silentscream Search

Friday, December 31, 2004

Over, over, over time !

Work was supposed to be half a day today but the boss said that we might need to stay until maybe 3 or so, considering the crowds we had yesterday. And today being the last day and all, with them enjoying the delicious 300 bucks off the fees. Monday would signal another ballgame altogether.

So Cheryl and I stayed until 8 pm ! Talk about a little extra OT hours. I mean seriously, aside from Heman, no one stayed as late as we did tonight. Well, Heman left at like 7, me thinks. So it was just us. Finally I finished all the pending SP application cases, many thanks to Cheryl's help. I don't know why she decided to stay on and help me. Bless her heart, anyways !

Just reached home an hour ago. Gonna read some and then probably pass out in front of the telly. Oh, last day of Ch i broadcast. Feeling down. Where am I gonna catch all the C and B grades movies that never will make it to the big screens ? I'm so gonna miss the channel surfing. Where is the fun of switching channels when I can't view channel 21 ? *sighs*

'Bye i. Sure as hell gonna miss ya ...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Quiet day

Busy day in the office but quiet. As in my inner thoughts shuts up for probably 2 seconds in my life. Teachers came for the meeting, suddenly it dawned on me how near we are to the end of the year. Before I realised it, another 365 days had passed me by. Feeling a little retrospective. Who wouldn't ?

Met the replacement. Let's just say I can see "not staying long" written all over her expression and body language. Guess I am a little jealous. Well, I had been the first one ever, so I kind of liked the feeling that I managed to hang on for 3 years. And that I might not be so replaceable afterall.

Had to break a meet up with Chloe. Got caught up at work again ! What else is new, eh ?

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Had a quickie lunch. Yeah I had rice and I did chew the food well, just that I am spending lunch break by my lonesome self in my prep room. Soon to be ex-prep room. Feeling kinda sad because this is the place where a number of incidents had happened. Good and bad. All memories now. All the quiet lunches, the blasting of music from my favourite radio station, the fury of the rain lashing on the window panes. The chaosness of lab sessions, the outpourings of grief of students, general feedback from teachers. Will miss them all. Goodbye vast room ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

4/5 meet up

First things first, did I even bothered to attend the meet up ? Yes.

Was the meeting place accessible ? Yes.

Was the food good ? Come on ! It's Swensen's ! But I didn't eat, just had a cuppa.

Did I had a good time ? Yeah, it was nice to meet up some old 'mates.

Is Adnan gorgeous ? Hell yeah !


Monday, December 27, 2004

Airhead alert

People reading my blog page for the previous 2 entries might think I am a complete airhead without a compassionate bone in my body. Just to clear the air of any heads, here it goes.

Now, can you please get back to MY life ?

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Super Trouper

I grew to love this song after watching the music vid. Agnetha was doing a disco-sy pointing thing ala John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever when they sing the title track. Such a happy song, rythmn wise that is. Really cheesy disco lights but really cheerful song.

So come on now, "Tonight the super trouper lights are gonna find you ...." (Sings in a falsetto voice)

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

Venus . . . . . The Bull
Taurus Gemstone: Emerald
April Birthstone: Diamond
May Birthstone: Emerald
Flowers: Lily, Lilac
Lucky star: Venus
Lucky day: Friday
Lucky color: Green
Lucky numbers: 3, 9

You are strong, persistent, and patient, harboring a fierce loyalty towards those you love most. (True !) You dedicated a good deal of time to family and are constant in most relationships. (Again, true !) Although you have a tendency to become set in your own ways, you learn from every experience and never stray from a task you have started until you finish it. (Ummmm ....) Taureans often become teachers and leaders in business because they are naturals at providing guidance and creating order. (NO !!!) Because of their warm-hearted nature, they are successful in marriage and have a particular fondness for children. (Awwwww ... You believe that ?) Taureans are avid athletes and enjoy spending time outdoors. (NO WAY !!!!)

HAPPY BOX-ING DAY, ya'll !!!!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Happy Holidays ...

... To one and all. Be you a celebrant or otherwise. Merry wishes and best regards to everyone on this fine Saturday 'noon !

Friday, December 24, 2004

Shiok Pot

Yeah, the title theme of our Christmas lunch do. It's actually a potluck thing but more shiok ! I asked Mother to make Mutton Korma and Achar Pachri. The response was great for Mom's cooking.

Then there was the gift exchange thing. I received a named keychain from Mommy E and a pair of toe socks and a stuffed fat orange striped cat named Prudence from Mother C ! Emily came to the lunch do and she brought my books ! The books I ordered on Amazon !

