silentscream Search

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sick Leave

Boyfriend is on sick leave these next 2 days. It's been a hard time for us these few weeks. Our morale, motivation for work has dropped way below the approved drop zone. Our trust in people in the work place is zilch, zero, nil, nada.

I wish for things to be different. For people to be less stubborn. For people to be more courteous. When common decency had ceased to exist, what's the point of continuing the facade ?

I've been called for a job interview today. However, due to a few unforseen matters, I had to postpone it. I may or may not get the call up again but in a way, it had boosted a little of my confidence level.

It's telling me, "Hey, you are still wanted in the workforce ! Just keep on applying and very soon you will get what you've been striving for."

Dear, I hope you don't lose hope. There are companies out there looking for people of your calibre and moral aptitudes. Don't lose heart. I pray for you and for everyone else searching for a job in this tough times.

Bless be to all who seek the way to the light. Let no one drag you back to the dark sight of reality. Take care all !

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