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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Coke bottled glasses

In the past 3 months or so, I am prone to temper throwing. It's been a long time since I had last thrown my *frust* look at one of my colleagues. The very last time I can remember was more than 2 years ago, while I was still working in the lab. Back then, the teachers were getting on my nerves almost daily.

I had thought those days were way behind me until quite recently. You know how someone just rubs you the wrong way way before they even open their mouths ? Well, these irksome characters had me almost to boiling point. Individually, irrelevant but all of them together on one day ? Worse than the deepest pits of hell !

How I wish my 15 years of living is almost near. You know, if it gets too tough, I might just revise my hope and konk out at 30. No point in holding on when all hope is gone.

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