silentscream Search

Monday, February 06, 2006

Have a little faith in me

You know what I've come to realise ? Mother can read people really well. We were sitting around the CS counter after work just now and got round to discussing the women we wanted to hook up for Ian. Then we got round to all the single fellas in school and before I knew it, we were talking about the type of people we can see ourselves end up with. As usual, knowing my penchant for living up until 40 (15 more years!), we agreed that I should end up with an older man. Old-er ... Everyone had a good laugh, imagining Yogee with her biker dude and Ian with his Pammie look alike.

So anyways, Dini will try to hook up Ian with one of her friends. Also, Mother and Dini decided that there should be an ice breaker session ala speed dating with every single staff. I can't wait for it. 5 minutes of "Hellos" and "How are yous" might be good for the soul.

But dude, I am still yours. *grins*

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