silentscream Search

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Me love shoppin'

Pardon the incorrect grammar on the title of the post. I am just delirious. Seriously, I love to shop ! I will hoard my savings for a few months and then ... Spend like no one's business. What a day today, phew !

It was a day's out with my 2 favourite girls. My mom and Aaliyah. First stop was to get new lenses. So off we go to Queensway Shopping Centre to my favourite optical shop. While we were there, who ever could resist getting Mom a new pair of glasses ? So we both got our spoils. Then we walked to Brickworks Estate to Blk 2 of Jalan Bukit Merah. Who ever could resist the lovely smells of the chicken rice ? Not me ! After lunch we took bus 14 to Tekka Market. Passed by Orchard Road, where the preparations for tonight's Chingay was in full swing. Cool ...

After which, we went to Tampines. Firstly to get me a new optical mouse. Wired one, of course. And also to get the Xbox Super Heroes Pack. I managed one item on that list. Guess which ? I would have to make my way down to Sim Lim later in the week to get the games. Final stop. Bata. We managed to get Ahmad his first proper shoes ! *joy* Oh, and not forgetting my lovely Yayah ... She got a pair of shoes too !

I made my way to Bedok Library and so I am totally wiped out now. But I'm happy ! Shopping makes me happy. Getting to borrow interesting books makes me happy ! Spending time with my 2 gals, is the icing on the cake. All righty then. Gonna watch Wimbledon on HBO now. More later.

Toodles !

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