silentscream Search

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I was sick, clearly !

I have been passing on dinner the past 2 nights. My fever went up as high as 38.5 degrees C and finally broke early this morning. I had been surviving on HL milk for sustenance. Thank you Marigold !

I even managed to throw up lunch on Tuesday ! That was might worst day ever ! My fever reached its peak and I missed CSI on Channel 5 ! How could I, right ? Well, I did ! Some people at work even tried to say that perhaps the reason I am not well was because I am preggers. Well, excuse me ! Let me clear the air once and for all. I am not and will not be for a long, long time !

Sheesh, people ! Get a life !!!

Anyways, gotta end here. Ayu wants to say something.

"I love M-O-M-M-Y !!!" Happy 5th Birthday, AYU !!! In advanced of course ! From your loving auntie !!! *muacks*

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