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Friday, August 22, 2003

Paradise lost

She surreptitiously glanced at the man sitting in front of her. Her view was often obscured by the newspaper he was reading. All she could make out at times was his eyes moving from line to line as he skimmed the articles in the papers. What a captivating movement they made, she thought. And what intelligent and gorgeous baby blues they were.

He looked up from the paragaraph he was reading and glanced the carriage. As he eyes made the slow scan from the left to the right of the small space, it slowly centered on the woman sitting in front of him. She was observing him in a way that she thought was inconspicuous. Their gazes caught and they shared a secret smile as if they were both aware of something that was unknown to the rest of the commuters.

Trying to prolong the mutual attention each was given so freely, she gave a tiny wink and placed her forefinger on her lips. She hoped ...

Movin' On

I tried the famous catfish main course at Swensen's last night. Was there with Doanna, Daniel, Samuel and Dr Quek. Dr Yeo was supposed to turn up too but apparently, he couldn't get out of a meeting so he ended up not coming at all. And according to Samuel, he was the one who suggested the meet up in light of Sam's going to London in September for a few years. Make that at the very least 3 years, IF he just completes his honours degree. So anyway, Dr Quek is back at TP (already knew it from Alisa's blog.), Doanna's working in a talent agency, Dr Yeo is still with Dunman Sec making waves (small ripples ?!?) in the Life Sciences industry. Oh, and Daniel is changing fields. He's going to Murdoch Uni in Feb next year after his ORD to pursue a degree in Mass Comm. I WANNA STUDY MASS COMM...!!!!

So anyway, that's like the latest news I could glean off from people in one night. Well, there are somethings that I have to conceal for lack of space. Memory space that is ! Oh, btw, Dr Quek paid for dinner. Felt bad because, we had plans to pay our own. He called for the bill and took out his card and when we wanted to pay our share, he waved us off. Gosh ! Dinner for 5 cost him $114. A hundred and fourteen bucks !! Shoot. No more dinners with (ex)lecturers !

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Better best forgotten


With a title like this, what can be better best forgotten ? Unrequited love. That's one.

Most embarrassing moment. That's two.

The lousiest sex with the most boring person. That's another notch on the belt.

That's it. I've come up empty. Anbody else want to add in ???

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Turn around

My mother will be discharged today. I took leave from work today to go and pick her up.

Anyway, my elder sis dreamed that she'd be serving loads of drinks to people who come to see mother at home. She said the queue even extended to outside the main door. However, as they say, dreams are usually the opposite of reality.


There'd be no one coming to visit my ma at home. Well, aside from my aunts, Cik Piah and Wak Long. And maybe my cuzs. Salihah, Ju (maybe), Kak Nana and Abang Sani. Well, this weekend, please don't ask me out. Will be busy at home with my ma and guests.

Just to let you in. My social life is not dead as a doornail, there is a meet up with some of my poly mates and ex-lecturers. Sam's leaving for the UK on the 13th of next month (Yasmin's b-dae ! See, I remembered !). I am still a bit sad. Why is that people who I have a good rapport with are always leaving ? *Arrgghhh....*

Monday, August 18, 2003

Every morning Chain reaction

Okay, just to update. I have had this blog up and running since Oct 2002. It's gonna be a year to the birth of my virtual thoughts. Mine and mine alone. The collaborative blog doesn't count because it's collaborative. And as such it doesn't count.

I've had many entries and numerous comments. Good, bad and some even plain horrendous. I've changed my writing style from short, abbreviated form to the more traditional tone of writing.

Life has given me the ups and downs, the good and bad, the exciting and boring (yadda ... yadda ... you get my drift.), some of them were written in to just throw things out of my chest.


This is the most boring post I've ever typed up.

Sorry. You can shoot me now.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Mars and venus

I went to JB for a while today.

Make that from 1 pm to 7 pm. I went in with my colleagues. They wanted to do a bit shopping and I wanted to get away. At least for a day. Well, yeah, it wasn't easy though.

My mother's feeling much better now as compared to last week.

Thank yous to everyone who asked about her condition. Appreciate your concern. And advices.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

When I say goodbye

Mother was hospitalised on Sunday evening.

Yesterday afternoon she had her left big toe amputated.

I don't know when she will be discharged. Father told her to get plenty of rest while she's there. To take care of her health and watch her diet. I took urgent leave yesterday. And when I came back today, people have been dispensing advices on how best to not get Mother in hospital again. First and foremost on their minds is the diet and medication. Yupz. Mother, you are so gonna get a brand new diet, courtesy of me. Trust me when I say that enough things / body parts have been lost.

