perhaps (as indicated in the post a couple of weeks ago, when I had "proposed" to him) ?

I do not know. For I had not opened the present yet. I was in a hurry to be ready to leave for work and at 5.30 am in the morning, certain parts of the brain do not function as normal. So I was not that excited with the gift. Dear had wanted me to open it and he said that I am "sure to like it". I told him, I am not a jewellery sort of person and anything short of a diamond ring (*winks*) I will not be too excited. Hah ! As if ! I love my blinks but sometimes it's difficult to wear them. I have a favourite set and that is the set I wear out all the times.


I will be sure to rip the package open tonight.

More updates later ! :-)

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I don't know what subject/title to put this post under.

I came in to work, pretty happy and content with the buses timings. I was not late, enough time to switch on the computer and be on time for a Web Seminar.

Less than 5 minutes after the seminar started, I received a call from my Boss' official number. Something to update me about. Then he asked if I had received his text. I looked at my phone, and yes, there was an unread message icon. I said I received it but had yet to read it.

So he had to update me. How there was an emergency earlier this morning. What happened to the kid and where he is right now. I was in shock.

Poor kid. She's a fantastic swimmer and yet she had just lost consciousness while she was trying to get a drink of water. Bumped her head and so right now, she's probably awaiting a whole list of tests and scans to be done.

And I thought today might be a quiet day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kevlar Coated Moto FUN !

So I got me a birthday present for myself. What more could a gal ask for ? Nice, fancy looking Android. Trusted Moto company. Loads of freebies. All for under a hundred bucks. Birthday treat or what ?

Just read that Dear was pretty psyched to have the pressie unboxed and switched on and used. Naah ... I am not powering up the device until I get the screen protector, back up my data on my old micro SD card (or transfer data to a new micro SD card; still undecided) and charge up the SMART phone.

Love it, love it ! Sorry, Dear. Estimated date of play time would be next week ! :-P

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th

Hi Everyone.

It's been sooooooo long since I'd written on my blog page. To be exact, almost 4 whole months ! How I missed the many myriad of adventures and stories that were so fun to re-tell. Things had been chugging along fine.

Us versus everyone else is taking little challenges every now and again. But. I will not miss them for the world. It is fun, being us. Planning and plotting our little lives. Everyday, I love him a little bit more than the day before. We are good. The two of us. We are a good unit.


How's life treating my dear readers ? I hope things are going as well as expected. Just remember that it can be a little worse for wear now but the good times will surely come again. Life is really like a wheel. Ups and downs are part and parcel to ensure we live a life worth living.


I have to get back to work.

A great big shout out to my love. Happy New Year, Sayang ! May this new year be fruitful and fun as ever. I look forward to spending this year and the coming years together with you. As you mentioned many times before, we should grow old together. Marry me ?


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sis..

I wish I could had said this to you in person.
I wish I could text this to you for instant good wishes.
I wish I could had gotten a cake for you.
I wish I could help you.

Happy Birthday, Sis. May you find happiness even if it's not with us.