silentscream Search

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The day after.

Ironically, a date was set up for yesterday by Fie to meet up with Sha and I. Tuesday was the day that the SMS came in to ask if I would be free either on Friday night or Saturday. Mixed feelings awashed when I saw the text. I was contemplating non response but courtesy prevails. I certainly would love to hear and see my "buddies".

No offence, I do not mean to slag people but I guess I had to use the term loosely. So anyways, I decided to bite the bullet and a date was set for Saturday. I must admit, I contemplated a last minute work or Mom thing to cancel on the girls. But, corny as it may sound, I did miss Fie. She was practically MIA for a few months, uncontactable by mobile or by net. I figured, there might have been an invitation card lurking somewhere. After all, this is the season of love (aren't we all glad we are, dear ?).

I saw Fie on Level 4 of Far East Plaza, her striding down the corridor in front of 77th Street in a purple top. She looked different. Glowing, I might add. And she ceased to look aneroxeic. She had filled out, in all the right places, I might be inclined to add. And just like before, we catch up like it was just last week we had not seen each other. Sha couldn't meet us until later, so I pretty much guessed where her priorities lie.

Fie and I had a late lunch and we basically pound the streets of Orchard. Wisma Atria, Borders, Shaw House, Mac Cafe, our resting spot. And we chatted and each minute the hand on the clock moved, I dreaded the time until the circle of three gets completed. I knew then as I knew now, so many times before that 3 is always a crowd. Fie was delighted when Sha finally arrived. I was more subdued. I had my time with Fie and so I bowed to the fact other people's life is so much more interesting than mine.

And so, 20 minutes before 11, I begged off. I told them I will be taking the bus. I had hoped and prayed fervently inside that Sha would not decide to do the same. Some stupid excuse to get away to meet my dear. I know, silly as it may seemed but I needed to assess the day with someone who understands me. And so after a bit of deliberation, Fie and Sha walked away to take the train home.

I walked in the opposite direction, towards the designated meeting spot. Thank you dear for being there when I needed someone to provide that listening ear. I still need to sort out my thoughts. I will keep you posted.

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