silentscream Search

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cricket ...

Yes I understand the freaking game !!!

I know cricket, I know cricket .... *sings in a falsetto*

It's actually is a pretty fun game. So far, my allegiance is with Team Sri Lanka. My favourite bowler ? Malinga. He's a mad crazy bowler kinda guy. :D

Anyways, I understand the game and that's the most important thing. Boyfriend's addicted to all things Man Utd and I am now a fan of cricket. Although Boyfriend said that the reason I enjoyed it much was because it was just the ICC World Twenty20 matches. He told me that the real test to enjoying the game is when the Test Series comes on.

For now, I'm just happy that we both appreciate each other's favourite sport to watch. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Help the Cancer Kids

Hello people, I am writing here for the second time in 2 years in aid of the Children's Cancer Foundation.

Please visit Boyfriend's page and donate generously to the foundation.

Ultimately whoever name you donate under, they are all acting on behalf of this organisation.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sick Leave

Boyfriend is on sick leave these next 2 days. It's been a hard time for us these few weeks. Our morale, motivation for work has dropped way below the approved drop zone. Our trust in people in the work place is zilch, zero, nil, nada.

I wish for things to be different. For people to be less stubborn. For people to be more courteous. When common decency had ceased to exist, what's the point of continuing the facade ?

I've been called for a job interview today. However, due to a few unforseen matters, I had to postpone it. I may or may not get the call up again but in a way, it had boosted a little of my confidence level.

It's telling me, "Hey, you are still wanted in the workforce ! Just keep on applying and very soon you will get what you've been striving for."

Dear, I hope you don't lose hope. There are companies out there looking for people of your calibre and moral aptitudes. Don't lose heart. I pray for you and for everyone else searching for a job in this tough times.

Bless be to all who seek the way to the light. Let no one drag you back to the dark sight of reality. Take care all !

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Year Birthday Boy !!!

To Fat Boy No. 2 (FB No.2) ....


Come and see me at my place to pick up your birthday present !

Your Fav. Aunt. :)

Monday, June 08, 2009

New Passport

Step 2 of 2: Enquiry Result
Thank you for using APPLES.
The status of your application is as follows:
NRIC/BC Number : SXXXX312C
Application Reference No. : P/20090603XXXXXSIP
Date of Application : 03/06/2009
Status of application : APPROVED

Please come personally to collect the passport from 08/06/2009 onwards.
If you wish to collect your passport on a specific date and time, you may book an appointment with ICA at Applicants who book an appointment to collect their passports and come on time can expect to
be served within a shorter time. Please note that passport collection on Saturdays are strictly by appointment only.

Children must also be present with the consenting parent/guardian to collect their passports.

Items to Bring/Actions to Take:
If you have included your child in your passport, child deletion form (if applicable) can be downloaded at our website
Passport Collection Hours (at ICA)
Monday to Friday : 8.00 am to 4.30 pm (Appointment Preferred)
Saturday : 8.00 am to 12.30 pm (Strictly by Appointment)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

3D Movie Event

Dearest and I went to catch two movies last evening. Movie night. Ah, how I loved movie nights. We caught Monsters Vs Aliens in 3D format and Star Trek. They were awesome !

Honestly, I didn't expect Star Trek to be so non-nerd friendly. I had my reservations when Dearest suggested that movie, well, being a non-Trekkie fan and all. But it was pretty palatable to me. The action sequences were actually well shot and the images were brilliant. Storyline is basically about good versus evil and how the good guys will triumph over the bad guys when they work together. Yadda ... Yadda ... Yadda .... But what fascinates me the most about the movie was the fact that non-Trekkies were not alienated (no pun intended) ! Most excellent !

The 3D feature ? It was excellent. We saw some upcoming movie trailers in 3D and man, don't I want to part extra money for the chance to catch them in 3D format !

And tonight ? Tonight, we'll be watching Angels & Demons. Hopefully it'll not be disappointing.

Now, I'm gonna catch a wee bit of snooze time. More updates later. :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Where things are shit

Just plain shit. I am unhappy in an unhappy place. I like my work, I hate my boss and the other fucking retard colleagues. When did this state of mind come about ? Through the unfairness of their practices. Through the backstabbing of someone we thought we trusted. Every day that I dragged myself to work is because of the fact that it's something I need to do in a day.

The drudgery of waking up, getting dressed and setting off to work is certainly not fun. Nothing's fun anymore. I asked myself day in, day out, why am I still here ? Why am I still in a dead end job with nothing to look forward to except sharing some time with the less irksome people ?

I come up empty every time I question myself. My fault ? Not fitting in ? Or no longer wanting to fit in ? There are so many times when I just rant and rave and curse the injustice but what did I achieve ? Not a damn thing I can buy for my sanity.

I'm tired. So darn tired of fighting, keeping my game face on every day. How much longer ? I need an out. I want an out.


Monday, June 01, 2009

Man U - Asia tour in Malaysia

It's now down to 2 tour companies. One that is of good repute and comfortable coaches. The other provides mineral water.

Hmmm .... Which one do we choose then ?