Har ! I can't wait to start reading them !!

Oh, and both Mr Goh and Heman "offloaded" their gifts to me ! So I had an extra cutlery set and x-mas lights ! Sweet fellas !

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The aftermath

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Goes Prodigy. Just revisiting some of my favourite CDs. And The Fat of the Land is one of them. Hence the thumpings. Shiok babeeee !

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Thursday, December 16, 2004


I have been leaving work later and later. When I reached home, I have just enough time for a shower and a quick dinner. I have no time to read the papers but thankfully I managed an hour to watch CSI the other day and finish up a couple of books. I am socially inept.

I need to change my blog template, right ?

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Book trippin'

I went nuts at the library ! I found a couple of books that I wanted to read so. One of them is Sandra Brown's Hello Darkness. From the blurb alone, I knew I am in for one exciting, thrilling read ! I can't wait to start on it. Anyways, I'd better read as much as I could before my Lab Skills module begins. I'd be clawing for breathing space otherwise !

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Socialisin' part deux

I went out with another set of friends from work. This time, instead of a movie (oh, btw, the other night when I wanted to watch The Incredibles, the tix were selling out fast so my work friends and I decided to catch Bridget Jones instead. Was it good ? Well, dinner was great, the 3 of us shared the stuffed spinach and cheese pasta and veg pizza at Pastamania. Movie was debatable (plus point was of course the Colin Firth factor). The company was of course excellent !!), this time we just had dinner and something.

Initially the plan was to go to Hard Rock's so even though I can't eat most of the food there, I could probably have desserts. Instead, we ended up at Harry's @ The Esplanade. Seriously mans, half way through their dinner, I regretted my decision to go. The company was not too bad but certain cliques and inside jokes have been formed and mainly the conversation was done in Channel 8. Half the time I sat there wondering what I could do if I had left for home on time.

I am so disappointed but I guess with Auntie Rosie's visit coming soon, I might have just been hormonal. Anyways, the event is over and there is no point crying over my "lost" 3 hours !

Which Emoticon Are You?

The emoticon that represents you best is the Smiling Face

What's up, smiley? Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room.

Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you're a staple on anyone's list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you're online to chat. Whether you're shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks' faces. After all, it's just so natural for you!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Another Monday

Another week begins. Another drudgery day. Another reason to smile. Another burr to pick out from ...


Sunday, December 05, 2004

It's a boy !

Third time aunt !

As we speak now, my elder sister is waiting for the ambulance to arrive and pick her up. Her water bag just burst and my mom is angry with her for not checking in to the hospital earlier. Her expected due date is today and I don't wonder why Mother is pissed ! So anyways, I am going to be aunt for the third time !

I hope the delivery goes well and I hope it's another girl !


Friday, December 03, 2004

Caught it ...

Harhar ....

I caught something I didn't want to, at least not this month. No, it's nothing serious. Just the usual case of the influenza bug. *sobs*

I was adamant in writing about the wonderful day I had today while I was bathing just now. Not anymore though. Now, I just want to hit the sack. I need to get up early so I won't be late for work again. Well, I hope I could even wake up when my alarms go off at 5.25 and 5.41 am. Wake up to turn them off only.

I'm sniffling.

Not a good sign. Not good at all.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


Wahey ! Man U's through to the semifinals of the Carling Cup. Man U's second string side beat Arsenal's second string side by a goal from David Bellion. So there.

Taufik's crowned the first ever Singapore Idol. I must say I was pretty surprised that he managed to edge out "Stallone" ! I was rooting for Taufik but my gut was telling me that Sly would be the runaway winner. Boy, am I glad that my gut instincts sucked last night !

I am watching "The Incredibles" after work tonight. I heard good reviews of the movie/cartoon so I MUST watch it !

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Dick's medley

That was the best part of the Singapore Idol Final show. It showed his versatility with his compositions and best of all, the extra publicity for his upcoming show at Kallang Theatre middle of next month. Will I go ? Are cows black and white ? So at this moment, I am recruiting people to watch Dick's show. Who can ever resist life.stories ?

Late for work

I was late for 20 minutes ! Just because the main feeder service came 2 minutes later than usual. And I missed my usual 10 minutes to 8 am bus service to work and as a result I am 20 freaking minutes late ! See the chain of events ?

So anyways, it's Elaine's birthday ! Happy 2~ birthday dear ! I know you're still in Egypt at this moment so I know you'll be having loads of fun !