silentscream Search

Thursday, April 02, 2009


So after 8 days in the hospital, Mother is being released today. Initially the doctor wanted to let her out on Tuesday but Mother was adamant that she gets more bed rest. Hence, rest she did.

Dear had been the champion these whole time Mother was in. He's been with me visiting the whole time she was hospitalised. Thank you, Love. You know you didn't have to do it and yet you did stay by my side. Dislike as you did with the one who shall not be named, you still supported me. Thank you.

Having brought Mother home safely, I needed to pop by Home Nursing Foundation to arrange a nurse to come once every two days to change my Ma's wound dressing. Everything is settled, hopefully.

The nurse will come by tomorrow and I will have to learn to clean and change the dressing as I believe my Elder Sis will be squeamish.

Ah wells. Part time nurse, here I become !

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