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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Perhaps it was just me

I got into a heated exchange with R in the office yesterday. But then again, we always get into heated exchanges. It's just us.

I commented that since I came in earlier to office these days than the rest, perhaps I should either leave earlier or have longer lunch breaks. And he was clearly unhappy with my reasoning. He claimed that everybody knew to come in at 9.00 am during the school hols and that I should do the same as well, instead of being a "special case".

I told him that there are technically still other kids in school, so it's not really school hols per se. I also mentioned that kids still come by the office, phones still ring before 9. And know what he said in return ?

He called me a martyr. I was thinking, "What the effing ?"

Honestly, I had problems comprehending the word. R had to repeat it a number of times before I gave him my look of the day.

Believe me, I maybe a sotong and stubborn, but I never will voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion (don't think he used the word in this context) or sacrifice something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle (R maybe using the word in this instance). But I guess, clearly he see me as a victim or someone who is a great or constant sufferer. Seriously.

For the record, I did not suffer when I do come in early to the Office. Instead, I get to do things like this, post on my weblog.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Life as I know it ...

Is shot to pieces !

Currently, I am the only sotong in the Office. Well, I was in like at 7.40 am. My excuse ? I took the school bus so it was the usual morning for me. What I didn’t realise was that the others all come in at 9.00 am ! And what time do they leave ??? 5.30 pm ! Like how fair is that ? To come in an hour later and only to leave office half hour later than moi. My fault ? Yeah, right. And so, I am gonna just do my work and hope the day passes by quickly enough. If I am lucky, I can easily disappear after lunch. How does that sound ?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I was sick, clearly !

I have been passing on dinner the past 2 nights. My fever went up as high as 38.5 degrees C and finally broke early this morning. I had been surviving on HL milk for sustenance. Thank you Marigold !

I even managed to throw up lunch on Tuesday ! That was might worst day ever ! My fever reached its peak and I missed CSI on Channel 5 ! How could I, right ? Well, I did ! Some people at work even tried to say that perhaps the reason I am not well was because I am preggers. Well, excuse me ! Let me clear the air once and for all. I am not and will not be for a long, long time !

Sheesh, people ! Get a life !!!

Anyways, gotta end here. Ayu wants to say something.

"I love M-O-M-M-Y !!!" Happy 5th Birthday, AYU !!! In advanced of course ! From your loving auntie !!! *muacks*

Saturday, May 13, 2006

No news does NOT mean good news !

Hey, hey what's up guys ? My apologies for neglecting you this past week. Guess after the birthday month, the rest of the months (days) just bleed into one another !


So many things have been happening. As usual, the people I work with have their weird scrapes with me. Am I really such a meanie to work with ?

I am listening to Class 95 in the office, blasting the radio like no tomorrow for the weekend 80s Retro music ! Solid !!! Boogie-ing to the music I didn't grow up with, fun ! Waiting for the sudden downpour to stop before I make my way home. I need to cut back on my internet wasting time and proceed to complete my ISO audit checklist !

HELP !!!


Friday, May 05, 2006


On the 4th of May 2006 !!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Everybody go "Aaahhh ..."

What can I say ? Another long day in the office. Yes, it had started. My late nights and early mornings in the office. Technically I work longer than the usual 9-5 shift. Not only that, it's even longer than the 12 hour shift !

Ah, wells ... Better call it a night soon. Mr G was kind enough to drive us idiots home this late hour. After dinner, of course ! Talk later, yea ?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ayu, say one word in English !

This shall be a really short post. I am beat and my eyelids are drooping down just like Droopy the dog in the Tom & Jerry Show.

So anyways, the kids in school, mostly love my new do. The peeps at work were a bit lukewarm but overall, my new do did seem quite fashionable. My BBS did love the style, his words not mine ! Thank you people for your support ... *muacks*

Night peeps !

Monday, May 01, 2006

Blepharitis, hordeolum (stye) or chalazion ?

All good days must come to an end. Hence that is why people have to die. It's the cycle of life, the law of the land. And so, difficult as it is to leave the lazy days behind, I must.

Who else but me have to just check the work mailbox a day before coming back to work ? It sorta tempted me to go back and just finish all outstanding and pending cases. The heart goes pitter patter when I looked at the list of outstanding cases to be completed. I know, I know. I am repeating but ... *sighs*

Again, I should have kept my curiosity at bay and just wait until tomorrow.

Just found out that I am staying in an area not contested in the General Election 2006. Hah. And I thought I could go round and proclaim I do cast my first ever vote into the ballot box. What a pity. And I am of the young(er) generation whom some might label as apathetic. Well, us not being given a chance to prove otherwise. Oh wells ...

My gogglebox's been acting funny lately. All white screen and disappearing pictures. Time to purchase a new one, no ?

All right then. My muse had flown out of the window. I am gonna shower and hit the sack soon. Must psyche myself to wake up early fr work tomorrow. Loads of changes. Loads of changes ...

Oh, for the record, it's a stye on my right eye(lid) !