silentscream Search

Friday, December 28, 2012

(Almost) All Clear on the (L) Ankle front

Just to update.

The swelling on my ankle had gone down a little. I still experience shooting pain when I attempt to walk. Still doing the shuffling and the hobbling. Bruising is observed above the arch of my foot. No fracture, quite possibly a pulled tendon (or ligament ?). Taking the meds like a good girl, though they knock me out nice and good. Applying the cream even though they make me smell like "old people". Haha .. I know. Ageist. I have nothing against them, just an aversion to the scent of methyl salicylate.

Been working on the computer for the past couple of hours. Just clearing the mailbox. Will try to do some more work if I am not "conked out" after lunch later.

Have a best day, everyone. Wishing the weather remains nice and chilly..

Hey, Hons. Missing you loads. Hope you have a fruitful day shopping. Don't forget my requests !


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