silentscream Search

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Perfectionist Rooster

The "I can do better" inspirer.

In 2005, your energy level rises. Rooster souls are offered large projects, contracts and management positions. Don't hesitate to declare your love for that special someone this year. You will find the necessary words to convince them of your devotion and a marriage proposal could be accepted immediately. If you want to change career or company, 2005 is definitely favorable to take the necessary steps.

Do not neglect even a small cut or scrape; as there could be an increased risk of infection at this time. A brief dip in luck during September and October will require tireless Roosters to devote more time to everything and exhaustion from overwork may take its toll.

Roosters find themselves crying metaphorically "Who will help me make this bread?" Remember to balance your life, time and workload with sufficient rest. Changes will take place in your life during this year which will set the stage for future progress.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

~ Supreme by Robbie Williams ~

Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived

Yeah are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumour in your humour,
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit,
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive
You must survive

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Oh what are you really looking for?
Another partner in your life to
abuse and to adore?
Is it lovey dovey stuff,
Do you need a bit of rough?
Get on your knees

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear
'Cause you can't avoid the sentiment
That echoes in your ear
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Do you believe
You must believe
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

I spy with my little eye
Something beginning with (ah)
Got my back up
And now she's screaming
So I've got to turn the track up
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up
I know this girl she likes to switch teams
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Come and live a love supreme
Don't let it get you down
Everybody lives for love


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Just Friends

This is the last book I read. Cried buckets when I finished it. It brought up that question that is forever being asked with no satisfying answers forthcoming.

Can a man and a woman be just friends ?

In a perfect world, the answer might be a resounding yes. But in this imperfect space we live in, I have yet to see for myself. Let me rephrase the question then. Can a straight man and a straight woman be just friends ? And siblings don't count. Then again so many things hinge on friendships. Which is better then ? To remain just friends when the attraction is there or to take it a level further ?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Another long day

Stayed late after work today. Officially I can go at noon but stayed up till four. Why ? I had to finish up my paperwork. Again, I must reiterate, pushing paperwork has been the only thing that kept me dedicated to the West, rather than enjoying a splendid afternoon in bed in the East. On a plus point, I got a ride home. Oh wells, too many things to do to sit around and chat.

Talk later yeah ?

Friday, January 14, 2005

Spilt milk and all

Just got home not too long ago. Was out with the colleagues at the pub a few metres away from the office. Played pool (!), laughed aplenty (!!), defrust a lot (!!!) and fagged a few times (!!!!!). Yeah I know. I felt bad afterwards. Just washed the hair, all the ciggie smoke clinging to the clothes and hair.

HD was venting pretty bad tonight. Seriously speaking, he was all hands on on me. "HE's my buddy," I kept thinking. Well, when he was whispering into my ear, his breath tickling the hairs on my nape and his arm around the chair, it sure didn't feel like buddies to me. Too bad he's married, otherwise, I might consider going for it. *sighs* Pitter-patter went the heartbeat, but no, nothing happened.

IP was just sitting soaking everything, the big daddy of them all. MM was quiet too. EL and DL shared some inside jokes together, had a blast didn't they ? MG was also soaking up the whole situation.

What a time to end the week !

What a relief too, knowing that I might not need lose my job afterall. Absentmindedness is a bitch.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Fucked up

Oh what a fuck, cock up ! Shit situation.

I lost a student's passport. Shit ... shit ... shit ...

I thought I could renew the social visit pass but I realised I didn't have the passport with me. So I went to look for the student and he claimed he passed it to me like 2 days ago ! Searched everywhere in the freaking office and I didn't find it anywhere. Fuck !

Colleagues helped to look for it but still the said passport was elusive. Where could I have left it ?

Bugger, if the bosses find out, I am so out of the office. So out. I was late for class again. Fuck, fuck, fuck !! This is like so freaking bad !

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bleargh ....

I had just finished doing my assignment. To be handed in tomorrow in lab. Anyways, I was reminded by the Technical Officer (TO) not to be late for class again. Hell, I have no choice, it's either I abandon my work or go for class. If I don't do my work, I can't even consider attending lessons. Seriously, they think we all have it easy. Anyways, they get paid for staying late, unlike some poor sucker (i.e. ME !).

Gonna have to hit the sack soon.

Talk later, yeah ?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

An hour zzzs ...

Oh mother.

Please remind me why I bothered to stay up until now to finish my Lab report ? Why didn't I do it over the weekend ? Why was I glued to the books I'd borrowed rather than completing the report ? Why did I even decide to have dinner with IP and MG last night ? So many whys with no easy answers. *shakes head miserably*

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Yikes ....

I went out with the mom and niece to the interchange. Bloody crowded ! I went to Giant because the mom wanted to get some pita bread. Ended shopping for a number of stuff. Even bought potong ice cream (yums !).

The niece was temperamental again. Sheesh ... Kids are so annoying sometimes. Anyways, it's all quiet now. Must finish the book ...

Friday, January 07, 2005

Almost 2 hours !!!

Silly-billy me decided to try the bus route again tonight. Just reached home ! It was whacked ! Changed buses four times ! 4 times !!! Count that !!!

Sheesh ... Gonna shower now. Thank goodness I don't have to come in to work early tomorrow. Well, it is my off Saturday. Tried to get it changed because of lab next week but there were no takers. Oh well, might come in later and try to finish my work. Think will read for a bit before I hit the sack though.

All the bus changing is keeping me awake ! *yawns*

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Not too bad

The only weeknight off lab this week. Had a last minute briefing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are the proper lab classes. Nice seeing Kavitha again. Started the term lousy. We were late for class ! And it's in Singapore Poly ! So freaking far (from home !). Took the train on Monday, reached home within the hour. Took a bus yesterday. Number 14. *groans* The journey home nearly killed me ! Oh brother !!!

Anyways, gonna have an early night. At least will try too ... *winks*

Monday, January 03, 2005

Lab Skills module


A hundred and thirty five bucks per session. Read that again. S$135 per lab session. Peanuts ? Well, call me a monkey then !

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Rainy days are here again

It rained non stop today. Intermittent drizzles with the outpourings of grief from the big gray skies. Stayed in my room for most hours today. The nieces were here since the day before yesterday, and had done my fair share of playing and teasing. Now I am once again cloistered in my room, staring at the screen. Had wanted to watch Ocean's Eleven but couldn't be bothered to switch on the telly.

Little Prudence's staring at me, giving me the evil eye. And I have a bitchin' headache to go with the cold feet. Also I will be wasting more money as the weather prevented me from returning the borrowed library books. Dang it ...! Guess I have to make a trip down on the morrow to prevent further leakage of the funds.

School's starting. For me and the elder niece. Fun times all round, as you guys can expect. Hey Sam, if you are reading any of my entries, drop a comment, yeah ? It's starting to feel like an ickle ghost town here !

Saturday, January 01, 2005

To one and all

HAPPY NEW YEAR, twenty-oh-five !!!!