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Monday, December 31, 2012

Cold, wet, grey but wonderful day !

A shout out to all the people celebrating their birthday this new year's eve.

To my niece, an ex-schoolmate, Boss and The Boss !

May you guys be blessed and have a good year ahead !

To my readers, have an enjoyable day/evening cuddling with your fav & loved ones. May the year 2013 bring fortune, happiness and good karma !


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top of the table

That's where the footie club I am following and supporting is at. Going into the new year being top of the heap is a wonderful feeling. Two back to back wins with van Persie last minute goals just takes the cake. The one thing that's got me bothered is the shirts I've ordered almost 3 weeks ago.

When will the "table cloth" arrive ????


Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well, today will be the last day I mention my (busted) ankle.

It is on the road to recovery. Bruises are still visible. However, the swelling had gone down quite considerably. I am more or less walking with less shooting pains. I took the prescribed medications as faithfully as I should. Resting and keeping the foot elevated was the advise of the day. I think that is how the swelling came down as fast as it did.

I am still quite hesitant to rotate the ankle. If there had been any slight tear, I do not want to completely shred the tendon/ligament. I think the blood supply is also good as my toes are not blue. Haha.. I am glad for all the milk I drank as there are no fracture !! Well, I am also glad that I have plenty of flesh to cushion any impact on the bones ! :-)

Overall, I am in a happy kinda mood. Well, to be honest, with the exception of me being miffed due to Dear being away. Away ! When I am immobile (kinda). It kinda sucks, really. To spend the weekend alone and not able to go anywhere.

So after the short nap, I decided to check on my work email. Update my blog and stuff. Good thing I did not go ahead and buy the tickets to the Siloso Beach Party. I would really love to shake the booty with the cool acts performing that night. Ah, wells. We'll leave it to another year (if I survive 2013 !).

Night Everyone ! Watching footie on the telly now..

Friday, December 28, 2012

My (Busted) Ankle

Note the swollen left ankle

Close up of the bruise

The bruising after 2 hours from the above

Ankle view

(Almost) All Clear on the (L) Ankle front

Just to update.

The swelling on my ankle had gone down a little. I still experience shooting pain when I attempt to walk. Still doing the shuffling and the hobbling. Bruising is observed above the arch of my foot. No fracture, quite possibly a pulled tendon (or ligament ?). Taking the meds like a good girl, though they knock me out nice and good. Applying the cream even though they make me smell like "old people". Haha .. I know. Ageist. I have nothing against them, just an aversion to the scent of methyl salicylate.

Been working on the computer for the past couple of hours. Just clearing the mailbox. Will try to do some more work if I am not "conked out" after lunch later.

Have a best day, everyone. Wishing the weather remains nice and chilly..

Hey, Hons. Missing you loads. Hope you have a fruitful day shopping. Don't forget my requests !


Thursday, December 27, 2012

My sorry A#%

What a day it had been.

I cried, I prayed, I hoped, I laughed, I cried, I smiled and I hoped.

Such was the morning of the 27th for me.

Right now, I am saddled with a huge, swollen left ankle. Everytime I shuffled (not walk) shooting pains assault my senses. And to top it off, my right thigh is refusing to cooperate. I guess it's thinking that if the left limb can experience pain of some degree, then the right limb has every right to feel the same.

Okay, off to the doctor later. The college nurse said it might be a tissue inflammation. It might just be a sprain. Well, I'm hoping it's not a torn anything !

Received a lovely Singa and Tulips for the anniversary. 57 months of togetherness and yet we are separated today. Such is life, eh ?

Have a wonderful day, y'all..