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Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well, today will be the last day I mention my (busted) ankle.

It is on the road to recovery. Bruises are still visible. However, the swelling had gone down quite considerably. I am more or less walking with less shooting pains. I took the prescribed medications as faithfully as I should. Resting and keeping the foot elevated was the advise of the day. I think that is how the swelling came down as fast as it did.

I am still quite hesitant to rotate the ankle. If there had been any slight tear, I do not want to completely shred the tendon/ligament. I think the blood supply is also good as my toes are not blue. Haha.. I am glad for all the milk I drank as there are no fracture !! Well, I am also glad that I have plenty of flesh to cushion any impact on the bones ! :-)

Overall, I am in a happy kinda mood. Well, to be honest, with the exception of me being miffed due to Dear being away. Away ! When I am immobile (kinda). It kinda sucks, really. To spend the weekend alone and not able to go anywhere.

So after the short nap, I decided to check on my work email. Update my blog and stuff. Good thing I did not go ahead and buy the tickets to the Siloso Beach Party. I would really love to shake the booty with the cool acts performing that night. Ah, wells. We'll leave it to another year (if I survive 2013 !).

Night Everyone ! Watching footie on the telly now..

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