silentscream Search

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

When I say goodbye

Mother was hospitalised on Sunday evening.

Yesterday afternoon she had her left big toe amputated.

I don't know when she will be discharged. Father told her to get plenty of rest while she's there. To take care of her health and watch her diet. I took urgent leave yesterday. And when I came back today, people have been dispensing advices on how best to not get Mother in hospital again. First and foremost on their minds is the diet and medication. Yupz. Mother, you are so gonna get a brand new diet, courtesy of me. Trust me when I say that enough things / body parts have been lost.

Gosh, I miss my mother. Yeah, I know I see her everyday, call each other every day since the day she was admitted. I still miss her. Especially at night, when I used to run to her room to "bother" her. I know she's be out soon but I just can't hold back the tears and stop them from running free. All the pent up fears and anxiety from Sunday. As I take her round the A&E department before she was finally warded. Her raging fever on Sunday night. She's in pain at times and I wish I could have done something to stop it or take it all away.

My mom, my best friend.

God, I'm such a crybaby.

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