silentscream Search

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday (Belated)

In the voice of Ayu, Yayah, Ahmad and Abi

Happy Birthday to you,

Your father kill you,

Your mother cook you,

Everybody eat you !

We had roast chicken last night ...

Friday, April 17, 2009

To be sure

Is not to be sure.

So what is my current mental state ? Weird. Last night was worse. I was acting like a big baby again. Tell me, should I be punished ? Well. In a sense, I had hope to be a grown up about things. But then shit happens, again and again.

And so. We will be having that conversation again.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day off

Took the Ma for her Ortho appointment. It took us a good 5 hours in the hospital. What with the waiting around to see the doc, the waiting to get her wound checked, the waiting to get the meds, the waiting for lunch and stuff.

So no hope of me going back to the office to finish up some stuff.

Ah wells.

Gives me more time to read TCON, then.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And so ...

I forgot to replenish my coffee supply. My instant coffee powder ? Finito. I have milk and sugar but no coffee.

My head hurts now. Headache due to non caffeine consumption. I am stuck getting the cold cans of Nescafe (Mocha) from the vending machines downstairs. I need to bum off a coupla packs of 3-in-1 instant coffeemix. Or get another can of Nescafe from the vending machine downstairs.

I miss my boyfriend !!! Loads and loads of hugs and kisses in store for the Dear one.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

As seen (Part 2)

As seen on the back of the HartBeat Love Candy - Blackcurrant Flavoured :

The bigger they come,
the harder they fall.

Monday, April 13, 2009

As seen (Part 1)

As seen on the back of the HartBeat Love Candy - Honey Dew Flavoured :

True love...conquers all.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

~Kita Ditakdirkan Jatuh Cinta~ By Spring

Dedicated to the one I love.

Ku tak tahu mengapa tiba-tiba sahaja
Di dalam hati ini sering rindu padamu
Ingin ku meluahkan tak berdaya

Ku tahu engkau jua sangat sayang padaku
Kau pun sering merindu bila tidak bertemu
Ternyata kau dan aku pendam rasa

Kau dan aku
Sudah ditakdirkan bertemu
Dan tiba-tiba kita jatuh cinta

Ini semua sudah suratan ilahi
Dan kita harus hadapi kenyataan

Biar apapun terjadi aku harap engkau tabah
Menerimaku sebagai teman barumu
Sehingga kita saling sayang

Janganlah engkau pergi selagi dihatiku
Masih menyayangi mu
Oohhh sayangku

Bila sehari tak pandang
Aku rindu...

Happy Birthday !!

To: Wawa,

Dearest Sis.

For your birthday is the start of the Family Birthdays. The Last One among the sisters. The youngest and cherished by everyone. Happy, happy birthday baby!

May all your hopes and dreams be realised. May your own family flourished and be content always. May you receive blessings, love and kindness to those you bestow yours upon.

I love you, sis !

Allah bless you and your family and may you live long and happy to see the fruits of your labour.


From: Second Sis.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mood most foul

I am trying to sleep early these days. There is little motive for me to be up late on the long weekend because nothing interesting ever happens. I can't catch any of the BPL actions as I'm cableless. My usual fix of weekend football come from the Dear one. And you know where he is.

So there.

I have eventually finished reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Hmmm ... It's a pretty hefty book, over 600 pages long but it was an easy read to an extent. However, if I drop the reading after more than 2 days, I need to catch up on the characters. Which I did. Which is why it took me that looooooooooooong to complete the read. I am normally not that w-o-l-s.

So anyways. I was thinking of reading Stardust so that we could watch the recorded movie when Dear comes back but well. The book's at his place and wont as I like to "breaking and entering", I will not do such a thing. Lest his housemates call the cops on me. Or lest Dear has to pay extra for me to hold his keys.


Guess I will have to try to finish The Chronicles of Narnia (Book 1 - 7) then.

I want my BF back !!! I want him back this weekend.

Not a possibility, hence I will sleep early. Man U be damned.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Have I ever mentioned before that April is my favourite month ? It's the month, many, many years ago that my parents were expecting me to make an appearance.

But now ? April sucks. April is when I get left behind. For at least a week or two, I'd get left behind. It's now two years in a row. Last year, for half a month I was abandoned. This year, it's a week. It hurts more this year because we are a year old now.

I don't like this feeling of abandonment. What's the point of a birthday month when you get left behind by someone dearest to you ?

April sucks. Go away and don't greet me for another year. When I will be left behind again.


Mood: Sad

Thursday, April 02, 2009


So after 8 days in the hospital, Mother is being released today. Initially the doctor wanted to let her out on Tuesday but Mother was adamant that she gets more bed rest. Hence, rest she did.

Dear had been the champion these whole time Mother was in. He's been with me visiting the whole time she was hospitalised. Thank you, Love. You know you didn't have to do it and yet you did stay by my side. Dislike as you did with the one who shall not be named, you still supported me. Thank you.

Having brought Mother home safely, I needed to pop by Home Nursing Foundation to arrange a nurse to come once every two days to change my Ma's wound dressing. Everything is settled, hopefully.

The nurse will come by tomorrow and I will have to learn to clean and change the dressing as I believe my Elder Sis will be squeamish.

Ah wells. Part time nurse, here I become !

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fool

And the fool's me.

Foolish and stupid. He's going to leave me this month. For at least a week. :(

Mom's okay but I'm a fool because obviously she's a poor thing. Her being scammed is a poor thing. Then I'm a fool for being scammed by her, no ?

Fool, yeah that's me.