silentscream Search

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Turn around

My mother will be discharged today. I took leave from work today to go and pick her up.

Anyway, my elder sis dreamed that she'd be serving loads of drinks to people who come to see mother at home. She said the queue even extended to outside the main door. However, as they say, dreams are usually the opposite of reality.


There'd be no one coming to visit my ma at home. Well, aside from my aunts, Cik Piah and Wak Long. And maybe my cuzs. Salihah, Ju (maybe), Kak Nana and Abang Sani. Well, this weekend, please don't ask me out. Will be busy at home with my ma and guests.

Just to let you in. My social life is not dead as a doornail, there is a meet up with some of my poly mates and ex-lecturers. Sam's leaving for the UK on the 13th of next month (Yasmin's b-dae ! See, I remembered !). I am still a bit sad. Why is that people who I have a good rapport with are always leaving ? *Arrgghhh....*

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