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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Perhaps it was just me

I got into a heated exchange with R in the office yesterday. But then again, we always get into heated exchanges. It's just us.

I commented that since I came in earlier to office these days than the rest, perhaps I should either leave earlier or have longer lunch breaks. And he was clearly unhappy with my reasoning. He claimed that everybody knew to come in at 9.00 am during the school hols and that I should do the same as well, instead of being a "special case".

I told him that there are technically still other kids in school, so it's not really school hols per se. I also mentioned that kids still come by the office, phones still ring before 9. And know what he said in return ?

He called me a martyr. I was thinking, "What the effing ?"

Honestly, I had problems comprehending the word. R had to repeat it a number of times before I gave him my look of the day.

Believe me, I maybe a sotong and stubborn, but I never will voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion (don't think he used the word in this context) or sacrifice something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle (R maybe using the word in this instance). But I guess, clearly he see me as a victim or someone who is a great or constant sufferer. Seriously.

For the record, I did not suffer when I do come in early to the Office. Instead, I get to do things like this, post on my weblog.

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