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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My little blue book

I have taken to writing my thoughts manually. As in written with a pen on a piece of paper in a book. I am going back to my roots. I started my journal writing more than 10 years ago. It started on bits of pieces of paper before I officially make it into a proper journal (or diary to be accurate). I remember how it started. It started as a thing to do with Sha. We bought books and thought we should start something. Me being the nuttier one, bought a thicker book as compared to Sha's. We then said that we would write something each day and once we finished, we would exchanged and read each other's stories. Sad to say, we never did get to read each other's writings. I can't remember who was the one who chickened out. It could have been me, knowing all the nasties I'd written about.

No matter.

I am a big girl now. I can write what I damn well please. Whether or not the intention is to slag people, I don't give a shit. So there. Blue book or weblog, I will write and no one would shut my voice !

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