Gosh, I miss my mother. Yeah, I know I see her everyday, call each other every day since the day she was admitted. I still miss her. Especially at night, when I used to run to her room to "bother" her. I know she's be out soon but I just can't hold back the tears and stop them from running free. All the pent up fears and anxiety from Sunday. As I take her round the A&E department before she was finally warded. Her raging fever on Sunday night. She's in pain at times and I wish I could have done something to stop it or take it all away.

My mom, my best friend.

God, I'm such a crybaby.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

One for sorrow

I wanted your love, but look what it's done to me
All my dreams have come to nothing
Who would have believed
All the laughter that we shared would be a memory
I cannot count the tears you've cost me
If I could have seen

And do you think of me
And how we used to be ?

Oh, I know you're somewhere else right now
And loving someone else no doubt
Well I'm one for sorrow
Ain't it too too bad
Are you breaking someone else's heart
'cos you're taking my love where you are
Well I'm one for sorrow
Ain't it too too bad about us

I wanted your love, but I got uncertainty
I tried so hard to understand you
All the good it did me
Now the places that we knew remind me of how we were
Everything is just the same
But all I feel is hurt

And do you ever think of me
And how we used to be ?

Lyrics by : Topham/Twigg/Ellington All Boys Music Ltd
Sung by : Steps (Claire on lead vocals)

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Words are not enough

It's Singapore's National Day today. Yupz ... 38 years ago we decided to strike it on our own and fend for ourselves. After the British, Japanese and Malaysians, our colonial masters, we decided well ... enough's enough. What harm could come if we self govern ?


I am watching the NDP at the moment, and I'm thinking, "Things don't change. Much." At least parade wise.

At home everything is so different. I remember how my sisters and I used to tune in every year and go, "Ooh.... Ahhh....". Mother would be watching too. Giving out "useless" facts of what each contingent stand for. Commenting on the differences between the Army, Airforce and Navy. We'd all knew it but she'd go on anyway.

This year, my elder sis is with her family, my younger sis places more importance on her social life and Mother is unwell. So here I am pouring out my woes. Mother has not been well for about 2 weeks now. She's got diabetes type 2 and since her big toe was infected, she's been feverish and nauseated. She hasn't cooked for 3 days because just standing up would make her giddy. I had to cancel or make stupid excuses to any social outings I've made with my friends because if I were to go, there'd be no one around to make sure nothing bad happens. Except for my cats of course.

One can always make new friends but not new mothers.

I 'd asked Mother to go to the doctor. But how could she when just being vertical caused her to see black spots ? She just had her temperature taken. 39.1 degrees Celsius. I felt like calling the ambulance and sending her to the hospital. However, seeing the infected toe, most likely than not, some minor surgery would be required.

Okay. Enough of self misery. Hey people, I'm really sorry for cancelling on our plans. I'd love to go but unless my mother's situation improves, I'd stay away from any at the very last minute. So very sorry.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

It's the way you make me feel

For people who have never seen any of Steps music vid, this link will take you there. It might take sometime to load, so please be patient. Only for those with broadband or cable connection (hi-bandwidth). For those with low-bandwidth and would love to see it, please inform me, I can put it up for you.

BTW, people, this is my absolute fav vid from Steps.



My nephew's birth is imminent.

Well, at least I am hoping that it would be a boy this time. And no, I have nothing against girls. It's just that it's high time my household have a bouncing baby boy. Funny thing is, all the women wanted a boy. Mother, Elder and Younger Sistah. And me of course. Father on the other hand was hoping it'd be a girl. Another girl ! Imagine the chaotic future. Fights, arguments, jealousies.


But whatever the gender is, most importantly, let the baby be healthy.

Yeap. Considering my sister's disgusting habit, let the child be healthy. Like Ayu.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

If you believe

Yay... !

I've managed to turn on the header. Yeah, I know for some of you, it's a no brainner but, hey, I am but a lousy techhie wannabe.

So sue me.

Too weak to resist

So what is the fascination of writing in a weblog ? In recent days, there have been write-ups in the papers regarding the popularity of online diaries / journals among the young. A way of releasing your pent up feelings. And for everyone to read what has been written and generally offer words of sympathies, empathies and encouragements. It helps a lot, especially for people who feels like there is no other avenues to pursuit.

I write in because I like seeing my stuff online.

Yeap, the vainpot that I am.

Damn, I sure can write. And, boy am I glad that I am literate. Thank you modernisation.

Peace, over and out.